How do you print on the same line in python?

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    Generally, people switching from C/C++ to Python wonder how to print two or more variables or statements without going into a new line in python. Since the python print() function by default ends with a newline. Python has a predefined format if you use print(a_variable) then it will go to the next line automatically. 

    For example: 




    Will result in this: 


    But sometimes it may happen that we don’t want to go to the next line but want to print on the same line. So what we can do? 

    For Example: 

    Input : print("geeks") print("geeksforgeeks")
    Output : geeks geeksforgeeks
    Input : a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    Output : 1 2 3 4 

    The solution discussed here is totally dependent on the python version you are using. 




    a = [1, 2, 3, 4]

    for i in range(4):



    geeks geeksforgeeks
    1 2 3 4


    print("geeks", end =" ")


    a = [1, 2, 3, 4]

    for i in range(4):

        print(a[i], end =" ")


    geeks geeksforgeeks
    1 2 3 4



    1 2 3 4 5 6

    The print() method in Python automatically prints in the next line each time. The print() method by default takes the pointer to the next line.


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    for i in range(5):



    Modify print() method to print on the same line

    The print method takes an extra parameter end=” “ to keep the pointer on the same line.

    The end parameter can take certain values such as a space or some sign in the double quotes to separate the elements printed in the same line.


    print(“…..” , end=” “)

    The end=” “ is used to print in the same line with space after each element. It prints a space after each element in the same line.


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    for i in range(5):
       print(i,end=" ")


    0 1 2 3 4

    The end=”” is used to print on same line without space. Keeping the doube quotes empty merge all the elements together in the same line.


     Live Demo

    for i in range(5):



    The end=”,” is used to print in the same line with a comma after each element. We can use some other sign such as ‘.’ or ‘;’ inside the end parameter.


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    for i in range(5):



    How do you print on the same line in python?

    Updated on 10-Mar-2021 14:07:42

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