Javascript print screen to pdf

I'm using Html2Canvas for capture the screenshot of my screen i want to get a output as a PDF file now i'm getting output in png image how to convert or get output in pdf

function genScreenshot[] {
    html2canvas[document.body, {
      onrendered: function[canvas] {

      if [navigator.userAgent.indexOf["MSIE "] > 0 || 
        var blob = canvas.msToBlob[];
        window.navigator.msSaveBlob[blob,'Test file.png'];

      else {

        $['#test'].attr['href', canvas.toDataURL["image/png"]];
        $['#test'].attr['download','Test file.png'];


asked Aug 16, 2018 at 8:23

Get Screenshot

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function genScreenshot[] { html2canvas[document.body, { onrendered: function[canvas] { $['#box1'].html[""]; $['#box1'].append[canvas]; if [navigator.userAgent.indexOf["MSIE "] > 0 || navigator.userAgent.match[/Trident.*rv\:11\./]] { var blob = canvas.msToBlob[]; window.navigator.msSaveBlob[blob,'Test file.png']; } else { $['#test'].attr['href', canvas.toDataURL["image/png"]]; doc = new jsPDF[{ unit: 'px', format: 'a4' }]; doc.addImage[canvas.toDataURL["image/png"], 'JPEG', 0, 0];['ExportFile.pdf']; form.width[cache_width]; //$['#test'].attr['download','Test file.png']; $['#test'][0].click[]; } } }]; }

answered Aug 18, 2018 at 7:12

The Coding BusThe Coding Bus

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You can do that with this library. //

import domtoimage from 'dom-to-image';
domtoimage.toJpeg[document.getElementById["wrapperContainer"], { bgcolor: '#2d3138', quality: 0.95 }]
    .then[[dataURI] => {
    }].catch[[error] => {

answered Oct 25, 2018 at 9:02


How do I turn a print screen into a PDF?

On Windows. Right-click on your image. Hover over the Open With option and select photos. Select the Print icon, and in the printer drop-down menu, select Microsoft Print to PDF.

How do I print a PDF in JavaScript?

How to print a PDF file using Javascript.
function print[] {.
var frame = document. getElementById['frame'];.
frame. contentWindow. focus[];.
frame. contentWindow. print[];.

How do I export my HTML page as PDF using JavaScript?

Generate PDF using JavaScript The following example shows how to use the jsPDF library to generate PDF file using JavaScript. Specify the content in text[] method of jsPDF object. Use the addPage[] method to add new page to PDF. Use the save[] method to generate and download PDF file.

Can you take a screenshot with JavaScript?

A screenshot of any element in JavaScript can be taken using the html2canvas library. This library can be downloaded from its official website.

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