Cam 9 test 2 listening

1. Bhatt
2. 31. March
3. nursing
4. 2
5. meat
6. bedsit
7. theatre/theater
8. mature/older
9. town
10. shared

11. trees - Then there's Holt Island, which is noted for its great range of trees.
12. Friday/Sunday - The island is only open to the public from Friday to Sunday, because it's quite small, and if there were people around every day, much of the wildlife would keep away
13. farm - Lonafield has a modern replica of a farm from over two thousand years ago.
14. C - You'll start with a tour of our herb garden, practise the technique of using them as colour dves for cloth
15. B - We keep to a small number of people in the group, so if vou want to go you'll need to phone the park ranger a few davs ahead.
16. A - One thing, though, is to make sure you're wearing something that you don't mind getting dirty or torn.
17. A - As you can see, there's a lake in the north west of the park, with a bird hide to the west of it, at the end of a path.
18. I - Fairly close to where refreshments are available, there,s a dog-walking area in the southern part of the park
19. F - you can go to the flower garden: that's the circular area on the map surrounded by paths.
20. E - And finally, there's a wooded area in the western section of the park, between two paths.

21. C - The majority of students say that they enjoy using it because it provides a variation on the classroom routine and thev see it as a pretty maior component of their course
22. B - Some of us also think that we could benefit a lot more bv relocating the Self-Access Centre to the main University library building.
23. B - Our main worry would be not being able to ao to a teacher for advice.
24. C - It's not so much the expense that I'm worried about, and we've certainly got room to do it, but it's the problem of timetabling a teacher to be in there outside class hours
25. reading - Yes, one of the comments that students frequently make is that thev find it difficult to find materials that are appropriate for their level, especially reading resources
26. CD - The CD section especially needs to be more current.
27. workbooks - What do you think of the idea of introducing some workbooks? If we break them up into separate pages and laminate them, they,d be a great resource
28. timetable/schedule - I'll have to talk to the teachers and make sure we can all reach some agreement on a timetable to supervise the centre after class.
29. alarm - What about putting in an alarm?
30. email/emails - The other thing I'd like to do is talk to our technicians and see whether we could somehow limit the access to email.

31. central - It's the type of culture that needs a central source of power to be effective, and because control is in the hands of just one or two people there aren't many rules or procedures
32. conversation/conversations - Another characteristic is that communication usually takes the form of conversations rather than, say, formal meetings or written memos
33. effectively - But on the negative side, this type of organisation doesn't always act effectively, because it depends too much on one or two people at the top
34. risk/risks - And the kind of person who does well in this type of business culture is one who is happy to take risks, and for whom job security is a low priority
35. levels - The next type is known as Role Culture - that,s R-O-L-E, not R-O-double L, by the way, and this type is usually found in large companies, which have lots of different levels in them.
36. description/descriptions - Each one is co-ordinated at the top by a small group of senior managers, and typically everyone's job is controlled by sets of rules and procedures-for example, there are specific job descriptions, rules for discipline, and so on.
37. technical - it is particularly successful in business markets where technical expertise is important
38. change - On the other hand, this culture is often very slow to recognise the need for change, and even slower to react
39. responsibility - What kind of person does this type of culture suit? Well it suits employees who value security, and who don't particularly want to have responsibility
40. flexible - Now one of the major benefits of this culture is that it's flexible.

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