Hướng dẫn which inheritance is not supported in python - thừa kế nào không được hỗ trợ trong python

Có, Python hỗ trợ nhiều kế thừa. Giống như C ++, một lớp có thể được lấy từ nhiều lớp cơ sở trong Python. Điều này được gọi là nhiều kế thừa.

Trong nhiều kế thừa, các tính năng của tất cả các lớp cơ sở được kế thừa vào lớp dẫn xuất. Hãy cho chúng tôi xem cú pháp -

Cú pháp

Class Base1:
	Body of the class

Class Base2:
	Body of the class

Class Base3:
	Body of the class
Class BaseN:
	Body of the class

Class Derived[Base1, Base2, Base3,  , BaseN]:
	Body of the class

Lớp dẫn xuất kế thừa từ cả Base1, Base2 và Base3Classes.

Thí dụ

Trong ví dụ dưới đây, lớp chim thừa hưởng lớp động vật.

  • Animal là lớp cha mẹ còn được gọi là siêu lớp hoặc lớp cơ sở.

  • Bird là lớp trẻ em còn được gọi là lớp phụ hoặc lớp có nguồn gốc.

Phương pháp class đảm bảo rằng Bird là một lớp con của lớp động vật.

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]

Đầu ra

It eats insects.
It sleeps in the night.
It flies in the sky.
It sings a song.

Cập nhật vào ngày 12 tháng 8 năm 2022 12:19:02

  • Câu hỏi và câu trả lời liên quan
  • Liệu kế thừa của MySQL hỗ trợ?
  • Java có hỗ trợ kế thừa lai không?
  • Java có hỗ trợ nhiều kế thừa không? Tại sao? Làm thế nào chúng ta có thể giải quyết điều này?
  • Python có hỗ trợ đa hình không?
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  • Làm thế nào để thừa kế lớp hoạt động trong Python?
  • C# và nhiều kế thừa
  • Java và nhiều kế thừa
  • Nhiều kế thừa trong C ++
  • Nhiều kế thừa trong JavaScript
  • JavaScript có hỗ trợ phạm vi khối không?
  • Selenium có hỗ trợ trình duyệt Safari không?
  • Làm thế nào chúng ta có thể mở rộng nhiều lớp Python trong kế thừa?
  • Nhiều kế thừa bằng giao diện trong Java
  • Sự khác biệt giữa đơn và nhiều kế thừa

Nhiều kế thừa thừa kế này cho phép một lớp con được thừa hưởng từ nhiều lớp cha mẹ. Loại kế thừa này không được hỗ trợ bởi các lớp Java, nhưng Python không hỗ trợ loại kế thừa này.inheritance in Python.

Python có hỗ trợ tất cả sự kế thừa không?

Kế thừa là một tính năng cần thiết của mọi ngôn ngữ lập trình hướng đối tượng. Điều này có nghĩa là Python hỗ trợ thừa kế và như bạn sẽ thấy sau này, đó là một trong số ít ngôn ngữ hỗ trợ nhiều kế thừa.

Loại kế thừa nào không được hỗ trợ? 

Để ngăn chặn tình huống như vậy, nhiều kế thừa không được phép trong Java.



class Parent:

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]



class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]

It eats insects.
It sleeps in the night.
It flies in the sky.
It sings a song.

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]

This function is in parent class.
This function is in child class.

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


This function is in parent class.
This function is in child class.
This function is in parent class.
This function is in child class.
This function is in parent class.
This function is in child class.

This function is in parent class.
This function is in child class.
This function is in parent class.
This function is in child class.

This function is in parent class.
This function is in child class.
This function is in parent class.
This function is in child class.


This function is in parent class.
This function is in child class.

Nhiều kế thừa: & nbsp; 

Khi một lớp có thể được lấy từ nhiều lớp cơ sở, loại thừa kế này được gọi là nhiều kế thừa. Trong nhiều kế thừa, tất cả các tính năng của các lớp cơ sở được kế thừa vào lớp dẫn xuất. & NBSP;




Father : RAM
Mother : SITA

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]

Father : RAM
Mother : SITA
This function is in parent class.
This function is in child class.
Father : RAM
Mother : SITA

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]

Father : RAM
Mother : SITA

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]

Lal mani
Grandfather name : Lal mani
Father name : Rampal
Son name : Prince


Lal mani
Grandfather name : Lal mani
Father name : Rampal
Son name : Prince

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]

Lal mani
Grandfather name : Lal mani
Father name : Rampal
Son name : Prince
This function is in parent class.
This function is in child class.
Father : RAM
Mother : SITA

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]

This function is in parent class.
This function is in child 1.
This function is in parent class.
This function is in child 2.

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]

This function is in school.
This function is in student 1.


This function is in school.
This function is in student 1.

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]

This function is in school.
This function is in student 1.

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]

This function is in school.
This function is in student 1.

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]

Lal mani
Grandfather name : Lal mani
Father name : Rampal
Son name : Prince


This function is in parent class.
This function is in child class.
3 Parent:4


This function is in parent class.
This function is in child class.
3 Parent:7


This function is in parent class.
This function is in child class.

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]



Father : RAM
Mother : SITA

Thừa kế đa cấp & nbsp ;: :

Trong kế thừa đa cấp, các tính năng của lớp cơ sở và lớp dẫn xuất được tiếp tục di truyền vào lớp dẫn xuất mới. Điều này tương tự như một mối quan hệ đại diện cho một đứa trẻ và một ông nội. & Nbsp;




class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]

This function is in parent class.
This function is in child class.

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]



class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]

This function is in parent class.
This function is in child class.

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]



class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]

This function is in parent class.
This function is in child class.

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]

This function is in school.
This function is in student 1.

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]



This function is in parent class.
This function is in child class.

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]



Lal mani
Grandfather name : Lal mani
Father name : Rampal
Son name : Prince

Di truyền phân cấp: & nbsp; 

Khi nhiều hơn một lớp dẫn xuất được tạo ra từ một cơ sở duy nhất, loại thừa kế này được gọi là kế thừa phân cấp. Trong chương trình này, chúng tôi có một lớp cha mẹ [cơ sở] và hai lớp [có nguồn gốc].



class Parent:

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]



class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]



class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]

It eats insects.
It sleeps in the night.
It flies in the sky.
It sings a song.

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]

It eats insects.
It sleeps in the night.
It flies in the sky.
It sings a song.

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]



It eats insects.
It sleeps in the night.
It flies in the sky.
It sings a song.


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]

It eats insects.
It sleeps in the night.
It flies in the sky.
It sings a song.

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


It eats insects.
It sleeps in the night.
It flies in the sky.
It sings a song.
This function is in parent class.
This function is in child class.
It eats insects.
It sleeps in the night.
It flies in the sky.
It sings a song.

It eats insects.
It sleeps in the night.
It flies in the sky.
It sings a song.
This function is in parent class.
This function is in child class.
It eats insects.
It sleeps in the night.
It flies in the sky.
It sings a song.

It eats insects.
It sleeps in the night.
It flies in the sky.
It sings a song.

It eats insects.
It sleeps in the night.
It flies in the sky.
It sings a song.

It eats insects.
It sleeps in the night.
It flies in the sky.
It sings a song.

It eats insects.
It sleeps in the night.
It flies in the sky.
It sings a song.


This function is in parent class.
This function is in child 1.
This function is in parent class.
This function is in child 2.

Di truyền lai: & nbsp; 

Di truyền bao gồm nhiều loại thừa kế được gọi là kế thừa lai.




It eats insects.
It sleeps in the night.
It flies in the sky.
It sings a song.

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]

It eats insects.
It sleeps in the night.
It flies in the sky.
It sings a song.

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]



class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]

It eats insects.
It sleeps in the night.
It flies in the sky.
It sings a song.

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]

It eats insects.
It sleeps in the night.
It flies in the sky.
It sings a song.

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]



It eats insects.
It sleeps in the night.
It flies in the sky.
It sings a song.


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]

It eats insects.
It sleeps in the night.
It flies in the sky.
It sings a song.

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


It eats insects.
It sleeps in the night.
It flies in the sky.
It sings a song.
This function is in parent class.
This function is in child class.
It eats insects.
It sleeps in the night.
It flies in the sky.
It sings a song.

It eats insects.
It sleeps in the night.
It flies in the sky.
It sings a song.
This function is in parent class.
This function is in child class.
It eats insects.
It sleeps in the night.
It flies in the sky.
It sings a song.

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]

It eats insects.
It sleeps in the night.
It flies in the sky.
It sings a song.

class Animal: def eat[self]: print["It eats insects."] def sleep[self]: print["It sleeps in the night."] class Bird[Animal]: def fly[self]: print["It flies in the sky."] def sing[self]: print["It sings a song."] print[issubclass[Bird, Animal]] Koyal= Bird[] print[isinstance[Koyal, Bird]] Koyal.eat[] Koyal.sleep[] Koyal.fly[] Koyal.sing[]


Di truyền lai: & nbsp;

This function is in parent class.
This function is in child class.
This function is in parent class.
This function is in child class.

This function is in parent class.
This function is in child class.
This function is in parent class.
This function is in child class.


This function is in school.
This function is in student 1.

Python hỗ trợ loại thừa kế nào?

Nhiều kế thừa thừa kế này cho phép một lớp con được thừa hưởng từ nhiều lớp cha mẹ.Loại kế thừa này không được hỗ trợ bởi các lớp Java, nhưng Python không hỗ trợ loại kế thừa này. This inheritance enables a child class to inherit from more than one parent class. This type of inheritance is not supported by java classes, but python does support this kind of inheritance.

Python có hỗ trợ tất cả sự kế thừa không?

Kế thừa là một tính năng cần thiết của mọi ngôn ngữ lập trình hướng đối tượng.Điều này có nghĩa là Python hỗ trợ thừa kế và như bạn sẽ thấy sau này, đó là một trong số ít ngôn ngữ hỗ trợ nhiều kế thừa.Python supports inheritance, and as you'll see later, it's one of the few languages that supports multiple inheritance.

Loại kế thừa nào không được hỗ trợ?

Để ngăn chặn tình huống như vậy, nhiều kế thừa không được phép trong Java.multiple inheritances is not allowed in java.

Tại sao thừa kế đa cấp không được hỗ trợ trong Python?

Nhiều kế thừa hữu ích trong nhiều tình huống như một nhà phát triển, nhưng nó làm tăng đáng kể sự phức tạp của ngôn ngữ, điều này làm cho cuộc sống khó khăn hơn cho cả nhà phát triển trình biên dịch và các lập trình viên.Một vấn đề xảy ra khi hai lớp cha có thành viên dữ liệu hoặc phương thức cùng tên.One problem occurs when two parent classes have data members or methods of the same name.

Bài Viết Liên Quan

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