Php remove first part of path

i have a path like this:


i want to echo it like this:


how to do this? and if you could please explain it. i found one good answer Removing part of path in php but i cannot work my way around with explode and implode.

please give me the link to the duplicate answer if my question is a duplicate

asked May 22, 2017 at 2:24


$path = '/dude/stuff/lol/bruh.jpg';
$path = explode['/', $path];
$path = implode['/', $path];

Will separate the string into an array, then unset the first item [technically the second in the array, since the first element will be empty due to the string starting with /]. Finally the path is imploded, and you get:


answered May 22, 2017 at 2:27


2,07612 silver badges20 bronze badges

You could use strpos with substr:

$string = '/dude/stuff/lol/bruh.jpg';
$string = substr[$string, strpos[$string, '/', 1]];

The strpos to look for the position of the / after the first one, then use substr to get the string starting from that position till the end.

answered May 22, 2017 at 2:29

Chin LeungChin Leung

14.1k3 gold badges28 silver badges52 bronze badges

Try this :

$string = "/dude/stuff/lol/bruh.jpg";
$firstslash = strpos[$string,"/",1];
$secondstring = substr[$string, $firstslash+1];
echo "String : " . $string;
echo " 
Result : " . $secondstring;

answered May 22, 2017 at 2:39

You can use a regular expression to extract resource name you need.

preg_match['/[?P[^\/]+]$/', $path, $match];

Then you have to use $match as array, and you can see the name inside of it.


answered Apr 8 at 8:58

Ismael MoralIsmael Moral

7021 gold badge8 silver badges34 bronze badges

Removing the file path from a filename in PHP is be easy!

The basename[] function will remove the file’s path from your string and leave only the filename. So, for example, it means that if your file path string is: ‘/home/’, then using basename[$path] will return only the filename. The result will thus be: ‘test.php’.

Functions used in conjunction

The basename[] function is often used with these PHP functions:

realpath[] – Returns the full absolute path, including the filename.

dirname[] – Can return the file path of a parent directory. If there are no slashes in the file path, a dot [‘.‘] is returned, indicating the current file path. Otherwise, the returned string is a file path with any trailing component removed.

Example of how to use these functions in PHP:

//get the absolute path of a file
$real = realpath['./test.php'];
echo 'realpath result: ' . $real . '
'; //output: /home/ //get the absolute path of a file $dir = dirname['./test.php']; echo 'dirname result: ' . $dir . '
'; //output: . //get the filename and remove the filepath $base = basename[$real]; echo 'basename result: ' . $base . '
'; //output: test.php

Practical example – Removing file path from error message

Let’s say you need to write an error handler in PHP. The custom handler must not expose paths to the front-end. Your remove file paths for security reasons.

We can use basepath[] to sanitize the $file variable and remove file paths.

Thus, for the custom error handler example below:

function customErrorHandler[$code, $message, $file, $line] {
$logger = createLogger[];

We can do this by determining the string position of the ‘/’ and then use a  substring function. [This would be the hard way!]

Alternatively, we can use the basename[] method in PHP. It even considers the differences between Windows and Linux!

Adding the basename[] function will make our error handler look like this:

function customErrorHandler[$code, $message, $file, $line] {
$logger = createLogger[];
$message = 'Error ID: [' . $uid . '] [' . SITE_ID . '] ' . $user . 'Message: [' . $message . '] At: [' . basename[$file] . '] Line: [' . $line . '] Code: [' . $code . ']';

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