How to hide database password in php

im a total beginner in web programming. Im trying to create a simple website that is reading data from a SQL Database. At first i just wrote my database password and login directly into the php code:

This obviously isn't a very good idea! So what is a [much] more "secure" way to do this? I read about putting the php code into a seperate file, meaning not into the main php document of the website, and then restricting the access to that file. Maybe by a .htaccess file. Is this the way to go?

asked May 11, 2011 at 10:01


The config.php file and the .htaccess is a classic/good way to go. It's the way it is usually done with CMS or frameworks.

As pointed by JohnP, you can also store the config.php outside of the public directory, that means that it can't be accessed via HTTP. This is only a little better for security [if you don't make a mistake with your .htaccess, there is no more risks].

File structure example :

  • config/ -> configuration files
  • lib/ -> libraries and utils PHP files
  • public/ -> all you public pages/files/images...

That way, // points to public/, so there's no way to access the config. But this solution implies that you can change the root web directory [or that it is already like that].

Finally, you have to remember to set this file readable and writeable by the Apache user only, not everyone [unix file access rights], so that if someone gain access to you server through another user, he can't read the file.

answered May 11, 2011 at 10:05

Matthieu NapoliMatthieu Napoli

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You normally put this in a configuration file and you access the configuration values via PHP.

Usually a project is organized such that your application code and your configuration code is outside your webroot and only your public resources [index.php, images, scripts or other resources] are available via direct access.

answered May 11, 2011 at 10:05


48.9k13 gold badges108 silver badges138 bronze badges


A database connection file may contain confidential information like the following:

The confidential information includes database name, username and password for connection. Therefore, putting your database connection file in the document root of httpd might leave chances for hackers to attack your data.

A better solution is to move the file out of document root of httpd. For instance, if the database connection file is under the document root: /var/www/html/, you can create a directory /var/www/db outside the document root for your database connection file to store itself. Here are the steps:

  1. Create a directory for the destination of your database connection file.
  2. [root@localhost www]# mkdir /var/www/db
    [root@localhost www]# ls -l
    drwxr-xr-x.  2 root root 4096 Dec 28 14:54 db
  3. Move the file to the new location
  4. The new location of this file will be /var/www/db/

    [root@localhost www]# mv /var/www/html/comm/ /var/www/db/
  5. Change all the related code from:
  6. Into:

Please note that, PHP allows you to use absolute paths to require files, which are more accurate than relative paths in many ways.

How can I protect my database password in PHP?

We have solved it in this way:.
Use memcache on server, with open connection from other password server..
Save to memcache the password [or even all the password. ... .
The web site, calls the memcache key holding the password file passphrase and decrypt in memory all the passwords..

Is it safe to store password in PHP?

The best way is to store password above your root directory. If you decide to have password in php file then no body would able to view because php files are excuted in the server. But if the server does not support php then those files will be delivered as text files and any one can see the password.

What is password control in PHP?

User has to create a password and use it for login to the website. But it is very important to secure the password of the user. password_hash[] function provides the facility to securely store the password of the user to the database.

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