How do you use count in python?

❮ List Methods


Return the number of times the value "cherry" appears in the fruits list:

fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']

x = fruits.count["cherry"]

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Definition and Usage

The count[] method returns the number of elements with the specified value.


Parameter Values

value Required. Any type [string, number, list, tuple, etc.]. The value to search for.

More Examples


Return the number of times the value 9 appears int the list:

points = [1, 4, 2, 9, 7, 8, 9, 3, 1]

x = points.count[9]

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❮ List Methods

❮ String Methods


Return the number of times the value "apple" appears in the string:

txt = "I love apples, apple are my favorite fruit"

x = txt.count["apple"]


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Definition and Usage

The count[] method returns the number of times a specified value appears in the string.


string.count[value, start, end]

Parameter Values

value Required. A String. The string to value to search for
start Optional. An Integer. The position to start the search. Default is 0
end Optional. An Integer. The position to end the search. Default is the end of the string

More Examples


Search from position 10 to 24:

txt = "I love apples, apple are my favorite fruit"

x = txt.count["apple", 10, 24]


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❮ String Methods

In this tutorial, we will learn about the Python String count[] method with the help of examples.

The count[] method returns the number of occurrences of a substring in the given string.


message = 'python is popular programming language'

# number of occurrence of 'p' print['Number of occurrence of p:', message.count['p']]

# Output: Number of occurrence of p: 4

Syntax of String count

The syntax of count[] method is:

string.count[substring, start=..., end=...]

count[] Parameters

count[] method only requires a single parameter for execution. However, it also has two optional parameters:

  • substring - string whose count is to be found.
  • start [Optional] - starting index within the string where search starts.
  • end [Optional] - ending index within the string where search ends.

Note: Index in Python starts from 0, not 1.

count[] Return Value

count[] method returns the number of occurrences of the substring in the given string.

Example 1: Count number of occurrences of a given substring

# define string
string = "Python is awesome, isn't it?"
substring = "is"

count = string.count[substring]

# print count print["The count is:", count]


The count is: 2

Example 2: Count number of occurrences of a given substring using start and end

# define string
string = "Python is awesome, isn't it?"
substring = "i"

# count after first 'i' and before the last 'i'

count = string.count[substring, 8, 25]

# print count print["The count is:", count]


The count is: 1

Here, the counting starts after the first i has been encountered, i.e. 7th index position.

And, it ends before the last i, i.e. 25th index position.

In this tutorial, we will learn about the Python List count[] method with the help of examples.

The count[] method returns the number of times the specified element appears in the list.


# create a list
numbers = [2, 3, 5, 2, 11, 2, 7]

# check the count of 2 count = numbers.count[2]

print['Count of 2:', count] # Output: Count of 2: 3

Syntax of List count[]

The syntax of the count[] method is:


count[] Parameters

The count[] method takes a single argument:

  • element - the element to be counted

Return value from count[]

The count[] method returns the number of times element appears in the list.

Example 1: Use of count[]

# vowels list
vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'i', 'u']

# count element 'i' count = vowels.count['i']

# print count print['The count of i is:', count]

# count element 'p' count = vowels.count['p']

# print count print['The count of p is:', count]


The count of i is: 2
The count of p is: 0

Example 2: Count Tuple and List Elements Inside List

# random list
random = ['a', ['a', 'b'], ['a', 'b'], [3, 4]]

# count element ['a', 'b'] count = random.count[['a', 'b']]

# print count print["The count of ['a', 'b'] is:", count]

# count element [3, 4] count = random.count[[3, 4]]

# print count print["The count of [3, 4] is:", count]


The count of ['a', 'b'] is: 2
The count of [3, 4] is: 1

How does count [] work in Python?

Count[] is a Python built-in function that returns the number of times an object appears in a list. The count[] method is one of Python's built-in functions. It returns the number of times a given value occurs in a string or a list, as the name implies.

How do you write a count in Python?

Syntax of count[] Function in Python Python Count[] function has following syntax: string. count[substring/character, start=, end=]

How do you use input count in Python?

Python String has got an in-built function – string. count[] method to count the occurrence of a character or a substring in the particular input string. The string. count[] method accepts a character or a substring as an argument and returns the number of times the input substring happens to appear in the string.

How do you count a list in Python?

There is a built-in function called len[] for getting the total number of items in a list, tuple, arrays, dictionary, etc. The len[] method takes an argument where you may provide a list and it returns the length of the given list.

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