Hướng dẫn how do you convert hours to days in python? - làm thế nào để bạn chuyển đổi giờ thành ngày trong python?

Bản vá cũng như câu trả lời của Ralph Bolton.Chuyển đến một lớp và di chuyển TULP của TULP [khoảng thời gian] sang từ điển.Thêm một hàm tròn tùy chọn tùy thuộc vào độ chi tiết [kích hoạt theo mặc định].Sẵn sàng dịch bằng cách sử dụng getText [mặc định là vô hiệu hóa].Đây là ý định tải từ một mô -đun.Đây là cho Python3 [đã thử nghiệm 3.6 - 3.8]

import gettext
import locale
from itertools import chain

mylocale = locale.getdefaultlocale[]
# see --> //stackoverflow.com/a/10174657/11869956 thx 
#localedir = os.path.join[os.path.dirname[__file__], 'locales']
# or python > 3.4:
    localedir = pathlib.Path[__file__].parent/'locales'
    lang_translations = gettext.translation['utils', localedir, 
    _ = lang_translations.gettext
except Exception as exc:
    print['Error: unexcept error while initializing translation:', file=sys.stderr]
    print[f'Error: {exc}', file=sys.stderr]
    print[f'Error: localedir={localedir}, languages={mylocale[0]}', file=sys.stderr]
    print['Error: translation has been disabled.', file=sys.stderr]
    _ = gettext.gettext

Đây là lớp học:

class FormatTimestamp:
    """Convert seconds to, optional rounded, time depending of granularity's degrees.
        inspired by //stackoverflow.com/a/24542445/11869956"""
    def __init__[self]:
        # For now i haven't found a way to do it better
        # TODO: optimize ?!? ;]
        self.intervals = {
            # 'years'     :   31556952,  # //www.calculateme.com/time/years/to-seconds/
            # //www.calculateme.com/time/months/to-seconds/ -> 2629746 seconds
            # But it's outputing some strange result :
            # So 3 seconds less [2629743] : 4 weeks, 2 days, 10 hours, 29 minutes and 3 seconds
            # than after 3 more seconds : 1 month ?!?
            # Google give me 2628000 seconds
            # So 3 seconds less [2627997]: 4 weeks, 2 days, 9 hours, 59 minutes and 57 seconds
            # Strange as well 
            # So for the moment latest is week ...
            #'months'    :   2419200, # 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 4 
            'weeks'     :   604800,  # 60 * 60 * 24 * 7
            'days'      :   86400,    # 60 * 60 * 24
            'hours'     :   3600,    # 60 * 60
            'minutes'   :   60,
            'seconds'  :   1
        self.nextkey = {
            'seconds'   :   'minutes',
            'minutes'   :   'hours',
            'hours'     :   'days',
            'days'      :   'weeks',
            'weeks'     :   'weeks',
            #'months'    :   'months',
            #'years'     :   'years' # stop here
        self.translate = {
            'weeks'     :   _['weeks'],
            'days'      :   _['days'],
            'hours'     :   _['hours'],
            'minutes'   :   _['minutes'],
            'seconds'   :   _['seconds'],
            ## Single
            'week'      :   _['week'],
            'day'       :   _['day'],
            'hour'      :   _['hour'],
            'minute'    :   _['minute'],
            'second'    :   _['second'],
            ' and'      :   _['and'],
            ','         :   _[','],     # This is for compatibility
            ''          :   '\0'        # same here BUT we CANNOT pass empty string to gettext 
                                        # or we get : warning: Empty msgid.  It is reserved by GNU gettext:
                                        # gettext[""] returns the header entry with
                                        # meta information, not the empty string.
                                        # Thx to --> //stackoverflow.com/a/30852705/11869956 - saved my day

    def convert[self, seconds, granularity=2, rounded=True, translate=False]:
        """Proceed the conversion"""

        def _format[result]:
            """Return the formatted result
            TODO : numpy / google docstrings"""
            start = 1 
            length = len[result]
            none = 0
            next_item = False
            for item in reversed[result[:]]:
                if item['value']:
                    # if we have more than one item
                    if length - none > 1:
                        # This is the first 'real' item 
                        if start == 1:
                            item['punctuation'] = ''
                            next_item = True
                        elif next_item:
                            # This is the second 'real' item
                            # Happened 'and' to key name
                            item['punctuation'] = ' and'
                            next_item = False
                        # If there is more than two 'real' item
                        # than happened ','
                        elif 2 < start:
                            item['punctuation'] = ','
                            item['punctuation'] = ''
                        item['punctuation'] = ''
                    start += 1
                    none += 1
            return [ { 'value'        :   mydict['value'], 
                       'name'         :   mydict['name_strip'],
                       'punctuation'  :   mydict['punctuation'] } for mydict in result \
                                                                  if mydict['value'] is not None ]

        def _rstrip[value, name]:
            """Rstrip 's' name depending of value"""
            if value == 1:
                name = name.rstrip['s']
            return name

        # Make sure granularity is an integer
        if not isinstance[granularity, int]:
            raise ValueError[f'Granularity should be an integer: {granularity}']

        # For seconds only don't need to compute
        if seconds < 0:
            return 'any time now.'
        elif seconds < 60:
            return 'less than a minute.'

        result = []
        for name, count in self.intervals.items[]:
            value = seconds // count
            if value:
                seconds -= value * count
                name_strip = _rstrip[value, name]
                # save as dict: value, name_strip [eventually strip], name [for reference], value in seconds
                # and count [for reference]
                        'value'        :   value,
                        'name_strip'   :   name_strip,
                        'name'         :   name, 
                        'seconds'      :   value * count,
                        'count'        :   count
                if len[result] > 0:
                    # We strip the name as second == 0
                    name_strip = name.rstrip['s']
                    # adding None to key 'value' but keep other value
                    # in case when need to add seconds when we will 
                    # recompute every thing
                        'value'        :   None,
                        'name_strip'   :   name_strip,
                        'name'         :   name, 
                        'seconds'      :   0,
                        'count'        :   count

        # Get the length of the list
        length = len[result]
        # Don't need to compute everything / every time
        if length < granularity or not rounded:
            if translate:
                return ' '.join['{0} {1}{2}'.format[item['value'], _[self.translate[item['name']]], 
                                                _[self.translate[item['punctuation']]]] \
                                                for item in _format[result]]
                return ' '.join['{0} {1}{2}'.format[item['value'], item['name'], item['punctuation']] \
                                                for item in _format[result]]

        start = length - 1
        # Reverse list so the firsts elements 
        # could be not selected depending on granularity.
        # And we can delete item after we had his seconds to next
        # item in the current list [result]
        for item in reversed[result[:]]:
            if granularity 

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