Can we create ecommerce website using html and css?

It’s not that difficult😉

Photo by Pankaj Patel on Unsplash

Hello Everyone😃

This is my first article in the medium. Today I am going to talk about how to create a small E-Commerce website by using HTML and CSS.

An E-Commerce website is an online store that allows you to buy and sell various products through the Internet. We use HTML to create the structure and the content of our webpage. We should attract the hearts of our users. For that, we use CSS. CSS helps us to make our website an eye-catching one by using different colours, layout, and fonts.

Let’s see how my website looks like😃

Let’s watch a demo of my web page.

Demo of my website

Let’s have a look at my code😃

Codings of my website

All Web pages are divided into three main sections — . We simply change the text in between the HTML tags based on each section.

What is this Header🤔

Photo of header

HTML code of the header

We use the tag as a container for introductory content or a set of navigational links. We use the tag only for the major block of navigation links.

We use the

CSS code of “logob”

CSS can be added to HTML documents in 3 ways. They are inline, internal and external CSS. Here I have used an external CSS file. The class selector selects HTML elements with a specific class attribute. We use [.] character, followed by the class name.

On page load, there will be some layout shifts. To avoid that, we set width and height attributes. The “cursor” property highlights the mouse cursor to be displayed when pointing over the element.

CSS code of “intro”

The above code part shows how I have used CSS functionalities for “intro” div class. We use the "overflow” property to specify whether to clip the content or to add scrollbars when the content of an element is too big to fit in the specified area. Here I have used “hidden” as the value. It means that the overflow is clipped, and the rest of the content will be invisible. We use the “position” to highlight the type of positioning method used for an element. As you can see here I have used a background image and have changed the properties according to my preference.

Have you ever noticed when you are moving the cursor upon some elements, their colour is changing🤔

CSS Codes

We use “:hover” to select elements when you mouse over them. Here I have used the colour attribute to get him to know that he has clicked on the navigation elements.

Do you want to know how I created this button?😉


CSS code I used for it

When we are Comparing to “display: inline”, the major difference is that “display: inline-block ”allows us to set a width and height on the element. We use the "border-radius” property defines the radius of the element's corners. I use orange as the background colour of the button. The “box-shadow” property attaches one or more shadows to an element. We use “padding” property to create space around an element’s content or inside borders. The “font-weight” property says how the characters should be displayed, thick or thin.

Let’s have a glimpse at the body of my website😃

Photo of the benefits section

I know you are eagerly waiting to get to know how I create these icons. It’s simple. Let’s have a look at the code.

HTML Code of benefit section

I have defined a section called “section benefits”. Under that, I have defined a div class called “benefit-center box”. Under that, I have defined a div class called “benefit”. Under that, I have defined a span class called “icon”. Here I have imported box icons.

CSS code of benefit section

As you can you can see I have applied CSS to my div and span classes separately. As you can see here I have used a grid layout. The CSS “Grid Layout” offers a grid-based layout system, with rows and columns, making it easier to design web pages. The “flex-direction” property specifies the direction of the flexible items.

Let’s see how I display a product in my website😁

Photo: How I display a product

As you can see in the photo, I have mentioned the name of the product, how many stars it has and its price. When I move the cursor around the product, the product is appearing to be increasing its size. Let’s look at the code to get a more detailed idea.

HTML code

Here I have defined a div class called “ac”. Under I have defined a div class called “img-cover”. I have inserted an image using the

CSS Code

As you can see, I have applied CSS to my div and span classes separately. We use “:hover” to increase the size of the product when the user moves the cursor over it. The “transition” effect could typically occur when a user hovers over an element. The “transform” property allows you to rotate, scale, move your elements.

We display our products using the grid layout. Let’s see an example of how I used the grid layout.

Grid layout example- CSS

Let’s move to the footer😃

Photo of the footer

This is a photo of the “footer” of my web page. Here you can see some links and icons. Let’s see how I made this.

HTML Code of the footer

I have defined a section id called “footer”. Under that, I have defined a div class called “foot”. I have used the

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