Remove html tags from string vuejs

I was alarmed by @mikep's comment to @Grant's answer about XSS vulnerability. This would be a show stopper for me.

A quick test confirms it to be true:

        {{foo| stripHTML}}

  data:function(){return {
    foo: "

"); it won’t causes issues while still allowing the browser to do the work.

  • One-Liner:

    Here’s a one-liner if you happen to be using jQuery anyway:


  • hey!!!..this is so ridiculous..

  • Thank you for great example

  • Thanks, this does exactly what I need (and so concisely, too!)

  • Thanks! A quick note about the regexp: the “i” isn’t needed here because there are no characters to be case-insensitive about. However, it does exactly what you want either way.

  • Nice, but the parentheses are unnecessary.


  • Hi :)

    I saw your contact form and i must say i love it!
    Do you have a tutorial or something like that? It’s a wonderful one :)^
    Hope to hear some news of you,

    A french reader,


  • Thank for script :)

    @Ricard: If you want to make a copy of the contact form, just view source or save this page to you local ;)

  • beautul site thank you for great example

  • the /i for case insensitivity is definitely recommended.
    When using contenteditable, IE produces upper case tags, mozilla would only create lower case… To strip those you need it case insensitive.

    • DScout, this is incorrect. There are no specified alphabetical characters in the regular expression – the case insensitivity modifier therefore affects nothing.

  • Hi

    I have following code:

    var text = ‘[$ ssIncludeXml(docName,”wcm:root/wcm:element[@name=’innerpage_content’]/text()”) $]’;
    var StrippedString = text.replace(/(]+)>)/ig,””);

    where ‘[$ ssIncludeXml(docName,”wcm:root/wcm:element[@name=’innerpage_content’]/text()”) $]’
    is Idoc script that brings a block of HTML from a placeholder. But i am getting “unterminated string literal” Error at first line.

    What i want to do is to remove or strip all HTML tags and to get plain text out of that markup.

    Kindly let me know if there is any solution.


  • works great but doest strip whitespaces….  

  • Thank you! It was very useful for me and I think that is useful for everyone.
    Thank you again!

  • Yeah, this solution removed all sorts of HTML, paragraph, line breaks, in-line styles etc etc

  • This does not works for IE. Please provide solution to strip tag in javascript that works for all browsers

  • Thanks for this script
    It work greate

  • i am trying it on

    var message;

        firstName = document.getElementById("username").value;
        if (firstName == null || firstName == "" || firstName == NaN || firstName == "First Name") {
            message = "Please Add some name.";
            document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeEnd", "" + message + "");
        else {
            if (document.getElementById("myMessage")) {
                arguments = document.getElementById("myMessage").value.replace(/(]+)>)/ig, "");

    but it is not working and saying

    cannot call method ‘replace’ of undefined

  • Was wondering how this would be implemented if I only wanted to remove the href tags from a string of text, instead of removing all the tags? I’m trying to retrieve a page of text from a website but I only want the plain text with the formatting tags (p, ul, li).
    Hope this makes sense, thanks in advance.

  • This was excellent! Thanks!

  • your “\S” is missing… or not?


    • \S means not whitespace, and ^> means not greater than, so your modified regex only ensures that single character tags will not be replaced.

  • Thanks,
    Its working fine.

  • Cool! This is perfectly working…

  • What about < b r / > or < h r / > (the self closing tags) ?

  • Looks like “newInput” doesn’t do anything at all? So it’s either extraneous or there’s a problem with the code.

  • I have developed same thing using javascript Regular Expression.
    It’ll strip all the html tags excluding tag provided in exclude list by user.
    source code is also available on github
    check here. HTML Tag Stripper

  • Nice, but it’s not that safe… I’d rather use jQuery:


    Remove html tags from string vuejs

  • document.body.innerText

    b”> ~ fail

  • But this code is not working well with HTML table content.

  • How can strip all tags except anchor and img tags?

  • You can easily leave out the case sensitivity /i and the grouping ():

    var noHtml = hasHtml.replace(/<[^>]+>/ig, '')

  • using jQuery

  • jQuery(stringWithTags).text();
    it is what i want. tanx…

  • not working with AngularJS.

  • Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai

    Probably the simplest probably I found online. Thanks a bunch for it. Worked just fine!

  • string.replace(/\n/g, "");
    string.replace(/[\t ]+\[\t ]+\<");
    string.replace(/\>[\t ]+$/g, ">");

  • Doesn’t anyone see how this solution greatly affects this text:

    Rounded amounts < 3 are way easier for people to use in calculations, since they are so tiny than numbers that are >=3

    Becomes: Rounded amounts =3

  • Safe way to use the DOM to strip html.

    function striptags(content) {
      var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
      var innerEl = document.createElement('div');
      innerEl.innerHTML = content;
      return frag.firstChild.innerText;

  • I chucked together a function that allows some tags to be kept, similar to how the php function works.

    As with PHP it comes with the following two caveats:

    Because strip_tags() does not actually validate the HTML, partial or broken tags can result in the removal of more text/data than expected.


    This function does not modify any attributes on the tags that you allow using allowable_tags, including the style and onmouseover attributes that a mischievous user may abuse when posting text that will be shown to other users.

     * Native javascript function to emulate the PHP function strip_tags.
     * @param {string} str The original HTML string to filter.
     * @param {array|string} allowable_tags A tag name or array of tag
     * names to keep. Intergers, objects, and strings that don't follow the
     * standard tag format of a letter followed by numbers and letters will
     * be ignored. This means that invalid tags will also be removed.
     * @return {string} The filtered HTML string.
    function strip_tags(str, allowable_tags) {
        allowable_tags = [].concat(allowable_tags);
        var keep = '';
        allowable_tags.forEach(function(tag) {
            if (('' + tag).match(/^[a-z][a-z0-9]+$/i))
                keep += (keep.length ? '|' : '') + tag;
        } );
        return str.replace(new RegExp(']+>', 'ig'), '');

    Additional checks have been implemented to prevent invalid tags from being removed where possible, by ensuring that the opening of each tag starts with a potential tag name; it does not account for greater than symbols within attributes. Comments will be retained but can be removed with a similar regex.

    var no_comments = strip_tags('This is not a comment. ').replace(//, '');

    • Hi!

      I hate to bother you, but it looks like the last line of your function has been corrupted somehow – that’s not a valid Regex. Any chance you could fix it?

  • Hi guys! I am currently facing a javascript problem with the regex / replace function you mention here.
    I would like to bring a text around some of its HTML tags.

    For this I use the function:

    var regex = / (<([^>] +)>) / ig;
    bodyValue = bodyValue.replace (regex, "");

    Here all tags are deleted.

    But I want to keep the and tags and found these two separate functions that worked for me:

                                   var regex = / <(?! \ s * \ /? \ s * p \ b) [^>] *> / gi; // deletes all HTML except
                                   var regex = / <(?! br \ s * \ /?) [^>] +> / gi; // deletes all HTML except for 

    Do you know how to combine the two conditions in one?

  • This not only removes the offending characters, but also the rest of the text.

  • Why don’t you use Element.textContent?

  • Just what I needed…Thanks

  • .replace(/(<([^> ]+)>)/ig, "")
    added a space after the chevron to allow for things like: “< heey >”

  • Another tip: use the browser’s ability to remove tags:

    const fakeDiv = document.createElement("div");
    fakeDiv.innerHTML = html;
    document.getElementById("stripped").innerHTML = fakeDiv.textContent || fakeDiv.innerText || "";

  • Hello sir. Please I wish to know if I can get help from you.
    I have a frontend submission which users can share their article but will want to remove every link on the form.
    Is there a way to do this only for the post submitted by users who are not admin?
    I already have the frontend post set and it works properly except what I am seeking for help.

  • Leave a Reply

    How to remove HTML tag in string js?

    To strip out all the HTML tags from a string there are lots of procedures in JavaScript. In order to strip out tags we can use replace() function and can also use . textContent property, . innerText property from HTML DOM.

    How to strip HTML tags from string?

    The HTML tags can be removed from a given string by using replaceAll() method of String class. We can remove the HTML tags from a given string by using a regular expression. After removing the HTML tags from a string, it will return a string as normal text.

    How do I ignore HTML tags?

    If you have a certain part or section of an HTML or XHTML document that you want CSE HTML Validator to ignore, then you can enclose it in "cseignore" tags.

    What is strip HTML?

    stripHtml( html ) Changes the provided HTML string into a plain text string by converting

    , and

    to line breaks, stripping all other tags, and converting escaped characters into their display values.