What is an implication of the three-faced nature of the american party system?

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What are the 3 challenges faced by political parties?

A political party faces various challenges like lack of internal democracy, dynamic succession, money, and muscle power..
Lack of internal democracy: ... .
The dynamic succession: ... .
The money and muscle power: ... .
Ideological issues are also an issue that impacts public choices..

What is the impact of third parties on the American political system quizlet?

Third parties are significant because they can present new issues/policies/ideas to voters that the two major parties would otherwise not discuss. Also, they can take voters away from one party, causing the opposing party to win.

What is the main impact of third parties in American elections?

Third parties may also help voter turnout by bringing more people to the polls. Third-party candidates at the top of the ticket can help to draw attention to other party candidates down the ballot, helping them to win local or state office.

What are the 3 faces of a political party quizlet?

the party organization, the party-in government, and the party-in-the-electorate.