Print e pattern in python

Last update on August 19 2022 21:50:46 (UTC/GMT +8 hours)

Python Conditional: Exercise - 19 with Solution

Write a Python program to print alphabet pattern 'E'.

Pictorial Presentation:

Print e pattern in python

Sample Solution:

Python Code:

for row in range(0,7):    
    for column in range(0,7):     
        if (column == 1 or ((row == 0 or row == 6) and (column > 1 and column < 6)) or (row == 3 and column > 1 and column < 5)):  
            result_str=result_str+" "    

Sample Output:


Flowchart :

Print e pattern in python

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Previous: Write a Python program to print alphabet pattern 'D'.
Next: Write a Python program to print alphabet pattern 'G'.

Python: Tips of the Day

Combining two iterable of tuples or pivot nested iterables:

# Combining two iterables
>>> a = [1, 2, 3]
>>> b = ['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> z = zip(a, b)
>>> z
[(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c')]

# Pivoting list of tuples
>>> zip(*z)
[(1, 2, 3), ('a', 'b', 'c')]


  1. str="";    
  2. for Row in range(0,7):    
  3.     for Col in range(0,7):     
  4.         if (Col == 1 or ((Row == 0 or Row == 6and (Col > 1 and Col < 6)) or (Row == 3 and Col > 1 and Col < 5)):  
  5.             str=str+"*"    
  6.         else:      
  7.             str=str+" "    
  8.     str=str+"\n"    
  9. print(str);    


August 2, 2020 August 2, 2020

Hello everyone! Welcome back to I am continuing with this pattern programming series, here I will tell you how to print the pattern of the letter ‘E’. In the previous tutorials, I have shown you the pattern for the letter ‘D’, letter C, letter A, and letter B. Here it’s now time for Pattern E.

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Print Pattern E – Code Visualization


Python program to print the pattern of letter ‘E’


  • Read an input integer for asking the size of the letter using input()
  • Check if the entered number is greater than 8,
    • if yes, call the function print_pattern()
    • else, show a message to enter a number which is greater or equal to 8
  • print_pattern()
    • here we only do two things, print star(*) and print space( ), just writing conditions so the pattern of *‘s and ‘s will display the pattern ‘E’
    • following are 3 conditions for printing *’s
      We have 2 loops, outer loop() for rows and inner loop for columns.
    • # Outer for loop
          for row in range(n): 
              # Inner for loop 
              for column in range(n - 2):
      • Print first and last row and middle row
        • ((row == 0 or row == n-1 or row == n//2 )
      • Print first column
        • column == 0
    • print in remaining all cases.


__author__ = 'Avinash'

# Python3 program to print alphabet E pattern

# *********
# *
# *
# *
# *********
# *
# *
# *********

def print_pattern(n):
    # Outer for loop for number of rows
    for row in range(n):

        # Inner for loop columns
        for column in range(n):

            # prints first and last and middle row
            if ((row == 0 or row == n - 1 or row == n // 2) or

                    # prints first column
                    column == 0):
                print("*", end="")
                print(" ", end="")

size = int(input("Enter size: \t"))

if size < 8:
    print("Enter a size greater than 8")


Print e pattern in python
Pattern E – Pattern Programming –

How do you print a pattern E in Python?

for Row in range(0,7):.
for Col in range(0,7):.
if (Col == 1 or ((Row == 0 or Row == 6) and (Col > 1 and Col < 6)) or (Row == 3 and Col > 1 and Col < 5)):.
str=str+" ".

What is printing pattern in Python?

Patterns can be printed in python using simple for loops. First outer loop is used to handle the number of rows and the Inner nested loop is used to handle the number of columns. Manipulating the print statements, different number patterns, alphabet patterns, or star patterns can be printed.

How do you print a pattern Z in Python?

In this Blog I am printing pattern 'Z' using Python..
for Row in range(0,7):.
for Col in range(0,7):.
if (((Row == 0 or Row == 6) and Col >= 0 and Col <= 6) or Row+Col==6):.
str=str+" ".

How do I print 12345 in Python?

how to print 12345 in one row without using string.
+8. print(*(n for n in range(1,6)), sep="") or just print(12345) as suggested by Diego. ... .
+6. Language - Python This might be cheating but try it: num = 12345; print(num) And next time please specify the programming language. ... .
+5. ... .
+3. ... .
+2. ... .
+2. ... .
+1. ... .