Thế Giới Của Những Cô Gái - Tập 2


Thế Giới Của Những Cô Gái 2 - The World Of My 17 Season 2 [2021]  có phải khoảng trời xinh đẹp nhất chính là khoảng trời thanh xuân không? Chính là cái khoảng thời gian vô lo, vô nghĩ, vừa đắn đo lại vừa nhiệt huyết với đam mê. Những kí ức tươi đẹp ấy, không có thứ gì có thể trao đổi được. Và Choi Ye Won, Boreumbyeol Hwang, Kim Do AH, Han Chae Kyung, Ryeoun, Kwon Hyun Bin,.. đã mang chúng ta trở về với khoảng kí ức tươi đẹp, tràn ngập tiếng cười giòn tan và tươi trẻ như nắng nắng ban mai, ở đây sẽ có những câu chuyện về tình yêu, tình bạn và cả những câu chuyện trên trời dưới đất liên tục xảy ra với những cô cậu trẻ tuổi này.

Giới thiệu về cuốn sách này

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The People's Revolutionary Party [South] and the Lao Dong Party [North] ] Are One Communist Party

Central Committee, one must not tell the people or party sympathizers that the People's Revolutionary Party and the Lao Dong Party of Viet-Nam are one. One must not say that it is only a tactic, because it would not be good for the enemy to know.

A third party circular, dated December 8, 1961, said:

In May 1962 a military force of the Government of Viet-Nam captured a number of Viet Cong documents in Ba Xuyen Province. One of these documents contained instructions from the provincial committee of the Lao Dong Party [Communist Party] in Ba Xuyen to the party's district committees concerning formation of the new People's Revolutionary Party [PRP].

Pertinent sections of the instruction, dated December 7, 1961, follow:

To D2 and K,

In regard to the foundation of the People's Revolutionary Party of South Viet-Nam, the creation of this party is only a matter of strategy; it needs to be explained within the party; and, to deceive the enemy, it is necessary that the new party be given the outward appearance corresponding to a division of the party [Lao Dong] into two and the foundation of a new party, so that the enemy cannot use it in his propaganda.

Within the party, it is necessary to explain that the founding of the People's Revolutionary Party has the purpose of isolating the Americans and the Ngo Dinh Diem regime, and to counter their accusations of an invasion of the South by the North. It is means of supporting our sabotage of the Geneva agreement, of advancing the plan of invasion of the South, and at the same time permitting the Front for Liberation of the South to recruit new adherents, and to gain the sympathy of nonalined countries in Southeast Asia.

The People's Revolutionary Party has only the appearance of an independent existence; actually, our party is nothing but the Lao Dong Party of Viet-Nam [Viet-Minh Communist Party], 'unified from North to South, under the direction of the central executive committee of the party, the chief of which is President Ho..

During these explanations, take care to keep this strictly secret, especially in South Viet-Nam, so that the enemy does not perceive our purpose. Do not put these explanations in party bulletins. Another party circular of the same date said:

Study the instructions so that you will be able to execute them. In passing them to D2V, D2, and K, be very careful that the documents do not fall into enemy hands. After D2N/C has passed to the sections, destroy the written documents immediately. . .

The originals and translations of the above documents were submitted to the International Control Commission by the Government of Viet-Nam on May 30, 1962.1

In 1964 new rules and regulations were promulgated for the People's Revolutionary Party. A copy of the new rules was captured from the Viet Cong in Chuong Thien Province in November 1964. A photograph of the captured document appears on the next page. Key portions of the instructions said that new rules and regulations had been approved for the PRP, “but the real nature of those rules and regulations is that they still are the rules and regulations of the VietNam Lao Dong Party [in North Viet-Nam]."

The instructions added : “... we should realize that our country is one country, that the Vietnamese People's Revolutionary Party and the Viet-Nam Lao Dong Party are one party... There is nothing different between the two parties.”

For picture of captured documents and text, see the white paper “Communist Viet Minh Aggressive Policy," published by the Government of the Republic of Viet-Nam, Saigon, July 1962.

T reasons for the change in the party's name must be kept strictly secret. According to instructions of the

New rules and regulations [p. 1] for People's Revolutionary Party captured from Viet Cong in Nov. 1964.

Charts of the Viet Cong Organization, North and South

Lines of control, political and military, from the Hanoi regime to the Viet Cong in South Viet-Nam. LINES OF CONTROL IN NORTH VIET-NAM'S DIRECTION OF COMMUNIST


APPENDIX H-Continued Organization of the Viet Cong Apparatus—the Central Office for South Viet-Nam

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Detail on Viet Cong Terrorism

The following table lists the Government officials and other civilians killed, wounded, or missing as a result of Viet Cong terrorist activities during 1964. Combat casualties are not included.

The following table shows the number of incidents of Viet Cong terrorism, sabotage, forced propaganda sessions, and armed attacks during 1964.

223 217 203 220

175 140 184 113 118 83 60 1, 244 1,389 1,632 1,738 1,418 1,390 2, 123 1,775 1,938 1, 790 1,391 129

201 158 169 217 176 286 315 482 480 247 174 271 167 157 140 162

173 178 197


Some of the consequences of Viet Cong terrorism are shown in the accompanying photographs.

Wreckage of a freight train derailed by a Viet Cong mine at Thu Duc, northeast of Saigon, on Jan. 17, 1965.

The Viet Cong destroyed this railway bridge at Vinh Binh in 1962. The transportation system of Viet-Nam is a

favorite VC target.

Vinh Binh village hospital destroyed by Communist terrorist in 1962. The Viet Cong usually seize all medicines

for their own use in such attacks.

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