¿Cómo se escribe listening or listening?

Pronunciación [AFI]:  Si puedes, ¡incorpórala!
1 Tercera persona del plural [ellas, ellos; ustedes, 2.ª persona] del presente de subjuntivo de listar. 2 Segunda persona del plural [ustedes] del imperativo de listar.
Pronunciación [AFI]:  /ˈlɪs.ən/

Si puedes, incorpórala: ver cómo.


1 Escuchar.

Hola a todos: No tengo nada claro cuando utilizar cada uno. Es decir, cuando se puede usar sólamente "listen". Cuando se utiliza listen to? Cuando se utiliza listening to? Os pondré ejemplos. Estoy preparando una unidad didactica y tengo que escribir en infinitivo los ejercicios de cada unidad. Cuando llego al apartado del listening, los ejercicios suelen ser escuchar un ejercicio y despues responder a preguntas de verdadero o falso, o rellenar huevos [filling in gaps] o responder preguntas sobre lo que han oido. Entonces, mi pregunta es: Cuando hablo en infinitivo para enunciar el tipo de ejercicio, ¿debo utiliar siempre: Listen to? O se puede utilizar también "Listening to". La verdad es que con este verbo me lio siempre.


  • Depende de que si se usa en un sentido transitivo o intransitivo. "Listen!" = "¡Escucha!". Pero "listen to the radio" = "escucha la/el radio". Lo mismo con todas las formas del verbo.

    En cuanto a tu pregunta sobre el infinitivo "to listen to" versus "listening to", éste es un gerundio [en inglés, o un present participle, o un gerund], no un infinitivo.

    Me das la impresión de que usas los infinitivos como imperativos, ¿verdad? Entonces, solamente el infinitivo se puede usar así en inglés, no el gerundio.

    Utilizo el listening en infinitivo. Por ejemplo: Escuchar y repetir vocabulario: clasificarlo por el numero de sílabas.

    Listen to and repeat vocabulary: classify it by number of sillables.

    Primero, ya sabes que es "syllables".

    Pero te ruego perdonarme la impertinencia de citar a un español la Gramática de la lengua española, del Real Academia: "es muy frecuente, aunque no correcto, el uso oral del significante del infinitivo en lugar del imperativo plural". Tal vez sea tiquismiquis...

    Si, tienes razon con syllable. Me equivoqué al escribirlo. Creo que no confundo el imperativo con el indefinido. Simplemente no tenia muy claro el uso del "to" en el verbo. Es que a estas alturas ya la cabeza me da vueltas.

    Muchas gracias. Sprachliebhaber.

    Tu ejemplo "Escuchar y repetir vocabulario: clasificarlo por el numero de sílabas" me pareció ser instrucciones a los estudiantes. Si solamente describen acciones, entonces sería "to listen to and repeat..." o "listening to and repeating...".

    listen > escuchar

    Gerund: listening

    Present Participle: listening

    Past Participle: listened


    listen listened will listen
    listen listened will listen
    listens listened will listen
    listen listened will listen
    listen listened will listen
    listen listened will listen

    I listen
    you listen
    he/she listens
    we listen
    you listen
    they listen
    I listened
    you listened
    he/she listened
    we listened
    you listened
    they listened
    I will listen
    you will listen
    he/she will listen
    we will listen
    you will listen
    they will listen


    have listened had listened will have listened
    have listened had listened will have listened
    has listened had listened will have listened
    have listened had listened will have listened
    have listened had listened will have listened
    have listened had listened will have listened

    I have listened
    you have listened
    he/she has listened
    we have listened
    you have listened
    they have listened
    I had listened
    you had listened
    he/she had listened
    we had listened
    you had listened
    they had listened
    I will have listened
    you will have listened
    he/she will have listened
    we will have listened
    you will have listened
    they will have listened


    I -
    you listen
    he/she -
    we -
    you listen
    they -


    am listening was listening will be listening
    are listening were listening will be listening
    is listening was listening will be listening
    are listening were listening will be listening
    are listening were listening will be listening
    are listening were listening will be listening

    I am listening
    you are listening
    he/she is listening
    we are listening
    you are listening
    they are listening
    I was listening
    you were listening
    he/she was listening
    we were listening
    you were listening
    they were listening
    I will be listening
    you will be listening
    he/she will be listening
    we will be listening
    you will be listening
    they will be listening

    Perfect Continuous

    have been listening had been listening will have been listening
    have been listening had been listening will have been listening
    has been listening had been listening will have been listening
    have been listening had been listening will have been listening
    have been listening had been listening will have been listening
    have been listening had been listening will have been listening

    I have been listening
    you have been listening
    he/she has been listening
    we have been listening
    you have been listening
    they have been listening
    I had been listening
    you had been listening
    he/she had been listening
    we had been listening
    you had been listening
    they had been listening
    I will have been listening
    you will have been listening
    he/she will have been listening
    we will have been listening
    you will have been listening
    they will have been listening

    Gracias por confiar en el Método Vaughan

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