Cricut Laptop Decal ideas

  • Select a Vinyl color that will show against your laptop, the more contrast the more it will pop!

  • Take your time when weeding the vinyl, this design includes a lot of tiny pieces, so grab a cup of your favorite beverage and relax!

  • Wipe your laptop clean with rubbing alcohol or computer cleaner.

  • When removing the backing, and when applying the vinyl be sure to keep the backing folded tight against itself, this will help to make sure those tiny pieces remain in place.

  • You can use many brands of Vinyl, not all brands are the same though, some do not weed well, so be sure to purchase good supplies. I've tested most every Cricut material and this new Vinyl weeds well, even the tiniest lines for the balloon strings cut well.

  • I used the Green mat which seems to be just right for Vinyl. If you're mat is new and too sticky use your hands to press against it and remove some of the tackinessd.

  • The secret to a good transfer is in making sure the the transfer paper picks up all of the vinyl, using a roller and scraper helps to ensure every piece adheres.

  • When I placed the vinyl down to apply it I used the Apple logo cut out as my guide since I built it into the design. I also bend the vinyl slightly, center the material, allow the center of the transfer to adhere first. Then I slowly allow one side to drop and then the other.

  • When I'm finished I like to put a clear plastic cover over my laptop, just to keep it protected from scratches.

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