Add parameter to url javascript without reload

I know this has been asked many times before but answers were not descriptive enough to solve my problem. I don't want to change the whole URL of page. I want to append a parameter &item=brand on button click without refresh.

Using += '&item=brand'; makes the page refresh.

Using window.location.hash = "&item=brand"; append without refresh but with a hash # which eliminates the usage/effect of the parameter. I tried to remove the hash after appending but that didn't work.

This answer and many others suggest the use of HTML5 History API, specifically the history.pushState method, and for old browsers is to set a fragment identifier to prevent page from reloading. But how?

Assuming the URL is: //

How can I append &item=brand using HTML5 pushState method or a fragment identifier so the output would be like this: // without a page refresh?

I hope someone can throw some light on how to use the HTML5 pushState to append a parameter to an existing/current URL. Or alternatively how to set a fragment identifier for the same purpose. A good tutorial, demo or piece of code with a little explanation would be great.

Demo of what I've done so far. Your answers would be greatly appreciated.

Use the pushState or replaceState methods to Appending/Modifying parameter to URL without refresh/reloading the page in JavaScript.

pushState Method

window.history.pushState["object or string", "Title", "new url"];


replaceState Method

window.history.replaceState[null, null, "?arg=123"];

HTML Example code

Current page URL update with with argument. This should update the URL without refresh.


		var currentURL = window.location.protocol + "//" + + window.location.pathname + '?arg=1';    

		window.history.pushState[{ path: currentURL }, '', currentURL];



Update static URL

		var url = new URL["//"];

		var newURL = url + '?arg=1';    



Output: //

Do comment if you have any doubts and suggestion on this JS URL topic.

Note: The All JS Examples codes are tested on the Firefox browser and the Chrome browser.

OS: Windows 10

Code: HTML 5 Version

Degree in Computer Science and Engineer: App Developer and has multiple Programming languages experience. Enthusiasm for technology & like learning technical.

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Using the History API

The HTML5 History API is definitely the way to go for modern websites. It accomplishes the task at hand, while also providing additional functionality. You can use either history.pushState[] or history.replaceState[] to modify the URL in the browser, depending on your needs:

const nextURL = '//';
const nextTitle = 'My new page title';
const nextState = { additionalInformation: 'Updated the URL with JS' };

window.history.pushState[nextState, nextTitle, nextURL];

window.history.replaceState[nextState, nextTitle, nextURL];

The arguments for both methods are the same, allowing you to pass a customized serializable state object as the first argument, a customized title [although most browsers will ignore this parameter] and the URL you want to add/replace in the browser's history. Bear in mind that the History API only allows same-origin URLs, so you cannot navigate to an entirely different website.

Using the Location API

The older Location API is not the best tool for the job. It reloads the page, but still allows you to modify the current URL and might be useful when working with legacy browsers. You can modify the URL, using either Window.location.href, location.assign[] or location.replace[]:

const nextURL = '//';

window.location.href = nextURL;



As you can see, all three options will cause a page reload, which can be undesirable. Unlike the History API, you can only set the URL, without any additional arguments. Finally, the Location API doesn't restrict you to same-origin URLs, which can cause security issues if you are not careful.

Recommended snippets

  • Gets the protocol being used on the current page.

  • Creates an object containing the parameters of the current URL.

  • Redirects the page to HTTPS if it's currently in HTTP.

How do I modify the URL without reloading the page?

There is no way to modify the URL in the browser without reloading the page. The URL represents what the last loaded page was. If you change it [ document. location ] then it will reload the page.

How do you add value to a URL?

To append a param onto the current URL with JavaScript, we can create a new URL instance from the URL string. Then we can call the searchParams. append method on the URL instance to append a new URL parameter into it. to create a new URL instance with "//" .

How can I remove URL parameters without refreshing page?

title, "/" + "my-new-url. html"]; 2- To replace current URL without adding it to history entries, use replaceState : window.

Can you use Javascript to get URL parameter values?

The short answer is yes Javascript can parse URL parameter values. You can do this by leveraging URL Parameters to: Pass values from one page to another using the Javascript Get Method. Pass custom values to Google Analytics using the Google Tag Manager URL Variable which works the same as using a Javascript function.

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