IELTS Listening 6 Section 4

IELTS Listening Sample 4

DetailsWritten by IELTS Mentor

You will hear a number of different recordings and you have to answer questions on what you hear. There will be time for you to read the instructions and questions and you will have a chance to check your work.

All the recordings will be played once only. The test is in 4 Sections. At the end of the test, you will be given 10 minutes to transfer your answers to an answer sheet.


Listening Audio:

Tapescripts of IELTS Listening Sample 4

Section one - Questions 1-12

Questions 1-5
Circle the appropriate letter.

1. Where is the administration building?

2. How many people are waiting in the queue?
A 50 B 100 C 200 D 300

3. What does the woman order for lunch?

4. What does the woman order to drink?

5. How much money does the woman give the man?
A $2.00 B $3.00 C $3.50 D $5.00

Complete the registration form using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

Name of student: [6] .............................................................
Address: [7] Flat 5/ ................................................................
Town: [8] .................................................................................
Tel: [9] .....................................................................................
Course: [10] ...........................................................................

Questions 11-12
11. What did the man buy for her to eat?

12. What must the students do as part of registration at the university?
A Check the notice board in the Law Faculty
B Find out about lectures
C Organise tutorial groups
D Pay the union fees


Section Two - Questions 13-21
Complete the notes. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Note: May not be allowed all facilities given to resident students.


  • • Must provide [14] .................................... I can support myself.
  • • Services will depend on personal circumstances and discretion of Bank Manager.

Opening an account

  • • Take with me: [15] .................................... and letter of enrolment.
  • • Recommended account: [16] .........................................................
  • • Bank supplies: [17] ................................ and chequecard which guarantees cheques.

Other services

  • • Cashcard: [you can [18] ....................................... cash at any time.]
  • • Switch/Delta cards: [take the money [19] .......................... the account.]


  • • Must have [20] ....................................................
  • •Sometimes must pay interest.

Opening times

  • • Most banks open until [21] ...................................... during the week.
  • • Some open for a limited time on Saturdays.


Section Three - Questions 22-31

Questions 22-25
Complete the factsheet. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

FACTSHEET - Aluminium Cans

[22] ........................................ produced every day in the US more cans produced than nails or [23] ...............................................
each can weighs 0.48 ounces - thinner than two [24] ...............................................................
can take more than 90 pounds of pressure per square inch - over [25] ................................. the pressure of a car tyre.

Questions 26-31
Label the aluminium can. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.


Section Four - Questions 32-42

Questions 32-42
Complete the lecture notes. Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Purpose of the mini lecture
To experience To find out about
[32] ............................................... [33]....................................................

The three strands of Sports Studies are:
a Sports psychology
b Sports [34] ............................................
c Sports physiology

a] The psychologists work with [35] .....................................................
They want to discover what [36] ......................................................

b] Sports marketing looks at [37] ........................................................
Sport now competes with [38] .........................................................
Spectators want [39] .............................................................

c] Sports physiology is also known as
[40] .........................................................
Macro levels look at [41] ..........................................................
Micro level looks at [42] ..........................................................

Tapescripts of IELTS Listening Sample 4

Answer: [Click the button to Show/ Hide Answers]

Section 1
1 C
2 A
3 B
4 D
5 D
6 Julia Perkins [must be correct spelling with capital letters]
7 15 Waratah Road [must be correct spelling of Waratah with capital letter]
8 Brisbane [must have capital letter]
9 to be advised /not connected/ no phone/ none [blank not acceptable]
10 first year Law [must have all three words]
11 C
12 D

Section 2
13 Hope Street [must have capitals]
14 evidence
15 passport
16 current/ student [account]
17 chequebook
18 withdraw/ draw [out]/ take out
19 directly from/ right out of
20 permission of/ from bank
21 4.30 pm or/ to 5 pm

Section 3
22 300 million
23 paper clips
24 magazine pages/ pieces of paper/ pages
25 three times
26 thicker
27 label
28 [a] dome
29 flange
30 25%
31 scored opening

Section 4
32 a university lecture
33 Sports Studies [programme]
34 management
35 top athletes
36 makes winners/ makes them win/ makes people win
37 market forces
38 [other] leisure activities
39 entertainment/ to be entertained
40 exercise science
41 fitness testing/ body measurements
42 cellular research/ cellular change/ body cell

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[Source: Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 1]

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MENTOR 1 year 3 months
Audio Is Here :- //
Vishesh 1 year 5 months
Timea Rucz 1 year 10 months
SOS! Can someone tell me, that for instance in section 3, the task asks you to answer the question with no more than 3 words? So the 300 million should be written with letters instead of numbers, am I right? Also, 25% should be written with letters? Or if I would write my answer with numbers on the exam, would that be correct? Thanks!
Sazzy 2 years 2 months
The audio for this test: //
Jasmeet 1 year 8 months
This link is not working.
John 1 year 10 months
The link doesn't work. Do you have the new link?
Mich 2 years 8 months
Yes, spelling mistakes are taken as incorrect answers.
Asma Khalid 2 years 3 months
The audio isn't available :[
Ms Zia 2 years 10 months
I have done some spelling mistakes. Would I be penalized for that?
Rochak Goyal 3 years 3 months
Duke Das 3 years 3 months
I have got 37/42. What would be my band score and also how do you calculate the same?
Sanjay Srinivasan 3 years 4 months
I have got 32/42. What is my band score for that? How will they convert?
Ilinca 4 months 28 days
Just google IELTS band score listening and you will find tables with the conversion.
Sanjay Srinivasan 3 years 4 months
I have got 32 out of 42. Will they change the score to 40 or they calculate for 42? How will it be calculated if 42 questions are asked?
Sanket Patel 3 years 6 months
I got 38/42. I need more practice and concentration...
IELTS Mentor 3 years 6 months
Best wishes with the listening section.
Sai Krishna 3 years 6 months
Bello Babatunde 3 years 7 months
I got 29 out of 42. Could you please tell me my band score?
Manju Lakha 3 years 7 months
Jumoye 3 years 8 months
I think the answer to question 40 is EXERCISE OF SCIENCE.
Oreo 3 years 8 months
I have got 40/42. What band score is that?
Kamran Ahmed 3 years 9 months
Khushpret Kaur said :
I have got 34 out of 42. What is my band score?
8.0 probably.
Panda 3 years 9 months
I have got 33/42. Is it good? What's my band score?
Khushpret Kaur 3 years 10 months
I have got 34 out of 42. What is my band score?
Akmalkhon 3 years 10 months
28/42 [
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