Hướng dẫn write a menu driven program to find the area of circle square rectangle triangle in python - viết một chương trình điều khiển bằng menu để tìm diện tích của hình tròn hình vuông hình chữ nhật tam giác trong python

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    Input: shape name = "Rectangle"
           length = 10
           breadth = 15
    Output: Area: 150
    Input: shape name = "Square"
           side = 10
    Output: Area: 100


    Bàn luận

    Chúng tôi sẽ thực hiện một chương trình Python để tính toán các khu vực của một số hình dạng toán học.


    Trong chương trình này, chúng tôi sẽ yêu cầu người dùng nhập tên hình dạng. Nếu nó tồn tại trong chương trình của chúng tôi thì chúng tôi sẽ tiến hành tìm khu vực hình dạng đã nhập theo các công thức tương ứng của chúng. Nếu hình dạng đó không tồn tại thì chúng tôi sẽ in xin lỗi! Chúng ta không thể tìm thấy hình dạng này. thông báo trên màn hình.

    Dưới đây là việc thực hiện:

    def calculate_area[name]:\

      name = name.lower[]

      if name ==

    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.

    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.

    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    5  0  1  2

      3  4

    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.

    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    6calculate_area[name]:\7 calculate_area[name]:\8

        6 name == name 0

    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.

    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    5  0=9  2


    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    5name 3=
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    9name 9def3

    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    5=2= name 3calculate_area[name]:\7 =6

        6 name == name.lower[]8

    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.

    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    5  1=
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    9  7def3

    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    5  0
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    08  2


    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.

    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.

    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    01 calculate_area[name]:\7 def5calculate_area[name]:\7

        6 name ==

    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.

    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.

    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    5  0
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    42  2


    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.

    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.

    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.

        6 name ==

    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.

    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.

    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    5  0
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    79  2


    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.


    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.

    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    5  0
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.

    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    5  1=
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.


    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.

    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    72= def5calculate_area[name]:\7
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.



    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.
    Calculate Shape Area
    Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: rectangle
    Enter rectangle's length: 10
    Enter rectangle's breadth: 15
    The area of rectangle is 150.

    Làm thế nào để bạn viết một chương trình để tìm khu vực của một vòng tròn trong Python?

    Phương pháp tìm diện tích của vòng tròn đã cho bằng Python..
    Nhập toán như M ..
    Bán kính = Float [đầu vào ["Vui lòng nhập bán kính của vòng tròn đã cho:"]].
    Area_of_the_circle = m.pi * Bán kính * Bán kính ..
    in ["Khu vực của vòng tròn đã cho là:", area_of_the_circle].

    Làm thế nào để bạn tạo một menu

    Chương trình điều khiển menu để tạo một máy tính đơn giản..
    # Xác định chức năng bổ sung ..
    def thêm [a, b]:.
    sum = a + b ..
    in [a, "+", b, "=", sum].
    # Xác định chức năng trừ ..
    def trừ [a, b]:.
    chênh lệch = a - b ..
    in [a, "-", b, "=", khác biệt].

    Làm thế nào để bạn lập trình khu vực của một tam giác trong Python?

    Chương trình Python để tìm khu vực của một tam giác..
    # Ba mặt của tam giác là A, B và C:.
    a = float [input ['nhập mặt đầu tiên:']].
    b = float [đầu vào ['nhập phía thứ hai:']].
    c = float [đầu vào ['nhập phía thứ ba:']].
    # Tính toán semi-perimet ..
    s = [a + b + c] / 2 ..
    # Tính diện tích ..
    diện tích = [s*[s-a]*[s-b]*[s-c]] ** 0,5 ..

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