Hướng dẫn python mutation testing mutmut

Mutmut is a mutation testing system for Python, with a strong focus on ease of use. If you don’t know what mutation testing is try starting with this article.

Some highlight features:

  • Found mutants can be applied on disk with a simple command making it very easy to work with the results
  • Remembers work that has been done, so you can work incrementally
  • Supports all test runners [because mutmut only needs an exit code from the test command]
  • If you use the hammett test runner you can go extremely fast! There’s special handling for this runner that has some pretty dramatic results.
  • Can use coverage data to only do mutation testing on covered lines
  • Battle tested on real libraries by multiple companies

If you need to run mutmut on a python 2 code base use mutmut 1.5.0. Mutmut 1.9.0 is the last version to support python 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6.

Install and run¶

You can get started with a simple:

pip install mutmut
mutmut run

This will by default run pytest [or unittest if pytest is unavailable] on tests in the “tests” or “test” folder and it will try to figure out where the code to mutate lies. Run

for the available flags, to use other runners, etc. The recommended way to use mutmut if the defaults aren’t working for you is to add a block in setup.cfg. Then when you come back to mutmut weeks later you don’t have to figure out the flags again, just run mutmut run and it works. Like this:

runner=python -m hammett -x
dict_synonyms=Struct, NamedStruct

To use multiple paths either in the paths_to_mutate or tests_dir option use a comma or colon separated list. For example:


You can stop the mutation run at any time and mutmut will restart where you left off. It’s also smart enough to retest only the surviving mutants when the test suite changes.

To print the results run mutmut show. It will give you a list of the mutants grouped by file. You can now look at a specific mutant diff with mutmut show 3, all mutants for a specific file with mutmut show path/to/file.py or all mutants with mutmut show all.

You can also write a mutant to disk with mutmut apply 3. You should REALLY have the file you mutate under source code control and committed before you apply a mutant!


You can mark lines like this:

some_code_here[]  # pragma: no mutate

to stop mutation on those lines. Some cases we’ve found where you need to whitelist lines are:

  • The version string on your library. You really shouldn’t have a test for this :P
  • Optimizing break instead of continue. The code runs fine when mutating break to continue, but it’s slower.

See also Advanced whitelisting and configuration

Example mutations¶

  • Integer literals are changed by adding 1. So 0 becomes 1, 5 becomes 6, etc.
  • None: for alias in node.names: self.imports.append[alias.name] def visit_ImportFrom[self, node: ast.ImportFrom] -> None: self.imports.append[node.module] def init[]: """Find all test files located under the 'tests' directory and create an abstract syntax tree for each. Let the ``ImportVisitor`` find out what modules they import and store the information in a global dictionary which can be accessed by ``pre_mutation[context]``.""" test_files = [Path[__file__].parent / "tests"].rglob["test*.py"] for fpath in test_files: visitor = ImportVisitor[] visitor.visit[ast.parse[fpath.read_bytes[]]] test_imports[str[fpath]] = visitor.imports def pre_mutation[context]: """Construct the module name from the filename and run all test files which import that module.""" tests_to_run = [] for testfile, imports in test_imports.items[]: module_name = context.filename.rstrip[".py"].replace["/", "."] if module_name in imports: tests_to_run.append[testfile] context.config.test_command += f"{' '.join[tests_to_run]}"

    Selection based on coverage contexts¶

    If you recorded coverage contexts and use the --use-coverage switch, you can access this coverage data inside the pre_mutation[context] hook via the context.config.coverage_data attribute. This attribute is a dictionary in the form {filename: {lineno: [contexts]}}.

    Let’s say you have used the built-in dynamic context option of Coverage.py by adding the following to your .coveragerc file:

    dynamic_context = test_function

    coverage will create a new context for each test function that you run in the form module_name.function_name. With pytest, we can use the -k switch to filter tests that match a given expression.

    import os.path
    def pre_mutation[context]:
        """Extract the coverage contexts if possible and only run the tests matching this data."""
        if not context.config.coverage_data:
            # mutmut was run without ``--use-coverage``
        fname = os.path.abspath[context.filename]
        contexts_for_file = context.config.coverage_data.get[fname, {}]
        contexts_for_line = contexts_for_file.get[context.current_line_index, []]
        test_names = [
            ctx.rsplit[".", 1][-1]  # extract only the final part after the last dot, which is the test function name
            for ctx in contexts_for_line
            if ctx  # skip empty strings
        if not test_names:
        context.config.test_command += f' -k "{" or ".join[test_names]}"'

    Pay attention that the format of the context name varies depending on the tool you use for creating the contexts. For example, the pytest-cov plugin uses :: as separator between module and test function. Furthermore, not all tools are able to correctly pick up the correct contexts. coverage.py for instance is [at the time of writing] unable to pick up tests that are inside a class when using pytest. You will have to inspect your .coverage database using the Coverage.py API first to determine how you can extract the correct information to use with your test runner.

    Making things more robust¶

    Despite your best efforts in picking the right subset of tests, it may happen that the mutant survives because the test which is able to kill it was not included in the test set. You can tell mutmut to re-run the full test suite in that case, to verify that this mutant indeed survives. You can do so by passing the --rerun-all option to mutmut run. This option is disabled by default.

    JUnit XML support¶

    In order to better integrate with CI/CD systems, mutmut supports the generation of a JUnit XML report [using //pypi.org/project/junit-xml/]. This option is available by calling mutmut junitxml. In order to define how to deal with suspicious and untested mutants, you can use

    mutmut junitxml --suspicious-policy=ignore --untested-policy=ignore

    The possible values for these policies are:

    • ignore: Do not include the results on the report at all
    • skipped: Include the mutant on the report as “skipped”
    • error: Include the mutant on the report as “error”
    • failure: Include the mutant on the report as “failure”

    If a failed mutant is included in the report, then the unified diff of the mutant will also be included for debugging purposes.

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