Does Microsoft Word have a To Do list template?

You would think, that in todays modern era and the technologies that come with it, wed have more than enough time to get everything done. However, such is not always the case. When you have technological advancements that allow you to get some things done faster, you tend to add more to your plate. While we do enjoy accomplishing much, such a life can stress us out. That is why people use to-do lists to help in organizing their time.

Benefits of Keeping a To-Do List

To-do lists work to keep our busy lives organized. Just the act of crossing off something from your list fills you with a sense of accomplishment, not to mention prevents you from accidental procrastination. A well formed to-so list will help to keep your day productive, and resist the temptation to sit and twirl your hair for 45 minutes, though that can be rather relaxing as well, save it for your break time. The to-do list also works to keep you highly motivated towards your goal, as each time you check off something on that list, you realize that you move closer and closer to your goal.

The Convenience of the To-Do List Template

As can be seen, there are a variety of ways to create the perfect list which will work with your situation. While these are quite simple to make in Microsoft Word and Excel, there is actually a simpler and better way to get this accomplished, and that is by using To-Do List Templates. The to-do list template is a fantastic way to get just what you need in the fraction of the time, and at no cost to you. Simply visit our website and look at the variety of lists we have available for you. All of these lists have been professionally designed with your needs in mind. All you need to do, is to download the list, edit it to your situation, save to disk or print. Yes, it really is just that simple. We guarantee that by using our to-do list templates, you will not only save valuable time, but your life will become just that much more easier to handle.

Free To Do List Templates for Excel

Project To Do List Template


Daily Task To Do List Template


Task To Do List Sample


Weekly To Do List for Fixed Tasks


Simple Task List Template



Call or Email To Do List Template


How to Use Microsoft Excel and Word to Make a To-Do List

Making a to-do list in Microsoft Word or Excel is quite an easy thing to do. By following a few steps, you too will be able to create a nicely formatted list which will be tailored to your particular needs. Below, we have included the steps for creating a to-do list in both Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel, they are basic instructions only. Keep in mind that your way may differ slightly depending on the version of Word or Excel that you own.

Creating a To-Do List in Excel

  1. Open up Microsoft Excel
  2. Enter suitable headers, such as Task, Deadline, etc. Tailor this to your needs, adding as many or as few columns as you require.
  3. Under the Task heading, simply begin to list the tasks that need to be done.
  4. Next, add any deadline dates or important notes.
  5. If you would like to filter your list, you may add a filter:
  • Click on a header
  • Click on the Sort and Filter menu and select Filter
  1. Make any modifications to your list. Once you are satisfied, simply save it!

Free To Do List Templates for Microsoft Word





Making a To-Do List with Microsoft Word

Method 1

  1. Open up Microsoft Word
  2. Create a blank document
  3. Click Insert
  4. Click Table
  5. Choose how many columns and rows you will need
  6. Add the headers for each column, such as Task, Date Due, etc.
  7. Go to the rows under Task and add the tasks that need to be done.
  8. Add any other information necessary, such as notes, or due dates.
  9. Save to disk or print

Method 2

  1. Open up Word document and create a title, such as Sundays List
  2. Type out your list of things to do, one for each line
  3. Select the entire list
  4. Click: Home Paragraph Bullets Define New Bullet
  5. Click on Symbol and search for the box shape
  6. Print your list

There are a variety of methods you can use to create a to-do list in Microsoft Word. Above we have given you very simple options to get you started. These lists can be as simple, or elaborate as you like. For example, you may choose to create a calendar in Word, complete with dates and spaces to write what you need done, the only difference, is it will be formatted as a calendar, instead of a traditional list.

Tips to Create Your To-Do List

The first thing to consider before writing out your list, is to keep it realistic. While we all wish to accomplish much in our day, there are only so many hours to do anything. Also, remember that life happens. Things may come up to prevent you from completing your list. With that in mind, lets look at some tips to create a solid list.

Make Tasks Specific

When you write down your tasks, make sure they are not general, but specific in nature. Instead of cleaning the house, try to divide it up to more specific tasks, such as 9am mop the kitchen, 10am take out the trash, 11am clean the bathroom. In this way, you will focus on each individual task, and check off each one as you go, rather than just saying clean the house. This way, you are certain to accomplish what you set out to do.

Time Your Tasks

Remember to add a time frame for each task as well. You may be tempted to leave this part out for a variety of reasons, such as it may make you feel overwhelmed, or you want to keep your list generalized. However, the act of keeping a time frame on your list actually can reduce stress. When you keep track of how long a tasks takes to finish, you start to get a feel for how long it actually does take to do things. This will make your future to-do lists more accurate. If you are realistic about how long a task takes you, your list will be easier to achieve.

Prioritize Your Tasks

Make sure you do the most important tasks first. If you have 10 tasks to do today, consider the reality that you might not get through the list for that day. If you always put the most important tasks at the top of your list, at least you are certain to get them out of the way, and leave the lesser ones for tomorrows list.

Keep the lists simple. You wont be doing your psyche any favors by overloading yourself with tasks.

Make Sure Your List Removes Stress, Not Adds to It

Remember, the purpose of a to-do list is to relieve stress, not compound it. So, try this method. Write down all youd like to do in a day. Prioritize the list. Now take only a few of those tasks, and create your to-do list, say 5 tasks out of 20. Once you complete those 5 tasks, you can relax and give yourself a nice hug, because you earned it, and everything is now complete, and stress free.


Remember, you dont want your to-do list to be a source of stress, you want it to be a stress reliever. So by starting out by downloading a to-do list template, and following some of the basic tips we have laid out for you here, you should find that having a to-do list is actually a stress reducing, helpful way to organize all of the elements in your life, and assist you in achieving your life goals.

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