sexual orientations là gì - Nghĩa của từ sexual orientations

sexual orientations có nghĩa là

An individual's interest, either sexual or otherwise, in another individual. The most frequently used labels for orientations are heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, transexual or transgendered, asexual, pansexual, and omnisexual. Following is a description of each orientation and examples of each in the real world.

Heterosexual - Attracted to individuals of the opposite sex.

Homosexual - Attracted to individuals of the same sex.

Bisexual - Attracted to individuals of either sex.

Transexual - An individual born as one gender, but who believes that their identity is that of the opposite sex. 1/2 of transexuals retain their sexual orientation after surgery while 1/2 reverses their sexual orientation after surgery.

Asexual - An individual who is not physically attracted in other people.

Pansexual - An individual who is not interested in others for their physical attraction, but rather, for their identity.

Omnisexual - An individual who is not interested in physical attraction and only interested in sexual gratification.


Heterosexual: Straight individuals.

Homosexual: Gay and Lesbian individuals.

Bisexual: Bi individuals.

Transexual: Men who believe they are mentally women and women who believe they are mentally men. NOT necessarily transvestites, crossdressers, drag queens, or drag kings. Also referred to as Transgendered.

Asexual: People who are content to not engage in sex. Please note that individuals who have homosexual thoughts but are afraid to "be caught faking straight" may use this to diffuse suspicion.

Pansexual: Soul mates. For instance, individuals who fall in love with an individual who later becomes transgendered, but still retains the relationship. This is the ultimate in a long term relatioship free of sexual limitations, and ultimately choosing to be with an individual who mentally "completes" you.

Omnisexual: An individual interested only in orgasm. Straight men having anal sex or oral sex with other men [AKA on the down low] simply for the pleasure of it is an example. Please note that this has NOTHING AT ALL to do with physical attraction.

sexual orientations có nghĩa là

Sexual Orientation is a term used to refer to a person's emotional, romantic and/or sexual attraction or non attraction” to a person, animal, place or thing


Chris' sexual orientation is pansexual by definition because Chris is attracted to transexual or intersexual people regardless of Chris' gender, however,"only you can truly know your sexuality becauseno-one can feel the things you feel except yourself" [cited under sexuality,by bi the way, United Kingdom Aug 11, 2006].

sexual orientations có nghĩa là

Describes the subtle message of sexual orientation by where a guy wears his earing. Right means gay while left means a fornicator.


That guys earing is on his right ear, I think he's gay. [Earing sexual Orientation]

sexual orientations có nghĩa là

Whoever makes you the fuck happy.


My sexual orientation is none of your business.

sexual orientations có nghĩa là

What you want to fuck.


My sexual orientation is heterosexual, i want to fuck the opposing gender
My sexual orientation is homosexual, i want to fuck the same gender My sexual orientation is bisexual, i want to fuck two genders My sexual orientation is asexual, i either don't want to fuck things, or rarely want to fuck things
My sexual orientation is pansexual, i want to fuck your emotions/personality

sexual orientations có nghĩa là

Integral heterosexuality and/or integral homosexuality. A persons with an exclusivist sexual orientation unavoidably rejects somobody. The exclusivist hetero rejects people of his or her own gender, the exclusivist homo rejects persons of the opposite gender. Exclusivist sexual orientation is what radical hetero and radical homo have in common. It opposes itself to bisexuality which has the non-exclusivist asset of being a sexual attraction towards absolutely everyone.


Bisexuality is often assimilated to one of the two main exclusivist sexual orientations [hetero and/or homo]. That is not accurate. Bisexuality stands on its own as a complete third option. That is why, to a bisexual, the homo and the hetero radicality look sometimes like the two mirror image of the same crisis.

sexual orientations có nghĩa là

Your sexual identity; sexual preference Sexual orientations can be as simple as bisexual [attracted to both genders] or as complex as aego-demi-transquasi-pan-androgyno-graysexual. [Even I can't explain this one. I just now made it up.]


Normal person: What's your sexual orientation? I'm bisexual.
Tumblr User: I'm aego-gray-cupio-andro-apora-homosexual.
Normal Person: Oh, I was expecting some simple, like pansexual or asexual.
Tumblr User: *triggered*

sexual orientations có nghĩa là

Equal opportunity copulatory rampage. A series of sex acts with men and women alike.


It was a fuckfest of sexual orienteering: getting from A to B, encompassing as much C and D as they could along the way.

sexual orientations có nghĩa là

When your college holds an orgy to get to know everyones sexual orientation


Girl 1: hey are you going to the sexual orientation party tonight Girl 2: Yes i can't wait to let everyone know i am a lesbian Girl 1: every one knows you're a lesbian

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