Php split string by length and space

I'm looking for something along the line of

str_split_whole_word[$longString, $x]

Where $longString is a collection of sentences, and $x is the character length for each line. It can be fairly long, and I want to basically split it into multiple lines in the form of an array.

For example:

$longString = 'I like apple. You like oranges. We like fruit. I like meat, also.';
$lines = str_split_whole_word[$longString, $x];

Desired output:

$lines = Array[
    [0] = 'I like apple. You'
    [1] = 'like oranges. We'
    [2] = and so on...


39k11 gold badges76 silver badges112 bronze badges

asked Jun 29, 2012 at 0:44

The easiest solution is to use wordwrap[], and explode[] on the new line, like so:

$array = explode[ "\n", wordwrap[ $str, $x]];

Where $x is a number of characters to wrap the string on.

answered Jun 29, 2012 at 0:46


58.5k12 gold badges102 silver badges141 bronze badges


This code avoid breaking words, you won't get it using wordwrap[].

The maximum length is defined using $maxLineLength. I've done some tests and it works fine.

$longString = 'I like apple. You like oranges. We like fruit. I like meat, also.';

$words = explode[' ', $longString];

$maxLineLength = 18;

$currentLength = 0;
$index = 0;

foreach [$words as $word] {
    // +1 because the word will receive back the space in the end that it loses in explode[]
    $wordLength = strlen[$word] + 1;

    if [[$currentLength + $wordLength] 
  string[13] "I like apple."
  string[8] "You like"
  string[11] "oranges. We"
  string[13] "like fruit. I"
  string[10] "like meat,"
  string[5] "also."

answered Jun 29, 2012 at 0:46

Michael BerkowskiMichael Berkowski

263k45 gold badges434 silver badges380 bronze badges


My requirements were split text string after every 20 characters without break words. Use wordwrap[] to insert the linebreaks after every 20 characters So here is how I do it. hope this is helpful for others who find it this type of solution.

$charactersLimit = 20;
$yourTextString = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.';
$output = explode["\n", wordwrap[$yourTextString, $charactersLimit]];

Output like this:

    [0] => Lorem ipsum dolor
    [1] => sit amet,
    [2] => consectetuer
    [3] => adipiscing elit.

answered Sep 30, 2020 at 7:54

This whole task can be accomplished with just one preg_ function call.

  1. Match any character between zero and $maxLength times.
  2. Forget/Release the matched characters from #1 with \K.
  3. Match the next one or more whitespace characters or the end of the string. The characters/position matched here will be consumed in the splitting process and will not appear in the output array.
  4. Set the preg_ function to exclude the empty element that is produced by splitting on the end of string position with PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY.

Code: [Demo]

$longString = 'I like apple. You like oranges. We like fruit. I like meat, also.';
$maxLength = 18;

    preg_split["/.{0,{$maxLength}}\K[?:\s+|$]/", $longString, 0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY]


array [
  0 => 'I like apple. You',
  1 => 'like oranges. We',
  2 => 'like fruit. I like',
  3 => 'meat, also.',

If your input string might contain newlines, then just add the s pattern modifier.
/.{0,{$maxLength}}\K[?:\s+|$]/s [Demo]

answered Sep 25, 2020 at 7:00


39k11 gold badges76 silver badges112 bronze badges

How do you seperate a string by space in PHP?

To split a string into words in PHP, use explode[] function with space as delimiter. The explode[] function returns an array containing words as elements of the array.

What is split [] in PHP?

The split[] function will divide a string into various elements, the boundaries of each element based on the occurrence of pattern in string.

How do I separate comma separated values in PHP?

The task is to split the given string with comma delimiter and store the result in an array. Use explode[] or preg_split[] function to split the string in php with given delimiter. PHP | explode[] Function: The explode[] function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to split a string in different strings.

What is implode in PHP?

The implode[] is a builtin function in PHP and is used to join the elements of an array. implode[] is an alias for PHP | join[] function and works exactly same as that of join[] function. If we have an array of elements, we can use the implode[] function to join them all to form one string.

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