Python calculate bearing between two coordinates

I am attempting to calculate the bearing between two lat/long.

I don't have a question regarding the function/formula per se,


def get_bearing[lat1, long1, lat2, long2]:
    dLon = [long2 - long1]

    y = math.sin[dLon] * math.cos[lat2]
    x = math.cos[lat1] * math.sin[lat2] - math.sin[lat1] * math.cos[lat2] * math.cos[dLon]

    brng = math.atan2[y, x]

    brng = np.rad2deg[brng]

    return brng

the problem is that the result isn't what is expected.

The intended usage of the function returns the bearing between two lat/long pairs in a [very long] list i.e.

    lat1 = path[int[len[path] * location / 1000]][0]
    lat2 = path[int[len[path] * location / 1000] + 1][0]
    lng1 = path[int[len[path] * location / 1000]][1]
    lng2 = path[int[len[path] * location / 1000] + 1][1]

The bearing result then alters the view orientation of the plot where bearing can assume a value in the range [-180, 180]. Ideally, the result would appear such that the line formed between lat1, lng1 and lat2, lng2 is perfectly "vertical" in the plot [lat/lon annotations are switched in plot], see below

I am hoping that someone might be able to deduce the problem from the bearing returned from the function and what the expected bearing should be. A few instances below:

Current Location: 30.07134 -97.23076
Next in path: 30.0709 -97.22907
Calculated Bearing: 88.39967863143139
Expected Bearing: ~-70.67

Current Location: 29.91581 -96.85068
Next in path: 29.91556 -96.85021
Calculated Bearing: 118.9170342272798
Expected Bearing: ~122.67

Current Location: 29.69419 -96.53487
Next in path: 29.69432 -96.53466
Calculated Bearing 141.0271357781952
Expected Bearing: ~56

Current Location: 29.77357 -96.07924
Next in path: 29.77349 -96.07876
Calculated Bearing 165.24612555483893
Expected Bearing: ~104

Happy to provide additional information, thanks in advance for any/all help.

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# LICENSE: public domain
def calculate_initial_compass_bearing[pointA, pointB]:
Calculates the bearing between two points.
The formulae used is the following:
θ = atan2[sin[Δlong].cos[lat2],
cos[lat1].sin[lat2] − sin[lat1].cos[lat2].cos[Δlong]]
- `pointA: The tuple representing the latitude/longitude for the
first point. Latitude and longitude must be in decimal degrees
- `pointB: The tuple representing the latitude/longitude for the
second point. Latitude and longitude must be in decimal degrees
The bearing in degrees
:Returns Type:
if [type[pointA] != tuple] or [type[pointB] != tuple]:
raise TypeError["Only tuples are supported as arguments"]
lat1 = math.radians[pointA[0]]
lat2 = math.radians[pointB[0]]
diffLong = math.radians[pointB[1] - pointA[1]]
x = math.sin[diffLong] * math.cos[lat2]
y = math.cos[lat1] * math.sin[lat2] - [math.sin[lat1]
* math.cos[lat2] * math.cos[diffLong]]
initial_bearing = math.atan2[x, y]
# Now we have the initial bearing but math.atan2 return values
# from -180° to + 180° which is not what we want for a compass bearing
# The solution is to normalize the initial bearing as shown below
initial_bearing = math.degrees[initial_bearing]
compass_bearing = [initial_bearing + 360] % 360
return compass_bearing

How do you find the bearing between two coordinates?

Here is the formula to find the second point, when first point, bearing and distance is known: latitude of second point = la2 = asin[sin la1 * cos Ad + cos la1 * sin Ad * cos θ], and. longitude of second point = lo2 = lo1 + atan2[sin θ * sin Ad * cos la1 , cos Ad – sin la1 * sin la2]

How do you find the angle between two points in Python?

The Python ATAN2 function is one of the Python Math function which is used to returns the angle [in radians] from the X -Axis to the specified point [y, x]..
Since the gun and the target are defined relative to implicit x, y axes then tangent = [y2-y1]/[x2-x1] would be used. ... .
You right, atan2 is a possible shortcut..

How do you calculate bearing headings?

How to Calculate Bearing.
True Bearing – Ship's Heading = Relative Bearing..
Relative Bearing + Ships Heading = True Bearing..
225 – 59 = 166°.

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