How to take n inputs in python

You can accept their input and convert it to an int

>>> size = int[input['Enter size of array: ']]
Enter size of array: 3

Then use this value within the range function to iterate that many times. Doing so in a list comprehension you can repeatedly ask for input the same way.

>>> values = [int[input['Enter a value: ']] for _ in range[size]]
Enter a value: 3
Enter a value: 5
Enter a value: 7

>>> values
[3, 5, 7]

To do this in a more step-by-step manner you can use a for loop

values = []
for _ in range[size]:
    values.append[int[input['Enter a value: ']]]

If you just want them to enter a line of values, don't worry about asking how many there will be. You can use split[] to tokenize the string on whitespace [or whatever delimiter you pass in], then convert each value to an int.

>>> values = [int[i] for i in input['Enter some values: '].split[]]
Enter some values: 3 5 7 8
>>> values
[3, 5, 7, 8]

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    We often encounter a situation when we need to take number/string as input from the user. In this article, we will see how to get as input a list from the user. 


    Input : n = 4,  ele = 1 2 3 4
    Output :  [1, 2, 3, 4]
    Input : n = 6, ele = 3 4 1 7 9 6
    Output : [3, 4, 1, 7, 9, 6]

    Code #1: Basic example 


    lst = []

    n = int[input["Enter number of elements : "]]

    for i in range[0, n]:

        ele = int[input[]]




    Code #2: With handling exception 



        my_list = []

        while True:





    Code #3: Using map[] 


    n = int[input["Enter number of elements : "]]

    a = list[map[int,input["\nEnter the numbers : "].strip[].split[]]][:n]

    print["\nList is - ", a]


    Code #4: List of lists as input 


    lst = [ ]

    n = int[input["Enter number of elements : "]]

    for i in range[0, n]:

        ele = [input[], int[input[]]]




    Code #5: Using List Comprehension and Typecasting 


    lst1 = []  

    lst2 = []  

    lst1 = [int[item] for item in input["Enter the list items : "].split[]]

    lst2 = [item for item in input["Enter the list items : "].split[]]




    How do you do multiple N inputs in Python?

    Example -2:.
    # Taking multiple inputs in a single line..
    # and type casting using list[] function..
    x = list[map[int, input["Enter multiple values: "]. split[]]].
    print["List of students: ", x].

    How do you take N input on one line in Python?

    To take N inputs in one line:.
    Use the input[] function to take multiple, space-separated values..
    Use the str. split[] function to split the values into a list..
    Convert the strings in the list to integers if taking numeric input values..

    How do you take multiple integer inputs in a single line in Python?

    Using split[] method : This function helps in getting a multiple inputs from user. It breaks the given input by the specified separator. If a separator is not provided then any white space is a separator. Generally, user use a split[] method to split a Python string but one can use it in taking multiple input.

    How do you input 3 numbers in Python?

    # Python Program to input 3 numbers and display the largest number.
    num2=int[input["Enter Second Number"]] num3=int[input["Enter Third Number"]] ... .
    if [num1> num2 and num1> num3]: print["The Largest number is", num1] ... .
    elif [num2 > num1 and num2> num3]: print ["The Largest number is", num2].

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