How do i make a negative number positive in php?

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Definition and Usage

The abs[] function returns the absolute [positive] value of a number.


Parameter Values

number Required. Specifies a number. If the number is of type float, the return type is also float, otherwise it is integer

Technical Details

Return Value:Return Type:PHP Version:
The absolute value of the number
Float / Integer

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    The abs[] function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to return the absolute [positive] value of a number. The abs[] function in PHP is identical to what we call modulus in mathematics. The modulus or absolute value of a negative number is positive.


    number abs[ value ]

    Parameters: The abs[] function accepts single parameter value which holds the number whose absolute value you want to find.

    Return Value: It returns the absolute value of the number passed to it as argument.


    Input : abs[6]
    Output : 6
    Input : abs[-6]
    Output : 6
    Input : abs[6.4]
    Output : 6.4
    Input : abs[-6.4]
    Output : 6.4

    Below programs illustrate the abs[] function in PHP:

    Program 1: When a positive number is passed as a parameter:



    Program 2: When a negative number is passed as a parameter:



    Program 3: When a positive number with decimal places is passed as a parameter:



    Program 4: When a negative number with decimal places is passed as a parameter:

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