Technically demanding là gì

technically demanding definition, technically demanding meaning | English dictionary

Technically demanding là gì


1of, relating to, or specializing in industrial, practical, or mechanical arts and applied sciences
a technical institute
2skilled in practical and mechanical arts rather than theoretical or abstract thinking
3relating to or characteristic of a particular field of activity
the technical jargon of linguistics
4existing by virtue of a strict application of the rules or a strict interpretation of the wording
a technical loophole in the law, a technical victory
5of, derived from, or showing technique
technical brilliance
6(of a financial market) having prices determined by internal speculative or manipulative factors rather than by general or economic conditions
a technical rally

Technically demanding là gì
  • troublesome adj.annoying, arduous, bothersome, burdensome, demanding, difficult, harassing, hard, importunate, inconvenient, irksome, irritating, laborious, oppressive, pestilential, plaguy


Alphabetical index

  • technical
  • technicality
  • tectonically
  • technic

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