What does end = in python?

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    By default Python‘s print[] function ends with a newline. A programmer with C/C++ background may wonder how to print without a newline. Python’s print[] function comes with a parameter called ‘end‘. By default, the value of this parameter is ‘\n’, i.e. the new line character. 

    Example 1:

    Here, we can end a print statement with any character/string using this parameter. 


    print["Welcome to", end = ' ']

    print["GeeksforGeeks", end= ' ']


    Welcome to GeeksforGeeks

    Example 2: 

    One more program to demonstrate the working of the end parameter. 


    print["Python", end='@']




    Example 3:

    The print[] function uses the sep parameter to separate the arguments and ends after the last argument.


    print['G','F', sep='', end='']


    print['09','12','2016', sep='-', end='\n']

    print['Red','Green','Blue', sep=',', end='@']




    So, I'm struggling trying to understand this kinda simple exercise

    def a[n]:
        for i in range[n]:
            for j in range[n]:
                if i == 0 or i == n-1 or j == 0 or j == n-1:
                    print[' ',end='']

    which prints an empty square. I tought I could use the code

                print["*", ''*[n-2],"*"]

    to print the units in between the upper and the lower side of the square but they won't be aligned to the upper/lower side ones, which doesn't happen if you run the first code... so... could this be because of end='' or print[] [would you be so kind and tell me what do they mean?]?

    asked Dec 4, 2013 at 10:13


    Check the reference page of print. By default there is a newline character appended to the item being printed [end='\n'], and end='' is used to make it printed on the same line.

    And print[] prints an empty newline, which is necessary to keep on printing on the next line.

    EDITED: added an example.
    Actually you could also use this:

    def a[n]:
        print['*' * n]
        for i in range[n - 2]:
            print['*' + ' ' * [n - 2] + '*']
        if n > 1:
            print['*' * n] 

    answered Dec 4, 2013 at 10:20


    13.9k4 gold badges33 silver badges49 bronze badges


    In Python 3.x, the end=' ' is used to place a space after the displayed string instead of a newline.

    please refer this for a further explanation.

    answered Dec 4, 2013 at 10:25

    Nilani AlgiriyageNilani Algiriyage

    29.6k31 gold badges82 silver badges119 bronze badges


    spam = ['apples', 'bananas', 'tofu', 'cats']
        i = 0
        for i in range[len [spam]]:
            if i == len[spam] -1:
                print ['and', spam[i]]
            elif i == len [spam] -2:
                print [spam [i], end=' ']
                print [spam [i], end=', ']

    So I'm new to this whole coding thing, but I came up with this code. It's probably not as sophisticated as the other stuff, but it does the job.

    spam = ['apples', 'bananas', 'tofu', 'cats']    
    def fruits[]:
        i = 0
        while i != len[spam]:
            if len[spam] != i :
                print ['and', spam[i]]
                i += 1   

    try this!

    answered Sep 27, 2017 at 14:52

    print[] uses some separator when it has more than one parameter. In your code you have 3 ["" is first, ''[n-2] - second, "*" -third]. If you don't want to use separator between them add sep='' as key-word parameter.

    print["*", ' '*[n-2], "*", sep=''] 

    answered Dec 4, 2013 at 10:25

    Andrey ShokhinAndrey Shokhin

    10.3k1 gold badge17 silver badges15 bronze badges

    use this to understand

    for i in range[0,52]:
        print[5*"fiof" ,end=" "]

    just put different things here in end and also use with sep

    Suraj Rao

    29.1k11 gold badges95 silver badges100 bronze badges

    answered Sep 21, 2021 at 10:19

    print['\n'.join['*{}*'.format[[' ' if 0

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