Hướng dẫn merge json python

I suggest you to study basic fundamental of Python for your own sake as you don't seem to understand why your code wouldn't work.

import json

# We have two dictionaries to combine
json_obj_1 = {"a": [1,2], "b":[2,3], 'c': [1,2,3]}
json_obj_2 = {"a": [3,4], 'd':[4,2], 'e': [4,2,2]}

Merged dictionary will be stored here

hold_json_obj = {}

Don't worry, it's not actually that complicated. Read the code line by line with comments attached and you'll understand.

# We'll loop through every item in the json_obj_1 dictionary
for item_1 in json_obj_1:
    # We'll also loop through every item in the json_obj_2 dictionary
    for item_2 in json_obj_2:
        # Now let's compare whether they are the same KEYS [not values]
        if item_1 == item_2:
            # if they match, we create a list to store the array
            hold_array = []
            # finally putting the array to our hold_json_obj
            hold_json_obj[item_1] = hold_array
            # if they don't match, check if the key already exists in the
            # hold_json_obj because we might be iterating json_obj_2 for the second time.
            if item_2 not in hold_json_obj:
                #add the ummatched array to hold_json_obj
                hold_json_obj[item_2] = json_obj_2[item_2]

Now simply update json_obj_1 with the update method. The update function is required because if json_obj_1 has keys that json_obj_2 doesn't then we may have missed them out in the above loops.


This is what the print displays.

{'a': [1, 2, 3, 4], 'b': [2, 3], 'c': [1, 2, 3], 'd': [4, 2], 'e': [4, 2, 2]}

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