Weekday trong Python

Python’s DateTime module offers a wide range of time-handling functions that make life a breeze. However, there’s no direct method to return a plain-English representation of a weekday name. Fortunately, there are several easy ways to get there.

Table of Contents

Getting the Date + Weekday

Before we take a look at getting the weekday name, let’s consider how Python’s datetime class gets a date and, subsequently, determines the day of the week for said date. There’s nothing fancy about it—but it pays to know where you’re starting.

from datetime import datetime

# Create datetime object
date = datetime.now[]
>>> 2021-02-07 15:30:46.665318

# Get the weekday value, as an integer
>>> 6

This code illustrates how far the datetime class will get you before you have to start getting creative.  Before we move on, there are two things worth noting:

  • The weekday method assigns Monday the value 0
  • Another method, the isoweekday, assigns Sunday the value of 1

Check out the official documentation for more info. Now, knowing how to get an integer representation of the weekday for a given datetime object, we can start scheming on how to produce a plain-English version. Below are three approaches ranked in order of dependencies.

Method 1: Do it Manually

# Define a list of weekday names
days = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']

# Index using weekday int value

>>> Sunday

This approach offers the flexibility of being able to tweak weekday naming and order on-the-fly. Need to truncate the date names? Just edit the list. Need to start with Sunday? Just re-arrange it. Need to reverse the list for some strange reason? Just 

# Define a list of weekday names
days = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']

# Index using weekday int value

>>> Sunday
1 it!


  • No added dependencies
  • No added methods to remember
  • Flexibility for change
  • Explicit representation in code


  • More typing
  • Not immediately resistant to duplication issues [i.e. using it across a project]
  • The fear of typos

Method 2: Use Strftime

# Convert the integer to english representation

>>> Sunday

This method is, arguably, the most succinct. It’s a reasonable one-liner, doesn’t stray from the datetime class, and offers some flexibility once familiar with the .


  • No extra dependencies
  • One-liner possible
  • Semi-flexible
  • No fear of typos
  • Easy to integrate project-wide


  • Need to be familiar with
    # Define a list of weekday names
    days = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']
    # Index using weekday int value
    >>> Sunday
    3 to change format

Method 3: The Calendar Module

import calendar

# Convert using calender's day_name method

>>> Sunday

This is really just a round-about way to achieve the same result as the first method. The added benefit here is that someone else manages the weekday list [not really a burden in this case.] The

# Define a list of weekday names
days = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']

# Index using weekday int value

>>> Sunday
4 object is just a fancy list of all weekday names. Indexing into this object is the same as indexing into a manual list.


  • Built-in module
  • Lightweight dependency
  • Uses native Python syntax for indexing


  • Extra dependency
  • The syntax could be simpler

Final Thoughts

When I was first learning to code, one of the biggest surprises to me was how complex managing time and dates can be. The subtle length differences in months, leap years, converting

# Define a list of weekday names
days = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']

# Index using weekday int value

>>> Sunday
5 to
# Define a list of weekday names
days = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']

# Index using weekday int value

>>> Sunday
6—it seemed like wading into the deep end for what was such a peripheral task.

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