Hướng dẫn dùng decodage quoted-printable trong PHP

[PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8]

quoted_printable_decodeConvert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string


quoted_printable_decode[string $string]: string

This function is similar to imap_qprint[], except this one does not require the IMAP module to work.



The input string.

Return Values

Returns the 8-bit binary string.


Example #1 quoted_printable_decode[] example

The above example will output:

string[37] "M=C3=B6chten Sie ein paar =C3=84pfel?"
string[29] "Möchten Sie ein paar Äpfel?"

legolas558 at users dot sausafe dot net

15 years ago

As soletan at toxa dot de reported, that function is very bad and does not provide valid enquoted printable strings. While using it I saw spam agents marking the emails as QP_EXCESS and sometimes the email client did not recognize the header at all; I really lost time :[. This is the new version [we use it in the Drake CMS core] that works seamlessly:

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