Maples nursing home wrentham ma reviews

* All cost estimates are based on general costs for providers in this local area. Please confirm pricing with each provider directly before making a decision.

Maples Rehabilitation and Nursing Center has been registered with Medicare and Medicaid since 1990. They received 4 out of 5 stars in the latest Medicare reporting, based on a collective measure of overall quality, safety inspections, and staffing reviews. They had 0 complaints made, 0 deficiencies reported, 1 fine assessed totaling $1,000, 0 payment denials, and 1 total penalty assessed within the latest year.

We also wanted to emphasize the fact that this facility received an A in our long-term care category. When nursing homes receive this type of score in long-term care it is a good sign for patient care and suggests that the facility is well-staffed with nurses aids. On top of assessing the amount of care provided by aids and other staff, we looked at the number of residents vaccinated for pneumonia. This nursing home provided the vaccine to 99.76415 percent of its residents, which is far higher than the average nursing home. Finally, this place was able to limit hospitalizations. Indeed, it had only 0.01 hospitalizations per one thousand long-term resident days, which is a remarkably low number.

Facility Inspections

In addition, this nursing home also earned a nearly flawless inspection report. As a result, it earned one of our highest grades in that category with an A. Our inspection grades are tied to many items located in the a nursing home's recent inspections. Nursing homes that receive favorable grades in this area have few deficiencies on their reports. Most importantly, these places should not have any severe deficiencies which are associated with risks to patient safety. This particular nursing home had just a single deficiency on its inspection report and it was not one deemed to pose a threat to patient health or safety. Finally, this facility had no substantiated complaints this year from residents, which is an excellent sign.

Short-term Care Quality

This nursing home also received a dominant short-term care grade. This actually is this nursing home's third most impressive category grade. In that area, we awarded this facility a score of A. In the area of short-term care, we strive to assess indicators of a facility's rehabilitation services. We look at a nursing home's skilled nursing services, including the ones performed by registered nurses and physical and occupational therapists. Fortunately, it appear that this nursing home employs registered nurses. Not all nursing homes employs these types of nurses. However, based on the information this nursing home provided, they do not appear to employ physical therapists. Finally, we considered the number of patients who returned home from this facility. We found that 5.6 percent of this facility's residents were able to return home.

Nurse Quality

The final area we looked at is nursing, where this facility received a grade of A-. This finished off a very favorable profile. Few facilities earned an A- or better in each of our categories. In computing our nursing scores, we look at both staffing levels and the training levels of the nurses. This nursing home averages 0.4 hours of nursing care per resident per day. Finally, we also looked at several nursing quality-based metrics and this facility excelled in some of these areas. With less than five percent of its residents sustaining pressure ulcers, it performed as well as any nursing home the country in this category. This is generally a good indicator of quality nursing care. Pressure ulcers can often be prevented by providing better nursing care, such as employing a protocol of turning a resident even once per day.

Rating Over Time

Compared to national and state averages across all facilities.

Maples Rehabilitation & Nursing Center Quality Metrics

Minimizes Pressure Ulcers

Grade: A-minus

In Maples Rehabilitation & Nursing Center, 5.17% of Patients had Pressure Ulcers

This is the percentage of residents that have had a pressure ulcer. Pressure ulcers, also called bed sores, are routinely caused by patients staying in one position for too long. Better nursing care can minimize the percentage of residents in a nursing home who sustain pressure ulcers.

Minimizes Serious Falls

Grade: F

In Maples Rehabilitation & Nursing Center, 7.78% of Patients had Serious Falls

This figure gauges the percent of long-term stay residents that had a fall resulting in major injury. We use this statistic in calculating nursing grades.

Minimizes Urinary Tract Infections

Grade: C

In Maples Rehabilitation & Nursing Center, 3.23% of Patients had UTIs

This tells you the percentage of residents who have had a urinary tract infection. These infections may be associated with inadequate hygiene.

Appropriately Uses Anti-Psychotic Medication

Grade: B-minus

In Maples Rehabilitation & Nursing Center, 18.01% of Patients use Anti-Psychotic Medication

This indicates the percent of long-term stay residents receiving antipsychotic drugs. While antipsychotic medications serve an important medical purpose, it is important to ensure these drugs are being used appropriately. In some situations, excessive reliance on these medications may indicate that a facility is using these medications to subdue residents.

Appropriately Uses Anti-Anxiety Medication

Grade: A

In Maples Rehabilitation & Nursing Center, 11.87% of Patients use Anti-Anxiety Medication

This measures the percentage of long-term stay patients receiving antianxiety medications.

Managing Depression Among Residents

Grade: A-minus

In Maples Rehabilitation & Nursing Center, 0.51% of Patients

This tells you the percent of residents who are demonstrating depressive symptoms. High rates of depression may be a sign worse patient care.

Appropriate Vaccine Usage

Grade: B-plus

In Maples Rehabilitation & Nursing Center, 98.53% of Patients

This datapoint measures the percentage of long-term care residents that received the flu and pneumonia vaccines.

Residents Maintain Autonomy

Grade: B-minus

In Maples Rehabilitation & Nursing Center, 16.04% of Patients

This is a measure of the percentage of long-term stay residents that required increased assistance with activities of daily living over time. ADL's include activities such as taking medications and using the bathroom.

Ability to Keep Residents Mobile

Grade: B

In Maples Rehabilitation & Nursing Center, 15.33% of Residents

This is the percentage of residents who maintained mobility over time. Optimizing mobility is usually a great sign for residents' health.


Grade: B-plus

In Maples Rehabilitation & Nursing Center, 0.01 Hospitalizations per 1,000 resident days

This indicates the number of hospitalizations per thousand days of care. There is a correlation between having fewer hospitalizations and the quality of care.

Short-term Care: Rehospitalizations

Grade: B

In Maples Rehabilitation & Nursing Center, 15.33% of Residents Rehospitalized

This indicates the number of rehospitalizations per 1,000 days of short-term care. There is a correlation between avoiding hospitalizations and the quality of rehabilitation services.

Short-term Care: ER Visits

Grade: B-plus

In Maples Rehabilitation & Nursing Center, 9.99% of Patients

This metric measures the number of times residents are sent to the emergency room per 1,000 days of short-term patient care.

Short-term Care: Facilitates Functional Improvement

Grade: A

In Maples Rehabilitation & Nursing Center, 89.35% of Resident

Measures the percent of short-term stay residents that saw functional improvements, such as with activities of daily living. Some argue that this is a reliable measure of rehabilitation services.

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