Hướng dẫn sprintf vs printf php

I written the following tiny php program to test printf and sprintf:




Now you might ask why that extra 6 [in your output] then? Becuase printf returns the length of the printed string which is 6 in your case.

So here is how it goes

417ff56            // that extra 6 comes from your first echo.

answered Nov 25, 2014 at 7:13

Hanky PankyHanky Panky

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printf :- directly print the formatted string.

sprintf :- convert given format and store values in a variable and you can use echo/print to print variable values.

$text = "65 127 245";
printf["%x%x%x", 65, 127, 245];
$str_2 = sprintf["%x%x%x", 65, 127, 245];
echo $str_2;

answered Nov 25, 2014 at 7:18

Rakesh SharmaRakesh Sharma

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The Sample  Code below shows the difference between printf vs sprintf


  • printf will directly print out the String
  • sprintf will save the value as a variable and print it out later

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