What is the Medicare Part B Irmaa for 2023?

Medicare Costs for 2023 were announced on 09/27/2022 by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

Medicare Part B Premiums $170.10 $164.90
Part A Deductible [Inpatient Hospital] $1,556 $1,600
Part B Deductible [Physician’s Services] $233 $226
Hospital Coinsurance Days 61-90 $389 $400
Hospital Coinsurance Days 91-150 $778 $800
Skilled Nursing Facility Coinsurance $194.50 $200
High Deductible Plan F $2,490 TBD
Plan K Out of Pocket Maximum $6,220 TBD
Plan L Out of Pocket Maximum $3,110 TBD

2023 Medicare Part B Costs

The base premium for 2023 Medicare Part B is $164.90. Part B pricing is based on your income from 2 years prior; therefore, your 2023 Medicare Part B costs are based on your 2021 income tax filings. The increased premium over the based amount is called IRMAA and stands for Income-Related Monthly Adjustment AmountIRMAA is an additional amount that some people might have to pay along with their Medicare premium if their modified adjusted gross income [MAGI] is higher than a certain threshold. To avoid confusion, our chart below shows the entire premium you owe for your 2023 Medicare Part B Costs for each income bracket.

If your yearly income in 2021 was

In 2023

You Pay

File individual tax returnFile joint tax returnFile married & separate tax return
$97,000 or less $194,000 or less $97,000 or less $164.90
above $97,000 up to $123,000 above $194,000 up to $246,000 Not applicable $230.80
above $123,000 up to $153,000 above $246,000 up to $306,000 Not applicable $329.70
above $153,000 up to $183,000 above $306,000 up to $366,000 Not applicable $428.60
above $183,000 up to $500,000 above $366,000 up to $750,000 above $97,000 up to $403,000 $527.50
above $500,000 above $750,000 above $403,000 $560.50

Medicare Part D Costs

2023 Medicare Part D – Plan Costs


Initial Deductible $505
Initial Coverage Limit [ICL] $4,660
Out-of-Pocket Threshold [TrOOP] $7,400
Coverage Gap [Donut Hole] Between $4,660 and $7,400

2023 Medicare Part D – Premium Costs

Your Part D insurance company sets base Part D premiums. The average premium for 2023 is $31.50.

The increased premium over the based amount is called IRMAA and stands for Income-Related Monthly Adjustment AmountIRMAA is an additional amount that some people might have to pay along with their Medicare premium if their modified adjusted gross income [MAGI] is higher than a certain threshold.

The 2023 IRMAA premium below is what you will pay in addition to your Part D premium.

If your yearly income in 2021 was

In 2023

Your IRMAA is

File individual tax returnFile joint tax returnFile married & separate tax return
$97,000 or less $194,000 or less $97,000 or less $0
above $97,000 up to $123,000 above $194,000 up to $246,000 Not applicable $12.20
above $123,000 up to $153,000 above $246,000 up to $306,000 Not applicable $31.50
above $153,000 up to $183,000 above $306,000 up to $366,000 Not applicable $50.70
above $183,000 up to $500,000 above $366,000 up to $750,000 above $97,000 up to $403,000 $70.00
above $500,000 above $750,000 above $403,000 $76.40

2023 Medicare Advantage & Medigap Pricing

The insurance companies dictate Medicare Advantage Plans and Medigap plan pricing. We go into this more in our Medicare Advantage vs. Medigap article.

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