Use Teams in Remote Desktop

Have you ever needed to just look directly at someone else’s screen, even if they were in another room? With RDP [remote desktop protocol], you can. Remote Desktop Software makes it possible to look at and use another computer as though you were there. And while there are many iterations of RDP solution, there is a particularly useful one that is built right into Windows. This RDP solution is very useful, but there are things that you should consider before using it.

How to Use Remote Desktop Software

Using remote desktop solutions is actually fairly simple. But it’s more than just being able to actually use it. RDP is included in Windows suites and makes it possible to easily connect to those who allow RDP connections. RDP is commonly used by those who are doing troubleshooting and other technical tasks. But there are things you should consider before you engage in an RDP connection.

  • Enable remote desktop first. Employees should first enable remote desktop whenever they want a connection and should disable it when they no longer need the connection.
  • Know when to use remote desktop. Remote desktop is usually used when someone has to directly interact with a computer. It’s not always used when needing to show someone something, like a tutorial. For that, screen sharing is more frequently used. If you need to show someone something on your own computer, a screen share usually works better, because you can show them what you’re doing rather than directing them.
  • Only use remote desktop within the team. Don’t connect with other computers or let other computers connect with you, such as client computers. Screen sharing is better for this type of functionality.
  • Always check with the user. Make sure the user knows that you’re about to take over their computer before you do. Otherwise, you could interrupt them when they are in the middle of their work.

Of course, this is when you are connecting to someone else’s computer. Frequently, people don’t connect to someone else’s computer, but instead connect with their own, such as using a work computer while they are out of the office. In this situation, security standards should always be applied, such as making sure that you are connecting through a VPN.

These are the basic principles of using RDP. But there are also some best practices to follow to make RDP more useful.

Best Practices on Using Remote Desktop Software

There are many best practices to most effectively use RDP. Remote desktop software solutions are robust tools that can also represent some notable risk because it does let someone use a computer as though they actually control it.

Some important best practices include:

  • Use a VPN and other security practices. While Remote Desktop is a useful tool, it can also present a significant security risk to those using it. Use two-factor authentication and a VPN to make sure that all traffic is secured whenever using remote desktop. The data that is being transmitted through the remote desktop connection will include anything that is being viewed or otherwise requested.
  • Only enable access temporarily. There should be no reason why someone can remote desktop to a computer at any time. Instead, everyone involved should make sure to only enable remote access to other team members when strictly needed. This isn’t just an issue of trust within the team; if the team member is compromised, then the remote desktop could compromise the rest of the team as well.
  • Always enforce strong passphrases. Sometimes team members will set short, simple passwords to make it easier for the rest of their team. But this is a mistake. It’s important that you always enforce strong passphrases. Otherwise, someone else could break into the remote desktop solution.
  • Rarely make permanent changes. By permanent changes, this means things like settings, configurations and where things are. This crosses into a general best practice, but it also means that you usually shouldn’t be logging into a computer to make permanent changes unless you are fixing something technical and are authorized to do so via IT.

But these are just some best practices. Over time, teams will learn more about how to use Microsoft remote desktop and when to use remote desktop.

Remote desktop is an incredibly robust functionality that does come with regular Windows. But because it can also be used to compromise a system, it has to be used intelligently and sparingly. Remote desktop should be used when individuals want to connect with other computers as though those computers were their own.

Remote access control of a computer is the ability to monitor and control the access to a computer which is in a different location by a user. Microsoft Teams meeting has an option to remotely access and control another computer. 

One user can easily cede control while another takes control of the shared content in Microsoft Teams during a session. The feature is vital as it helps present work, such as demonstrating a presenter's position or aid exchange of files by other participants during the meeting.  

This makes it easier for a presenter to reach out to his audience more interactively and even enables seamless experience among participants. When a presenter shares their screen, applications, or presentations, they keep every participant on the same page. Users are able to follow closely the contents being explained in the meeting. 

Does and don'ts of remote access

It is always a good idea to having one person share their screen to keep everyone on topic. In doing so, Microsoft Teams gives the presenter options to either share their entire screen, an application or open a Microsoft whiteboard or only share a window. The options come in handy depending on the occasion.    

Only the presenter is able to share their screen, as such participants do not have the privilege of sharing their screen. The users often give or request control through the admin or the organizer in charge of the ongoing meeting. This is important as it avoids unnecessary disruptions by users.  

When a presenter shares a screen, they retain full control of the screen and can quickly move through the apps. They also get to give control access of their screen to other users participating in the meeting, especially when the session is an interactive one and requires members' participation to answer questions or help in browsing through webpages and typing on the whiteboard.  

It is advisable only to give control to people you trust, especially when sharing an app, as they may send commands that could affect your computer. Furthermore, if you have sensitive apps on your computer, someone might get access to it and tamper with them though giving unnecessary commands.

How to give access to teams 

You can use remote access or give control feature in Microsoft Teams and give the user you are meeting the ability to manipulate your screen by clicking on things, editing, or typing. It is an effective way to make your Microsoft Teams live meetings more lively and interactive if done safely.  

  • You first start by sharing your screen by moving your mouse to the bottom middle corner of the screen during a meeting, choose chat control options, select share> and either share the desktop, window, PowerPoint, or browser.
  • A red border surrounds what you are sharing, and giving access; when you move your mouse at the top of the screen, a bar comes up, and you will see a drop-down arrow saying give control. Click on it and select the user you want to give control to.
  • Two pointers will appear on the screen, one with your initials and the other with the users' initials.

The access feature enables one to access files on the presenter's PC effortlessly. This means they can edit and help the presenter during a presentation to deliver a successful interactive meeting.

Furthermore, teams can share sensitive files during a meeting across different locations without necessarily having to worry about leaks of information provided you are working with trusted members. However, when unauthorized users gain access to the control feature, they can steal and destroy sensitive information. This is always a big challenge when giving control access to users.    

If you have questions on how to remotely control Microsoft Teams and are worried about its security contact us and we will give you an in-depth guidance. You can also visit our blog for more insightful posts.

mortvivant-2618 asked Jun 15, '21 | mortvivant-2618 edited Aug 4, '21

Hello,I'm using the Teams application through an RDP session and my webcam does not work.The camera is in the list of devices in the settings, but a black screen is displayed on the preview.The webcam works in Zoom, the Teams web app, but doesn't work in the Teams app.

On the client-side, my camera is ticked in the Video capture devices options of the RDP connection settings.

On the server-side in GPO Device and Resource Redirection and App Privacy options are enabled for camera and microphone.Since the camera works in other programs, the problem is most likely in Teams.

This issue persists in both deployment methods with ALLUSER=1 and ALLUSERS=1 parameters.

Does anyone have any idea how to solve this problem?




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