Listbox after update event VBA

Here's something new I just learned from a recent forum discussion: A Listbox's AfterUpdate event will fire when VBA is used to select an item on the list using the Form's OnLoad event. What? Did you all know that? I wasn't aware of it until now.

Typically, the AfterUpdate event of a control does not fire when the value of that control was updated using code. If you want the code behind the AfterUpdate event to execute when you update a control using VBA, you will have to specifically call it. For example:

Call ListboxName_AfterUpdate
However, as I was saying, there is a specific scenario [I know of only one, so far] where a Listbox's AfterUpdate event will fire, without specifically calling it, when the Listbox is manipulated using VBA code. Here's the deal...

As demonstrated in this forum discussion, the OP used the Selected property to "highlight" an item in a Listbox during the Form's Load event. Interestingly enough, this causes the form to fire the Listbox's AfterUpdate event as well. Typically, using the Selected property does not update the value of a Listbox, which means the AfterUpdate event shouldn't fire. But for some reason, this is not the case during the Form's Load event. It turns out, setting the Selected property of an item in a Listbox during the Form's Load event also updates the Listbox's Value property. However, there is a twist... If we used the "normal" way of updating the Value of the Listbox, then the AfterUpdate event does not fire. To clarify, we can use any of the following methods to change the Value of the Listbox.

Me.ListboxName = "SomeValue" 'if it's bound to a Text column Me.ListboxName = 1 'if it's bound to an ID column Me.ListboxName = Me.ListboxName.ItemData[2]
So, the puzzle is, what is going on here? Why does it happen when we use the Selected property? Also, why does it only happen during the Form's Load event? Once the Form is fully opened, using the Seleted property merely highlights the item. It does not update its Value, and the AfterUpdate event does not fire. Equally, using any of the methods shown above to modify the Value of the Listbox at this point also does not fire the AfterUpdate event.

If you have any ideas or logical explanation for this, I would really like to hear it. If I find out the answer somewhere else, I will definitely let you know.

Thank you for reading!

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