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Hậu thế random
ClassBoardsPot (đối tượng): boardSpot(object):
value=0 = 0
selected=False = False
mine=False = False
def__init __ (tự): __init__(self):
self.selected=False.selected = False
def__str __ (tự): __str__(self):
trở lại (boardspot.value) str(boardSpot.value)
Defismine (tự): isMine(self):
ifboardspot.value ==-1: boardSpot.value == -1:
trở lại True
returnFalse False
ClassboardClass (đối tượng): boardClass(object):
def__init __ (self, m_boardsize, m_nummines): __init__(self, m_boardSize, m_numMines):
self.board = [[boardspot () foriinrange (m_boardsize)] forjinrange (m_boardsize)]].board = [[boardSpot() for i in range(m_boardSize)] for j in range(m_boardSize)]
self.boardSize=m_boardSize.boardSize = m_boardSize
self.numMines=m_numMines.numMines = m_numMines
self.selectableSpots=m_boardSize*m_boardSize-m_numMines.selectableSpots = m_boardSize * m_boardSize - m_numMines
i=0 = 0
trong khi tôi i < m_numMines:
x = ngẫu nhiên.randint (0, self.boardsize-1) = random.randint(0, self.boardSize-1)
y = ngẫu nhiên.randint (0, self.boardsize-1) = random.randint(0, self.boardSize-1)
ifnotself.board [x] [y] .mine: not self.board[x][y].mine:
self.addmine (x, y).addMine(x, y)
i+=1 += 1
i-=1 -= 1
def__str __ (tự): __str__(self):
trở lại (boardspot.value) = " "
Defismine (tự): = "\n---"
ifboardspot.value ==-1: i in range(0, self.boardSize):
trở lại += " | " + str(i)
divider+="----" += "----"
returnFalse += "\n"
returnString+=divider += divider
ClassboardClass (đối tượng): y in range(0, self.boardSize):
def__init __ (self, m_boardsize, m_nummines): += str(y)
self.board = [[boardspot () foriinrange (m_boardsize)] forjinrange (m_boardsize)]] x in range(0, self.boardSize):
trong khi tôi self.board[x][y].mine and self.board[x][y].selected:
x = ngẫu nhiên.randint (0, self.boardsize-1) += " |" + str(self.board[x][y].value)
y = ngẫu nhiên.randint (0, self.boardsize-1) self.board[x][y].selected:
ifnotself.board [x] [y] .mine: += " | " + str(self.board[x][y].value)
ReturnString = "" += " | "
chia = "\ n ---" += " |"
returnString+=divider += divider
foriinrange (0, self.boardsize): returnString
ReturnString+= "|"+str (i) addMine(self, x, y):
self.board[x][y].value=-1.board[x][y].value = -1
self.board[x][y].mine=True.board[x][y].mine = True
chia+= "\ n" i in range(x-1, x+2):
ifi>=0andi i >= 0 and i < self.boardSize:
foryinrange (0, self.boardsize): y-1 >= 0 and not self.board[i][y-1].mine:
self.board[i][y-1].value+=1.board[i][y-1].value += 1
ify+1 y+1 < self.boardSize and not self.board[i][y+1].mine:
self.board[i][y+1].value+=1.board[i][y+1].value += 1
trở lại+= str (y) x-1 >= 0 and not self.board[x-1][y].mine:
self.board[x-1][y].value+=1.board[x-1][y].value += 1
ifx+1 x+1 < self.boardSize and not self.board[x+1][y].mine:
self.board[x+1][y].value+=1.board[x+1][y].value += 1
Foxinrange (0, self.boardsize): makeMove(self, x, y):
self.board[x][y].selected=True.board[x][y].selected = True
self.selectableSpots-=1.selectableSpots -= 1
ifelf.board [x] [y] .mineandself.board [x] [y] .Selected: self.board[x][y].value == -1:
returnFalse False
ClassboardClass (đối tượng): self.board[x][y].value == 0:
chia+= "\ n" i in range(x-1, x+2):
ifi>=0andi i >= 0 and i < self.boardSize:
foryinrange (0, self.boardsize): y-1 >= 0 and not self.board[i][y-1].selected:
trở lại+= str (y).makeMove(i, y-1)
ify+1 y+1 < self.boardSize and not self.board[i][y+1].selected:
Foxinrange (0, self.boardsize):.makeMove(i, y+1)
ifelf.board [x] [y] .mineandself.board [x] [y] .Selected: x-1 >= 0 and not self.board[x-1][y].selected:
ReturnString+= "|"+str (self.board [x] [y] .value).makeMove(x-1, y)
ifx+1 x+1 < self.boardSize and not self.board[x+1][y].selected:
elifelf.board [x] [y] .Selected:.makeMove(x+1, y)
trở lại True
trở lại True
returnFalse hitMine(self, x, y):
returnself.board[x][y].value==-1 self.board[x][y].value == -1
ClassboardClass (đối tượng): isWinner(self):
returnself.selectableSpots==0 self.selectableSpots == 0
def__init __ (self, m_boardsize, m_nummines):
self.board = [[boardspot () foriinrange (m_boardsize)] forjinrange (m_boardsize)]] playGame():
trong khi tôi = int(input("Choose the Width of the board: "))
x = ngẫu nhiên.randint (0, self.boardsize-1) = int(input("Choose the number of mines: "))
gameOver=False = False
winner=False = False
y = ngẫu nhiên.randint (0, self.boardsize-1) = boardClass(boardSize, numMines)
ifnotself.board [x] [y] .mine: not gameOver:
self.addmine (x, y)(Board)
khác:("Make your move:")
ReturnString = "" = int(input("x: "))
chia = "\ n ---" = int(input("y: "))
foriinrange (0, self.boardsize):.makeMove(x, y)
ReturnString+= "|"+str (i) = Board.hitMine(x, y)
chia+= "\ n" Board.isWinner() and gameOver == False:
gameOver=True = True
winner=True = True
self.addmine (x, y)(Board)
khác: winner:
ReturnString = ""("Congratulations, You Win!")
ReturnString = ""("You hit a mine, Game Over!")
chia = "\ n ---"()