How do you remove prime numbers from a list in python?

This method requires that you fill in the array with some known prime values. The more primes you add to the list the more accurate the checker will become.

I've ran this against the first 168 prime numbers without it skipping a beat. I do recommend that you grab your own list of prime numbers to test against it and see if anything returns "False" when it should return "True".

def isprime[n]:
if n==0 or n==1: return False
testlist = [2,3,5,7,9,11]

grand = 0

for test in testlist:
    if n==test: return True
    elif n%test==0: return False
    else: grand += 1

if grand > 0: return True
else: return False

Using this in your favor can be done in this manner:

primearr = []
for x in xrange[1, 1000000]:
    if isprime[x] == True:

This code is fast enough for me to run the first 1000000 numbers in about a second or two. Now if you want to view the results then it's best that you throw them into a text document than reading them out [which can freeze or crash Python] like this:

with open['primelist.txt', 'a'] as f:
    for prime in primearr:

Then you can check the directory where you have Python installed to find the text document unless you specified a directory in the filename like this:

with open['C:\\Users\\yourname\\Desktop\\primelist.txt', 'a'] as f:


I know this is a necro-edit but I feel that it's necessary because I did get it to successfully check the first 10,000,000 prime numbers with the same exact prime test list.

I got the first 10,000,000 primes from this source: //

primelist = []
with open['first-ten-million-primes', 'r'] as r:
primes = r.readlines[]

for prime in primes:
    for num in prime.split['\t']:

testlist = [2,3,5,7,9,11]
success, failure = [], []

for prime in primelist:
    grand = 0
    for test in testlist:
        if prime % test == 0 and prime != test: grand += 1
    if grand > 0: failure.append[prime]
    else: success.append[prime]

print['Successes: {}\r\nFailures: {}'.format[len[success], len[failure]]]

That output returned:

Successes: 10000000
Failures: 0

This was all on Python 3.6.5 x64.

I need a little help interpreting and completing this project. I double starred the part I'm on, any idea on how to do it? Additionally, I need some help with identifying what gets returned to what function. My code is linked below. The project is:

The Sieve of Eratosthenes is a famous algorithm that generates a
    list of the prime numbers up to a specified limit.  We maintain a
    list of the prime numbers found so far and a candidate list of the
    integers up to the specified limit that are not multiples of the
    primes found so far.  Initially, the list of primes is empty and
    the list of candidates contains all the integers from 2 up to the
    limit.  If the limit is 20, we start with the following lists:

    At each step, the next prime number is the first number on the
    list of candidates.  It is appended to the list of primes and
    all of its multiples are removed from the list of candidates.
    The algorithm stops when the list of candidates is empty.  The
    following table shows the lists after each step:
    Primes                                                    Candidates
    []                [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]
    [2]                                         [3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19]
    [2,3]                                              [5,7,11,13,17,19]
    [2,3,5]                                              [7,11,13,17,19]
    [2,3,5,7]                                              [11,13,17,19]
    [2,3,5,7,11]                                              [13,17,19]
    [2,3,5,7,11,13]                                              [17,19]
    [2,3,5,7,11,13,17]                                              [19]
    [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19]                                             []

    Write a Python program that uses the Sieve of Eratosthenes to print
    a list of the primes up to a limit read from the keyboard.  Print
    the list in columns, with 5 numbers printed on each line.  Each
    column should be 12 characters wide.
    Your program must define the following functions, as well as any
    additional functions that you find useful.
    list = build[limit]
        Return a list of all the whole numbers from 2 through limit.
        For example, build[5] must return the list [2,3,4,5].  Your
        program will call this function to build the initial list
        of candidates.
    newcands = sieve[number, oldcands]

        **Return a new version of the candidates list, obtained by
        removing all multiples of number from the old version of the
        list.  [Hint: Create a new list which is initially empty.
        Loop over the old list appending to the new list those items
        which are not multiples of number.  A value is not a multiple
        of number if  value % number != 0.]**


        Print the items on the specified list in 5 columns.  Each column
        must be right justified and 12 characters wide.  Your program
        will call this function to print the list of primes. [Hint: 
        Print one item on each iteration of a loop.  Use the statement

            print["{0:>12}".format[item], end=""]
        to right-justify the item in 12 columns without advancing to a
        new line.  Hold the column number in a variable.  Advance to a
        new line and reset the variable when its value reaches 5.]
    Hand in a listing of your program and the output from a successful
    run that prints the prime numbers up to 500:
    Limit? 500

               2           3           5           7          11
              13          17          19          23          29
              31          37          41          43          47
              53          59          61          67          71
              73          79          83          89          97
             101         103         107         109         113
             127         131         137         139         149
             151         157         163         167         173
             179         181         191         193         197
             199         211         223         227         229
             233         239         241         251         257
             263         269         271         277         281
             283         293         307         311         313
             317         331         337         347         349
             353         359         367         373         379
             383         389         397         401         409
             419         421         431         433         439
             443         449         457         461         463
             467         479         487         491         499

My code: // or:

def build[limit]:
  list1 = []
  list2 = []
  for number in range[limit + 1]:
    if number not in range[2]:
  for number in list1: #this is the part I'm stuck on, how do I correctly append primes to list2?
    for number in list2:
        if number % [number in list1] == 0:

list = build[10]
    #newcands = sieve[number, oldcands]

How do you remove prime numbers in Python?

Example 1: Using a flag variable We check if num is exactly divisible by any number from 2 to num - 1 . If we find a factor in that range, the number is not prime, so we set flag to True and break out of the loop. Outside the loop, we check if flag is True or False . If it is True , num is not a prime number.

How do you separate prime numbers from a list in Python?

prime numbers upto n in python.
lower = int[input["Enter lower range: "]].
upper = int[input["Enter upper range: "]].
for num in range[lower,upper + 1]:.
if num > 1:.
for i in range[2,num]:.
if [num % i] == 0:.

How do you get a list of prime factors in Python?

Example - Python program to print prime factors.
import math..
# Below function will print the..
# all prime factor of given number..
def prime_factors[num]:.
# Using the while loop, we will print the number of two's that divide n..
while num % 2 == 0:.
num = num / 2..

How do you find a prime number in a list?

Take a number, say, 26577. The unit digit of this number is not 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8. Now, take the sum of digits which will be: 2 + 6 + 5 + 7 + 7 = 27. Since 27 is divisible by 3, 26577 is not a prime number.

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