Convert string to float php

[PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8]

floatvalGet float value of a variable


floatval[mixed $value]: float



May be any scalar type. floatval[] should not be used on objects, as doing so will emit an E_NOTICE level error and return 1.

Return Values

The float value of the given variable. Empty arrays return 0, non-empty arrays return 1.

Strings will most likely return 0 although this depends on the leftmost characters of the string. The common rules of float casting apply.


Example #1 floatval[] Example

Example #2 floatval[] non-numeric leftmost characters Example

See Also

  • boolval[] - Get the boolean value of a variable
  • intval[] - Get the integer value of a variable
  • strval[] - Get string value of a variable
  • settype[] - Set the type of a variable
  • Type juggling

brewal dot renault at gmail dot com

8 years ago

This function takes the last comma or dot [if any] to make a clean float, ignoring thousand separator, currency or any other letter :

function tofloat[$num] {
    $dotPos = strrpos[$num, '.'];
    $commaPos = strrpos[$num, ','];
    $sep = [[$dotPos > $commaPos] && $dotPos] ? $dotPos :
        [[[$commaPos > $dotPos] && $commaPos] ? $commaPos : false];

       if [!$sep] {
        return floatval[preg_replace["/[^0-9]/", "", $num]];

    return floatval[
        preg_replace["/[^0-9]/", "", substr[$num, 0, $sep]] . '.' .
        preg_replace["/[^0-9]/", "", substr[$num, $sep+1, strlen[$num]]]

$num = '1.999,369€';
var_dump[tofloat[$num]]; // float[1999.369]
$otherNum = '126,564,789.33 m²';
var_dump[tofloat[$otherNum]]; // float[126564789.33]

Demo : //


17 years ago

you can also use typecasting instead of functions:

[float] $value;

Alexey M

6 years ago

There is much easier way to deal with formatted numbers:



10 years ago

To view the very large and very small numbers [eg from a database DECIMAL], without displaying scientific notation, or leading zeros.

FR : Pour afficher les très grand et très petits nombres [ex. depuis une base de données DECIMAL], sans afficher la notation scientifique, ni les zéros non significatifs.

anonymous at start dot be

18 years ago

Easier-to-grasp-function for the ',' problem.

chris at georgakopoulos dot com

13 years ago

locale aware floatval:


14 years ago

The last getFloat[] function is not completely correct.

1.000.000 and 1,000,000 and its negative variants are not correctly parsed. For the sake of comparing and to make myself clear I use the name parseFloat in stead of getFloat for the new function:

Comparing of float parsing functions with the following function:

steve at opilo dot net

14 years ago

Most of the functions listed here that deal with $ and , are unnecessarily complicated. You can use ereg_replace[] to strip out ALL of the characters that will cause floatval to fail in one simple line of code:

pillepop2003 at yahoo dot de

17 years ago

Use this snippet to extract any float out of a string. You can choose how a single dot is treated with the [bool] 'single_dot_as_decimal' directive.
This function should be able to cover almost all floats that appear in an european environment.

Big Up.

secretr at NOSPAM dot e107 dot org

11 years ago

setlocale[] and floatval[] duo could break your DB queries in a very simple way:

You would need simple workaround like:

aa at geb-team dot de

16 years ago

@pillepop2003 at yahoo dot de

use: "/^[0-9-]*[\.]{1}[0-9-]+$/"
instead of: "/^[0-9]*[\.]{1}[0-9-]+$/"

radler63 at hotmail dot com

4 years ago

I get the following disturbing results:
var_dump string[10] "0.01333"
echo the string=0.01333
echo [float]string=0
echo floatval[string]=0

The string is an outcome of array_map['str_getcsv', file[...
I can't find the characters 8-10


T-Soloveychik at

5 years ago

Float value less than 0.0001 [0.0000999999999999995] will be converted by floatval to scientific notation [exponential notation]:

zfcb13 at gmail dot com

6 years ago

More elegant function with selection of decimal point [deafault ,]:

jason at shadonet dot com

19 years ago

Instead of using floatval which only appeared in PHP 4.2 you could juse use $variable = [float]$variable

This function doesn't seem to add any functionality that wasn't already there.


19 years ago

This function converts a string to a float no matter is the decimal separator dot [.] or comma [,]. It also converts integers correctly. It takes the digits from the beginning of the string and ignores all other characters.

-Zipi [Finland]

leprau at leprau dot de

15 years ago

For those of you, who are looking for a function that rips the first,
but longest possible float [or at least integer] from a string,
like 123.45 from the string "Price: 123,45$"

If no useable value is found, the function returns false.

Checks for both comma and dot as decimal-separator,
but does not check for 3 digits between thousands,
so 1,234.5 is as valid as 1,23,4.5 [both will return 1234.5]

12,.3 will return 12
1,000,000 will return 1000.0 !

[if thousands separator is defined,
decimals should be defined too ...
in fact I was too lazy to check for that too]

Here you go, and feel free to optimize the function ;]

iliyazelenkog at gmail dot com

3 years ago

[float] would be more performant here [up to 6x times faster].

intval, floatval, doubleval, strva for PHP4 functions [intval, floatval, doubleval, strval], in PHP5 use type casting construction [i.e. '[type] parameter'].

ted devito

13 years ago

i noticed all [well, unless i missed something] the functions working with decimals destroy trailing decimal places. this function restores them in case you want to be able to display a consistent precision for users.

info at marc-gutt dot de

14 years ago

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