Trăn treo cổ 3

Tôi bắt đầu học Python vài tuần trước và quyết định tạo trò chơi Hangman. Một số tính năng

  • Nhập tên người chơi
  • Cho phép họ chọn và thay đổi mức độ khó
  • Chơi lại khi trò chơi kết thúc

Tôi rất thích các đề xuất về cách làm cho mã Pythonic hơn và tổng thể tốt hơn

import random
import sys

#Gallow printouts
gallows = ["_______\n|     |\n|     O\n|    -|-\n|     |\n|    / \\ \n|\n=======",
       "_______\n|     |\n|     O\n|    -|-\n|     |\n|    /\n|\n=======",
       "_______\n|     |\n|     O\n|    -|-\n|     |\n|\n|\n=======",
       "_______\n|     |\n|     O\n|    -|\n|     |\n|\n|\n=======",
       "_______\n|     |\n|     O\n|     |\n|     |\n|\n|\n=======",
       "_______\n|     |\n|     O\n|\n|\n|\n|\n=======",
       "_______\n|     |\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n=======",

# Lists containing the words for the game
five_letters = ['ankle', 'apple', 'birds', 'aunts', 'blood',
         'bones', 'forty', 'glitz', 'gnome', 'goats',
          'fairy', 'gator', 'glass', 'kneel', 'laces',
          'patio', 'party', 'taffy', 'zones', 'wages'
ten_letters = ['jackrabbit', 'maximizers', 'abnormally', 'abolishers', 'adrenaline',
        'california', 'basketball', 'friendship', 'renovation', 'skateboard',
        'understand', 'leadership', 'restaurant', 'generation', 'girlfriend',
        'vegetables', 'protection', 'trampoline', 'rainforest', 'instrument']
fifteen_letters = ['maneuverability', 'insubordination', 'excommunication', 'acclimatization',
             'rationalisation', 'mischievousness', 'kindheartedness', 'procrastinating',
            'confidentiality', 'instrumentation', 'inaccessibility', 'marginalization']

#Program Functions
def pick_diff[]:
    """Let the player pick and confirm a difficulty level."""
    prompt = "Pick a difficulty, please. [Easy, Medium, Hard]\n>"
    choice = ""
    while choice not in ['easy', 'medium', 'hard']:
        choice = input[prompt]
        choice = choice.lower[]

def change_diff[level]:
    """Allow the player a chance to change difficulty."""
    message = "\nYou picked " + level + ". Do you want to change it? [Y/N]\n>"
    answer = ""
    while answer not in ['y', 'n']:
        answer = input[message]
        answer = answer.lower[]
    if answer == 'y':
    if answer == 'n':
        print["\nLET'S PLAY!\n"]

def choose_word[choice]:
    """Assign the game word based on player difficulty choice."""
    if choice == 'easy':
        word = random.choice[five_letters]
    elif choice == 'medium':
        word = random.choice[ten_letters]
    elif choice == 'hard':
        word = random.choice[fifteen_letters]

def play_game[this_word]:
    """Run the actual game of hangman."""
    word = list[this_word]
    blanks = "_" * len[word]
    blanks = list[blanks]
    guessed = []
    incorrect = 6
    while incorrect > 0:
        print["\n" + gallows[incorrect]
              + "\nYou have {} chances left.".format[incorrect]
              + "\nYour word: " + "".join[blanks]
              + "\nGuessed letters: " + ", ".join[guessed]
        letter = input["Your guess: "].lower[]
        if len[letter] == 1 and letter.isalpha[]:
            if letter in guessed:
                print["\n\nYou already guessed that!"]
            elif letter in word:
                for index,character in enumerate[word]:
                    blanks = list[blanks]
                    if character == letter:
                        blanks[index] = letter
                        current = "".join[blanks]
                        if blanks == word:
                            print["\n\nCONGRATULATIONS, YOU WON!!\nYour word was " + ''.join[word] + ".\n"]
            elif letter not in word:
                incorrect -= 1
            print["\n\n!Only single letters allowed!\n\n"]
        print["\nSorry " + player + ", your game is over!\nYour word was " + ''.join[word] + "."]

def play_again[]:
    """Offer the player a chance to play again."""
    repeat = input["Would you like to play again " + player + "? [Y/N]\n>"].lower[]
    if repeat == 'y':
        print["Let's play!"]
        print["Thanks for playing! Have a great day!"]

# Welcome the player, get their name and explain the game.
player = input["Let's play hangman! Please type your name.\n>"].lower[]
player = player.title[]
print["\nHey, " + player + "!\nYou get six incorrect guesses before you lose.\nWhich difficulty would you like?\n  Easy - Five letter word\n  Medium - Ten letter word\n  Hard - Fifteen letter word"]

# Select the difficulty and begin the game
difficulty = pick_diff[]

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