Print all divisors of a number in python

This is a Python Program to generate all the divisors of an integer.

Problem Description

The program takes a number and generates all the divisors of the number.

Problem Solution

1. Take the value of the integer and store it in a variable.
2. Use a for loop and if statement to generate the divisors of the integer.
3. Print the divisors of the number.
4. Exit.

Program/Source Code

Here is source code of the Python Program to generate all the divisors of an integer. The program output is also shown below.

n=int[input["Enter an integer:"]]
print["The divisors of the number are:"]
for i in range[1,n+1]:

Program Explanation

1. User must first enter the value and store it in a variable.
2. Use a for loop to generate numbers from 1 to n.
3. Using an if statement check if the number divided by i gives the remainder as 0 which is basically the divisor of the integer.
4. Print the divisors of the number.

Runtime Test Cases

Case 1:
Enter an integer:25
The divisors of the number are:
Case 2:
Enter an integer:20
The divisors of the number are:

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Given a natural number n, print all distinct divisors of it.


 Input : n = 10       
 Output: 1 2 5 10

 Input:  n = 100
 Output: 1 2 4 5 10 20 25 50 100

 Input:  n = 125
 Output: 1 5 25 125

Note that this problem is different from finding all prime factors.

A Naive Solution would be to iterate all the numbers from 1 to n, checking if that number divides n and printing it. Below is a program for the same:



using namespace std;

void printDivisors[int n]


    for [int i = 1; i


function printDivisors[n]


    for [i=1;i


function printDivisors[n]


    for[let i = 1; i

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