How do i import all files into python?

Could someone provide me with a good way of importing a whole directory of modules?
I have a structure like this:


I tried just converting it to a package by adding and doing from Foo import * but it didn't work the way I had hoped.


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asked Jun 29, 2009 at 9:38

Evan FosmarkEvan Fosmark

95.9k34 gold badges104 silver badges117 bronze badges


List all python [.py] files in the current folder and put them as __all__ variable in

from os.path import dirname, basename, isfile, join
import glob
modules = glob.glob[join[dirname[__file__], "*.py"]]
__all__ = [ basename[f][:-3] for f in modules if isfile[f] and not f.endswith['']]

answered Jun 29, 2009 at 10:06

Anurag UniyalAnurag Uniyal

83.2k39 gold badges169 silver badges216 bronze badges


Update in 2017: you probably want to use importlib instead.

Make the Foo directory a package by adding an In that add:

import bar
import eggs
import spam

Since you want it dynamic [which may or may not be a good idea], list all py-files with list dir and import them with something like this:

import os
for module in os.listdir[os.path.dirname[__file__]]:
    if module == '' or module[-3:] != '.py':
    __import__[module[:-3], locals[], globals[]]
del module

Then, from your code do this:

import Foo

You can now access the modules with

etc. from Foo import * is not a good idea for several reasons, including name clashes and making it hard to analyze the code.

answered Jun 29, 2009 at 11:10

Lennart RegebroLennart Regebro

162k41 gold badges221 silver badges251 bronze badges


Python, include all files under a directory:

For newbies who just can't get it to work who need their hands held.

  1. Make a folder /home/el/foo and make a file under /home/el/foo Put this code in there:

    from hellokitty import *
  2. Make a directory /home/el/foo/hellokitty

  3. Make a file under /home/el/foo/hellokitty and put this code in there:

    __all__ = ["spam", "ham"]
  4. Make two python files: and under /home/el/foo/hellokitty

  5. Define a function inside

    def spamfunc[]:
      print["Spammity spam"]
  6. Define a function inside

    def hamfunc[]:
      print["Upgrade from baloney"]
  7. Run it:

    el@apollo:/home/el/foo$ python 
    spammity spam
    Upgrade from baloney

answered Dec 24, 2013 at 0:08

Eric LeschinskiEric Leschinski

139k91 gold badges405 silver badges327 bronze badges


Expanding on Mihail's answer, I believe the non-hackish way [as in, not handling the file paths directly] is the following:

  1. create an empty file under Foo/
  2. Execute
import pkgutil
import sys

def load_all_modules_from_dir[dirname]:
    for importer, package_name, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules[[dirname]]:
        full_package_name = '%s.%s' % [dirname, package_name]
        if full_package_name not in sys.modules:
            module = importer.find_module[package_name
            print module


You'll get:

Adrian Mouat

42.8k15 gold badges108 silver badges101 bronze badges

answered Dec 19, 2011 at 2:11

Luca InvernizziLuca Invernizzi

6,3393 gold badges27 silver badges26 bronze badges


I got tired of this problem myself, so I wrote a package called automodinit to fix it. You can get it from //

Usage is like this:

  1. Include the automodinit package into your dependencies.
  2. Replace all files like this:
__all__ = ["I will get rewritten"]
# Don't modify the line above, or this line!
import automodinit
automodinit.automodinit[__name__, __file__, globals[]]
del automodinit
# Anything else you want can go after here, it won't get modified.

That's it! From now on importing a module will set __all__ to a list of .py[co] files in the module and will also import each of those files as though you had typed:

for x in __all__: import x

Therefore the effect of "from M import *" matches exactly "import M".

automodinit is happy running from inside ZIP archives and is therefore ZIP safe.



24k4 gold badges53 silver badges86 bronze badges

answered Mar 5, 2012 at 2:24

Niall DouglasNiall Douglas

8,9142 gold badges43 silver badges52 bronze badges


I know I'm updating a quite old post, and I tried using automodinit, but found out it's setup process is broken for python3. So, based on Luca's answer, I came up with a simpler answer - which might not work with .zip - to this issue, so I figured I should share it here:

within the module from yourpackage:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, pkgutil
__all__ = list[module for _, module, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules[[os.path.dirname[__file__]]]]

and within another package below yourpackage:

from yourpackage import *

Then you'll have all the modules that are placed within the package loaded, and if you write a new module, it'll be automagically imported as well. Of course, use that kind of things with care, with great powers comes great responsibilities.


2281 silver badge9 bronze badges

answered Mar 26, 2016 at 2:54


24k4 gold badges53 silver badges86 bronze badges

import pkgutil
__path__ = pkgutil.extend_path[__path__, __name__]
for imp, module, ispackage in pkgutil.walk_packages[path=__path__, prefix=__name__+'.']:

answered Jun 7, 2016 at 16:15

Ricky SahuRicky Sahu

22.2k4 gold badges39 silver badges31 bronze badges

I have also encountered this problem and this was my solution:

import os

def loadImports[path]:
    files = os.listdir[path]
    imps = []

    for i in range[len[files]]:
        name = files[i].split['.']
        if len[name] > 1:
            if name[1] == 'py' and name[0] != '__init__':
               name = name[0]

    file = open[path+'','w']

    toWrite = '__all__ = '+str[imps]


This function creates a file [in the provided folder] named, which contains an __all__ variable that holds every module in the folder.

For example, I have a folder named Test which contains:

So in the script I want the modules to be imported into I will write:

from Test import *

This will import everything from Test and the file in Test will now contain:

__all__ = ['Foo','Bar']

Honest Abe

8,1024 gold badges47 silver badges62 bronze badges

answered Jul 30, 2012 at 21:06


This is the best way i've found so far:

from os.path import dirname, join, isdir, abspath, basename
from glob import glob
pwd = dirname[__file__]
for x in glob[join[pwd, '*.py']]:
    if not x.startswith['__']:
        __import__[basename[x][:-3], globals[], locals[]]

answered Jul 2, 2014 at 8:30

Farshid AshouriFarshid Ashouri

14.7k6 gold badges49 silver badges64 bronze badges


Anurag Uniyal answer with suggested improvements!

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import glob

all_list = list[]
for f in glob.glob[os.path.dirname[__file__]+"/*.py"]:
    if os.path.isfile[f] and not os.path.basename[f].startswith['_']:

__all__ = all_list  

answered Jun 13, 2014 at 1:28

Eduardo LucioEduardo Lucio

1,2851 gold badge19 silver badges33 bronze badges

Using importlib the only thing you've got to add is

from importlib import import_module
from pathlib import Path

__all__ = [
    import_module[f".{f.stem}", __package__]
    for f in Path[__file__].parent.glob["*.py"]
    if "__" not in f.stem
del import_module, Path


52.2k15 gold badges151 silver badges131 bronze badges

answered Nov 26, 2019 at 15:56


12.2k6 gold badges58 silver badges99 bronze badges


I've created a module for that, which doesn't rely on [or any other auxiliary file] and makes me type only the following two lines:

import importdir["Foo", globals[]]

Feel free to re-use or contribute: //

answered Nov 18, 2014 at 23:46


1,6621 gold badge18 silver badges29 bronze badges

Anurag's example with a couple of corrections:

import os, glob

modules = glob.glob[os.path.join[os.path.dirname[__file__], "*.py"]]
__all__ = [os.path.basename[f][:-3] for f in modules if not f.endswith[""]]

answered Nov 19, 2014 at 11:13


2,8412 gold badges16 silver badges13 bronze badges

When from . import * isn't good enough, this is an improvement over the answer by ted. Specifically, the use of __all__ is not necessary with this approach.

"""Import all modules that exist in the current directory."""
# Ref //
from importlib import import_module
from pathlib import Path

for f in Path[__file__].parent.glob["*.py"]:
    module_name = f.stem
    if [not module_name.startswith["_"]] and [module_name not in globals[]]:
        import_module[f".{module_name}", __package__]
    del f, module_name
del import_module, Path

Note that module_name not in globals[] is intended to avoid reimporting the module if it's already imported, as this can risk cyclic imports.

answered Mar 26, 2020 at 4:27


52.2k15 gold badges151 silver badges131 bronze badges

See that your defines __all__. The modules - packages doc says

The files are required to make Python treat the directories as containing packages; this is done to prevent directories with a common name, such as string, from unintentionally hiding valid modules that occur later on the module search path. In the simplest case, can just be an empty file, but it can also execute initialization code for the package or set the __all__ variable, described later.


The only solution is for the package author to provide an explicit index of the package. The import statement uses the following convention: if a package’s code defines a list named __all__, it is taken to be the list of module names that should be imported when from package import * is encountered. It is up to the package author to keep this list up-to-date when a new version of the package is released. Package authors may also decide not to support it, if they don’t see a use for importing * from their package. For example, the file sounds/effects/ could contain the following code:

__all__ = ["echo", "surround", "reverse"]

This would mean that from sound.effects import * would import the three named submodules of the sound package.

answered Jun 29, 2009 at 9:47


80.2k10 gold badges74 silver badges104 bronze badges

I'd like to add to Anurag Uniyal's answer. You can make it even simpler and get rid of a lot of the imports. Contents of the file:

from os import listdir
from os.path import dirname
__all__ = [i[:-3] for i in listdir[dirname[__file__]] if not i.startswith['__'] and i.endswith['.py']]

answered Jul 18, 2021 at 15:44

Look at the pkgutil module from the standard library. It will let you do exactly what you want as long as you have an file in the directory. The file can be empty.

answered Feb 8, 2011 at 12:51

Just import them by importlib and add them to __all__ [add action is optional] in recurse in the of package.


import os
import importlib
pyfile_extes = ['py', ]
__all__ = [importlib.import_module['.%s' % filename, __package__] for filename in [os.path.splitext[i][0] for i in os.listdir[os.path.dirname[__file__]] if os.path.splitext[i][1] in pyfile_extes] if not filename.startswith['__']]
del os, importlib, pyfile_extes

answered Jan 18, 2018 at 11:07


9008 silver badges22 bronze badges


I had a nested directory structure i.e. I had multiple directories inside the main directory that contained the python modules.

I added the following script to my file to import all the modules

import glob, re, os 

module_parent_directory = "path/to/the/directory/containing/"

owd = os.getcwd[]
if not owd.endswith[module_parent_directory]: os.chdir[module_parent_directory]

module_paths = glob.glob["**/*.py", recursive = True]

for module_path in module_paths:
    if not re.match[ ".*$", module_path]:
        import_path = module_path[:-3]
        import_path = import_path.replace["/", "."]
        exec[f"from .{import_path} import *"]


Probably not the best way to achieve this, but I couldn't make anything else work for me.

answered Jan 15, 2021 at 21:41

Here is a solution, with which you do not have to write the file name. Just add this code snippet to your

from inspect import isclass
from pkgutil import iter_modules
from pathlib import Path
from importlib import import_module

# iterate through the modules in the current package
package_dir = Path[__file__].resolve[].parent
for [_, module_name, _] in iter_modules[[package_dir]]:

    # import the module and iterate through its attributes
    module = import_module[f"{__name__}.{module_name}"]
    for attribute_name in dir[module]:
        attribute = getattr[module, attribute_name]

        if isclass[attribute]:            
            # Add the class to this package's variables
            globals[][attribute_name] = attribute


answered Sep 5 at 16:01

How do you load all files in Python?

You can mainly use two methods to open all files inside a directory in Python: the os. listdir[] function and the glob. glob[] function.

Can you import all in Python?

You can import all the code from a module by specifying the import keyword followed by the module you want to import. import statements appear at the top of a Python file, beneath any comments that may exist. This is because importing modules or packages at the top of a file makes the structure of your code clearer.

How do I import an entire module?

You need to use the import keyword along with the desired module name. When interpreter comes across an import statement, it imports the module to your current program. You can use the functions inside a module by using a dot[.] operator along with the module name.

Do I need to import in every Python file?

Python does not actually import a module that it has already imported [unless you force it to do so with the reload function], so you can safely put a import some_module statement into every module of your program that needs access to the names defined in some_module .

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