How do i print an html page?

Have you ever tried to print from your web browser? Why does the printed version look nothing like what’s in your browser?

Common issues when printing from the web include shifted elements, missing images, content not fitting the page, etc.

I’m going to show you how to make your web page print the same way it looks on screen.

Help! My printed site looks terrible!

You’ve got a site that looks great on screen, and you need users to be able to print what they see.

To test what users will see when they print, choose File > Print from Google Chrome (it’s got a nice print preview). Unfortunately, the print preview looks nothing like your beautiful website.

The layout is completely lost in the print version … or is it?

The quick fix

If you have a simple page, you may be able to modify a single HTML attribute to dramatically improve the printed result.

To apply the fix, open your HTML file in a text editor and search for any  or