Is it out of the box or outside the box?

  • #3

The "of" is unnecessary, and I think some people will think "think outside of the box" in non-standard, so I think the "of" is best avoided.

Even better, avoid "think outside [of] the box" altogether. I feel that it is a cliché that has had its day. //

However, the OED does not suggest that "outside of" is non-standard in itself when" indicating spacial relationship". It gives these examples, among others:
1784 J. O'Keeffe

Poor Soldier

[stage direct.] ii. iii. 20 Outside of Dermot's House.
1842 I. Taylor

Anc. Christianity

II. 303 The sepulchre lay outside of the ancient city.
1915 J. Webster Dear Enemy 174 He likes to dine outside of the family vault.


20 Mar. p. xx [advt.] These books are‥distributed outside of the U.S.A. and Canada by Academic Press.

Last edited: Jan 29, 2012

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outside [of] the box

Outside of or beyond what is considered usual, traditional, or conventional. I've been trying to think out of the box for my term paper topic because I know the professor hates unoriginal ideas. The plan was pretty outside of the box, but it sounded like it might just work.

outside the box

Outside of or beyond what is considered usual, traditional, or conventional. I've been trying to think outside of the box about what I want this term paper to be about. I know the professor hates unoriginal ideas. OK, team, we need some ideas that are really outside the box if we're going to impress the CEO!

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

outside the box

Also, to think outside the box. To think or behave in an unconventional way, in a novel or often creative fashion. The “box” in question represents the limits of what is usually thought or done. In discussing a new surgical approach for treating multiple sclerosis, Denise Grady wrote, “The new theory has taken off on the Internet. . . . Supporters consider it an outside-the-box idea that could transform treatment of the disease” [New York Times, June 29, 2010]. Novelist Jo Bannister similarly used the phrase adjectivally: “Instead of driving off he found himself indulging in some out-of-the-box thinking” [Liars All, 2009]. And the Boston Globe headlined an article about an interdisciplinary program offering an alternative to classroom education, “Teaching Outside the Box” [August 18, 2010]. See also thinking inside the box.

The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer

See also:
  • go off topic
  • get off topic
  • topic
  • be off topic
  • drop the topic
  • your considered opinion
  • considered
  • [one's] considered opinion
  • [one] could go [on] all day [about something]
  • a hobby horse

out of the box

1. Of a product, existing or ready to use upon opening; prefabricated; requiring no assembly, installation, modification, etc., by the user or customer. Usually hyphenated when used before a noun. The software is robust enough out of the box that everyday users will find it most of what they need already. The new smartphone boasts some really astounding out-of-the-box features for even the most inexperienced users to play around with.

2. Outside of or beyond what is considered usual, traditional, or conventional. [A less common shortening of "outside [of] the box."] I've been trying to think out of the box for my term paper topic because I know the professor hates unoriginal ideas. OK, team, we need some real out-of-the-box ideas if we want this project to succeed.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

out of the box

If you buy something such as a computer or software and you can use it out of the box, you can use it immediately. The computer industry has yet to sell a PC which can be used by a novice, straight out of the box. You can, thank goodness, also use Origin straight out of the box.

Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

out of the box

unusually good. Australian & New Zealand informal

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

See also:
  • [Someone or something] called, they want their [something] back!
  • tomorrow
  • a swan song
  • bushel
  • rotten apple spoils the barrel
  • a bad apple spoils the [whole] barrel
  • a rotten apple spoils the [whole] barrel
  • a rotten apple spoils the [whole] bunch
  • a rotten apple spoils the [whole] bushel
  • one rotten apple spoils the [whole] bushel

Is it thinking out of the box or outside the box?

Thinking outside the box [also thinking out of the box or thinking beyond the box and, especially in Australia, thinking outside the square] is a metaphor that means to think differently, unconventionally, or from a new perspective. The phrase also often refers to novel or creative thinking.

What is outside of the box meaning?

What does it mean to “think outside of the box?” “Thinking outside the box” is an expression that means to think about something in a unique or creative way. It's about looking past the obvious and the ordinary to come up with new ideas and solutions.

Should out of the box hyphenated?

Usually hyphenated when used before a noun. The software is robust enough out of the box that everyday users will find it most of what they need already. The new smartphone boasts some really astounding out-of-the-box features for even the most inexperienced users to play around with.

What's another way to say out of the box?

What is another word for out-of-the-box?.

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