Persuasive essay topics for grade 9

25 Young Adult Persuasive Essay Prompts

These quick writing prompts forstudents aged 15 to 17will have you scribbling away to get your point across!

All students should learn how to make YouTube videos.

People should pay extra tax when they buy drinks in plastic bottles.

Humans are living longer, to the point where we may become immortal in the future. Would living forever be a good? Argue your point of view.

Students should be allowed to listen to their own music on headphones when working in class. Argue your viewpoint.

Teenagers around the world should not be allowed to drive until they are 18.

You have been given money to hold a major event in your hometown. What would the event be about or for? Why should people come?

Imagine you want to be the next president of your country. Why should people vote for you?

Convince your friend to lend you something special of theirs.

Persuade your family to let you study overseas at a Summer School next year.

Imagine that you have been given the chance to interview for your dream job. Convince the boss that you are the person they should choose.

Persuade your family to watch a movie on Netflix that you want to watch.

You have just started a new business making a phone better than the iPhone. Explain what features your phone has, that makes it much better than Apples.

Persuade a friend to come to a new activity group with you that they are feeling anxious about.

Aliens exist. True or false? Argue your point of view.

All young adults should be required by law to volunteer in their community once every week. Yes or no?

Mathematics class is more important than music class. Yes or no? Why?

City life is better than country life.

Driving tests should be mandatory every year after you are 65 years old.

Students who bully others should be suspended from school.

There should be one currency for the whole world.

Recycling should be a legal requirement for every household.

Life is better than it was 10 years ago.

Girls and boys should study separately in school.

You can choose to put one celebrity on your countrys highest-value banknote. Who is the celebrity? Why should they be placed on the note?

Life is better without a computer.

Are you ready to improve your persuasive writing?

We hope you have enjoyed these free writing prompts! This is your chance to change the world in which we live through your thoughts!

If you want to work on your writing in English, try and aim to make these your daily writing prompts! We also recommend using pictures as writing prompts. Looking at pictures with writing prompts, rather than just seeing a sentence, can help you create your arguments and ideas if you are avisual learner.

And if you are ready to fully immerse yourself in a thriving and educational setting, come and study with us this Summer!

At Summer Boarding Courses, we run many courses for all international students aged 8 to 17 years old and would love for you to join us. We can help you improve your ESL writing as well as your English speaking, listening and reading skills with many other nationalities.

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