Get file from path javascript

Is there a way that I can get the last value [based on the '\' symbol] from a full path?


C:\Documents and Settings\img\recycled log.jpg

With this case, I just want to get recycled log.jpg from the full path in JavaScript.

answered May 25, 2010 at 18:21


Successfully Script for your question ,Full Test

function replaceAll[txt, replace, with_this] {
    return txt.replace[new RegExp[replace, 'g'], with_this];

function showSrc[] {
    document.getElementById["myframe"].href = document.getElementById["myfile"].value;
    var theexa = document.getElementById["myframe"].href.replace["file:///", ""];
    var path = document.getElementById["myframe"].href.replace["file:///", ""];
    var correctPath = replaceAll[path, "%20", " "];
    var filename = correctPath.replace[/^.*[\\\/]/, '']

answered May 20, 2016 at 16:54

A simple function like PHP pathInfo:

function pathInfo[s] {
    return {path:s[1],file:s[2],name:s[3],ext:s[4]};

console.log[ pathInfo['c:\\folder\\file.txt'] ];

console.log[ pathInfo['/folder/another/file.min.js?query=1'] ];
Type and try it:

answered Feb 9 at 18:02

function getFileName[path, isExtension]{

  var fullFileName, fileNameWithoutExtension;

  // replace \ to /
  while[ path.indexOf["\\"] !== -1 ]{
    path = path.replace["\\", "/"];

  fullFileName = path.split["/"].pop[];
  return [isExtension] ? fullFileName : fullFileName.slice[ 0, fullFileName.lastIndexOf["."] ];

answered Nov 23, 2014 at 19:01


1,2773 gold badges16 silver badges32 bronze badges

var file_name = file_path.substring[file_path.lastIndexOf['/']];


42.1k13 gold badges81 silver badges135 bronze badges

answered Nov 6, 2013 at 10:38


551 silver badge7 bronze badges

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/ = Root directory..
. = This location..
.. = Up a directory..
./ = Current directory..
../ = Parent of current directory..
../../ = Two directories backwards..

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