What is a range error in javascript?

The RangeError[] constructor creates an error when a value is not in the set or range of allowed values.


new RangeError[]
new RangeError[message]
new RangeError[message, options]
new RangeError[message, fileName]
new RangeError[message, fileName, lineNumber]

RangeError[message, options]
RangeError[message, fileName]
RangeError[message, fileName, lineNumber]

Note: RangeError[] can be called with or without new. Both create a new RangeError instance.


message Optional

Human-readable description of the error.

options Optional

An object that has the following properties:

cause Optional

A property indicating the specific cause of the error. When catching and re-throwing an error with a more-specific or useful error message, this property can be used to pass the original error.

fileName Optional Non-standard

The name of the file containing the code that caused the exception

lineNumber Optional Non-standard

The line number of the code that caused the exception


Using RangeError [for numeric values]

function check[n] {
  if [![n >= -500 && n = -500 && n 

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