How do you create a synonym in python?

I'm a beginner in Python, and I have a dictionary of words as below:

thisdict ={  "Animal",  "Metal",  "Car"}

And I am getting their synsets as below:

syns = {w : [] for w in thisdict}
for k, v in syns.items[]:
    for synset in wordnet.synsets[k]:
        for lemma in synset.lemmas[]:

At the moment, the output of syns for Animal is:

 {'Animal': ['animal']}
 {'Animal': ['animal', 'animate_being']}
 {'Animal': ['animal', 'animate_being', 'beast']}
 {'Animal': ['animal', 'animate_being', 'beast', 'brute']}
 {'Animal': ['animal', 'animate_being', 'beast', 'brute', 'creature']}
 {'Animal': ['animal', 'animate_being', 'beast', 'brute', 'creature', 'fauna']}
{'Animal': ['animal', 'animate_being', 'beast', 'brute', 'creature', 'fauna', 'animal']}
{'Animal': ['animal', 'animate_being', 'beast', 'brute', 'creature', 'fauna', 'animal', 'carnal']}
{'Animal': ['animal', 'animate_being', 'beast', 'brute', 'creature', 'fauna', 'animal', 'carnal', 'fleshly']}
{'Animal': ['animal', 'animate_being', 'beast', 'brute', 'creature', 'fauna', 'animal', 'carnal', 'fleshly', 'sensual']}

My question is, is there a way to create a dictionary where each row contains a word and it's synonym, for example:

Animal: 'animal', 'animate_being', 'beast', 'brute', 'creature', 'fauna', 'animal', 'carnal', 'fleshly', 'sensual' 
Cat: ...

EDIT Thanks to DannyMoshe, I've added if not key.lower[] ==[]: before the append and now have the following output:

['animate_being', 'beast']
['animate_being', 'beast', 'brute']
['animate_being', 'beast', 'brute', 'creature']
['animate_being', 'beast', 'brute', 'creature', 'fauna']
['animate_being', 'beast', 'brute', 'creature', 'fauna', 'carnal']
['animate_being', 'beast', 'brute', 'creature', 'fauna', 'carnal', 'fleshly']
['animate_being', 'beast', 'brute', 'creature', 'fauna', 'carnal', 'fleshly', 'sensual']

Is there a way to select the last line, ['animate_being', 'beast', 'brute', 'creature', 'fauna', 'carnal', 'fleshly', 'sensual'], and match it to Animal in thisdict?

Text Mining — Extracting Synonyms and Antonyms

Photo by micah boswell on Unsplash

Language analysis can be carried out in many ways. In this blog, we will see how to extract Synonyms and Antonyms from the text using Natural Language Processing[NLTK] WordNet library.

Source: Vincent Russo

The WordNet is a part of Python’s Natural Language Toolkit. It is a large collection of words and vocabulary from the English language that are related to each other and are grouped in some way. A collection of similar words is called lemmas. Also, It’s a combination of dictionary and thesaurus. It is used for automatic text analysis and artificial intelligence applications. It supports many other languages in its collection. Please check for more information about WordNet here

Nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs are grouped into sets of cognitive synonyms [synsets], each expressing a distinct concept. Synsets are interlinked by means of conceptual-semantic and lexical relations. Let’s see some examples

To find the meaning of the word


Import NLTK library and install Wordnet

import nltk['wordnet']

In this example, we will see how wordnet returns meaning and other details of the word. Let’s go ahead and look up the word “travel”

Sometimes, if some examples are available, it may also provide that.

#Checking the word "Teaching"syn = wordnet.synsets[“teaching”]



We can see that “TEACHING” has five meanings. Let’s find the first sense to get a better understanding of the kind of information each synset contains. We can do this by indexing the first element at its name. n, v represents Parts of speech tagging.


# Printing the Synonym, meaning and example of "teaching" for the first two indexes#First Indexprint[‘Word and Type : ‘ + syn[0].name[]]
print[‘Synonym of teaching is: ‘ + syn[0].lemmas[][0].name[]]
print[‘The meaning of the teaching: ‘ + syn[0].definition[]]
print[‘Example of teaching : ‘ + str[syn[0].examples[]]]
#Second Index
print[‘Word and Type : ‘ + syn[1].name[]]
print[‘Synonym of teaching is: ‘ + syn[1].lemmas[][0].name[]]
print[‘The meaning of the teaching : ‘ + syn[1].definition[]]
print[‘Example of teaching : ‘ + str[syn[1].examples[]]]


# Output for first indexWord and Type : teaching.n.01
Synonym of Teaching is: teaching
The meaning of the Teaching: the profession of a teacher
Example of Teaching : ['he prepared for teaching while still in college', 'pedagogy is recognized as an important profession']
# Output for second indexWord and Type : teaching.n.02
Synonym of Teaching is: teaching
The meaning of the Teaching : a doctrine that is taught
Example of Teaching : ['the teachings of religion', 'he believed all the Christian precepts']


We can use lemmas[] function of the synset. It returns synonyms as well as antonyms of that particular synset.


#Checking synonym for the word "travel"
from nltk.corpus import wordnet
#Creating a list
synonyms = []
for syn in wordnet.synsets["travel"]:
for lm in syn.lemmas[]:
synonyms.append[[]]#adding into synonyms
print [set[synonyms]]


{'trip', 'locomote', 'jaunt', 'change_of_location', 'go', 'traveling', 'travelling', 'locomotion', 'travel', 'move', 'journey', 'move_around'}

We can see the synonyms for the word ‘travel’ from the above output.



#Checking antonym for the word "increase"
from nltk.corpus import wordnet
antonyms = []
for syn in wordnet.synsets["increase"]:
for lm in syn.lemmas[]:
if lm.antonyms[]:
antonyms.append[lm.antonyms[][0].name[]] #adding into antonyms


{'decrement', 'decrease'}

WordNet has other feature called word similarity. It helps us check the similarity between two words that I didn’t cover in this blog.

Thanks for reading. Keep learning and stay tuned for more!

How do you add synonyms in Python?

Use the “synsets” method. use the “syn. lemmas” property to assign the synonyms to the list with a for loop. Call the synonyms of the word with NLTK WordNet within a set.

How do you find similar words in Python?

To find similar words you need to take your vector and compare with every other word vector, which is O[N] in the size of the vocabulary. So you might want to do this offline, and build your own "synonyms-and-similar" dictionary for each word of interest.

What is the synonym of create?

1 [verb] in the sense of make. Synonyms. make. compose. devise.

How do you define a synonym?

Definition of synonym 1 : one of two or more words or expressions of the same language that have the same or nearly the same meaning in some or all senses. 2a : a word or phrase that by association is held to embody something [such as a concept or quality] a tyrant whose name has become a synonym for oppression.

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