What is the method of psychological testing using this kind of image known as?

The format of a test can vary from pencil and paper tasks to computer-based ones. They include activities such as puzzle-solving, drawing, logic problem solving, and memory games.

Some tests also use techniques—known as projective techniques—which aim to access the unconscious. In these instances, the subject’s responses are analyzed through psychological interpretation and more complex algorithms than the non-projective techniques mentioned above. For example, the Rorschach test, popularly known as the ink-blot test can provide insight into the person’s personality and emotional functioning.

Psychological tests may also involve observing someone’s interactions and behavior. Based on the result of the test, an inference will be drawn about the individual’s inherent abilities and potential.

Discussing types of psychological tests, in general, can be complicated. Indeed, determining the best psychological tests used in the workplace can seem a daunting task.

But it doesn't need to be.

The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology — better known as SIOP — says that there are hundreds of psychological tests available to help employers in making decisions. But there are, essentially, just three different types of psychological tests used in the workplace. Once you know what types of psychological tests are available, and best for your business, or more specifically what types of psychological tests for an industrial setting or psychological test for employment are best suited for a small business, choosing the right one will be immeasurably easier.

What Is a Psychological Test for Employment?

Many local and international companies in both the private and public sector use pre-employment tests, as well as tests within their workforce as well, often a psychological test for employment, such as aptitude and personality tests, says the Institute of Psychometric Coaching. According to the Institute:

"These tests are as the most effective method to measure [a candidate's] ‘fit’, or match, for a position [they] apply for. These tests tell employers what they need to know, not just what [the job applicant] wants to share with them."

From an employer's perspective, or from the perspective of a small business owner or manager, a psychological test for employment can help determine whether a job applicant will make a good addition to the company. Hiring an employee can be an expensive process for a small business, and hiring the wrong employee can be a disaster.

Employers also administer these psychological tests to employees who are already part of the company workforce. For example, the Myers-Briggs [discussed in more detail below] is one of the psychological tests used for an industrial setting, to "increase employees’ understanding of individual differences and to promote better communication between members of work teams," according to Leslie A. Miller and Robert L. Lovler in "Foundations of Psychological Testing."

A psychological test for employment gives the business owner a chance to determine, as the Institute notes, whether the applicant is a good fit for the company. Does he have the right temperament or aptitude? Does he have the endurance or mental attitude to do a competent job for the company? There are various types of psychological assessments to help answer these questions before a company hires a new employee.

A psychological test administered to workers who are already employed at a company helps employers to no only foster better communication among employees but also determine which employees to promote and to what positions, as well as what what teams to place them on. Knowing the types of workplace assessments available can be a key component in helping a company hire or promote the right employees for their workplace needs and business culture.

What Are the Different Types of Psychological Tests for the Workplace?

Often called a pre-employment test, a psychological test for employment is a type of psychological assessment. According to SIOP, all types of psychological tests or all types of psychological tests for an industrial setting boil down to three areas:

  • Biographical data instruments, which often seek information on a candidate's leadership and teamwork skills, interpersonal skills, extraversion, and creativity through the use of questions about education, training, work experience, and interests to predict success on the job.  "Some biographical data instruments also ask about an individual's attitudes, personal assessments of skills, and personality," says SIOP.   

  • Cognitive ability tests, also called aptitude tests, which typically use questions or problems to measure a candidate's ability to learn quickly, and use logic, reasoning, reading comprehension and other mental abilities that are important for success in many different jobs.  These tests "assess a person's aptitude or potential to solve job-related problems by providing information about their mental abilities," says SIOP.

  • Personality tests, which try to measure a person's extraversion, conscientiousness, openness to new experiences, optimism, agreeableness, service orientation, stress tolerance, emotional stability, and initiative or proactivity.  "Personality tests typically measure traits related to behavior at work, interpersonal interactions, and satisfaction with different aspects of work," says SIOP.

The psychological tests for the workplace may go by various names, and some tests may combine elements from one or more of the above-listed types of tests, but most types of psychological assessments or types of workplace assessments fall into these categories.

What Are the Characteristics of Psychological Tests?

Psychological tests for the workplace are a subsection of all psychological tests, which themselves have specific characteristics. There are actually five characteristics of nearly all psychological tests, says Psychology Discussion.net, an online [and free] platform to help students and professionals share current information about psychology.

Aman Sharma, in an article titled, "5 Main Characteristics of a Good Psychological Test," published on the Psychology Discussion website, notes that the characteristics of psychological tests are:

  1. Objectivity: The test should be free of judgement regarding the ability, skill, knowledge, trait or potentiality to be measured and evaluated, say Sharma.

  2. Reliability: The test should deliver consistent results when administered to various individuals or groups over various periods of time. This means the test should be "trustworthy," says Sharma.

  3. Validity: The test should measure what it intends to measure. "For example, when an intelligent test is developed to assess the level of intelligence, it should assess the intelligence of the person, not other factors," says Sharma.

  4. Norms: The test should measure the average performance of a group [such as a group of applicants]. It gives a picture of the average standard of a particular sample, says Sharma. For a small business, for example, the firm's owner or managers would want to be sure the test shows which candidates are among the average [or norm], as well as above the norm.

  5. Predictability: The test must be predictable in the time required for completion, says Sharma.  The test should not be too lengthy and difficult to answer as well as score.

This last characteristic is particularly important for a business administering a psychological test for employment. A human resource department, for example, should know about how long an average, and even an above-average, applicant would take to complete the test.

How to Take a Psychological Test for a Job

It can be helpful for a small business to understand how an applicant would take a psychological test for a job. In other words: What would be the process of taking such a test from the job applicant's perspective?

A psychological test for a job, often called a psychometric test, is a standard, scientific method used to measure a person's mental capabilities and behavioral style, says the Institute of Psychometric Coaching These tests are designed to measure candidates' suitability for a role based on the required personality characteristics and aptitude. In other words, a psychological test for a job is designed, as noted, to see how well a candidate would fit in a business organization and how well she might be expected to both perform on the job and fit well into the company's culture.

Korn-Ferry, the world's No. 1 executive recruiting firm, says psychometric assessments, or psychological tests for a job, offer a deeper understanding of job candidates and identify the right person for the job. Gary Burnison, Korn-Ferry CEO, says in his 2018 book, Lose the Resume/Land the Job, that the best way for a candidate to take a psychological test for a job is to prepare ahead of time by taking his own self-assessment tests.

In the final chapter of the book, called Know Yourself, Burnison offers four self-assessment tests that allow a candidate to assess herself in term of traits [such as leadership or a desire to follow and take direction], drivers [such as factors that motivate a person to work and succeed], an competencies [such as resourcefulness as well as an ability and drive to plan, work hard, and be accountable].

Burnison says the best way to take a psychological test for a job is to first understand your strengths, drives, motivations, and weaknesses to see if you are a good match for the kind of position the company is offering. Self-assessment, ahead of time, is the key to being successful on a psychology test for a job, says Burinson. For example, if you know, after doing a series of self-assessments, that you prefer to show up at 8 a.m., take directions from a higher up, do your job competently and accurately, and then clock out at 5 p.m., you would likely not be the right candidate for a high-level executive position.

If, however, you wake up at 4 a.m. and can't wait to get the job by 6 a.m. — as Burnison does — and you enjoy creating a vision, delegating tasks, helping others to grow and succeed, and being committed to implementing a successful vision and mission for a company, then you might well be a good candidate for a high-level executive position.

What Are the Types of Psychological Assessment?

The types of psychological assessments companies can and should use fall into five types of tests, says Molly Owens writing on Tech.Co, a technology news and resources website. In an article titled, "Personality in the Workplace: Why It's Important and 5 Tests to Measure it," Owens notes the basic types of psychology assessments:

Myers Briggs: This well-known tool for mapping employee personalities is widely used by businesses as psychometric assessments administered to candidates during the pre-hiring process. The tests measures many of the traits discussed above: extroversion vs. introversion, intuition vs. sensing, thinking vs. feeling, and judging vs. perceiving. "Results from these tests place the employee into one of 16 personality types, which each have their own strengths and weaknesses," says Owens.

Big Five: Similar to Myers Brigs, this test measures five "dimensions of personality" that organizations look for in employees — extroversion, openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness and neuroticism — to try to provide insight into how a new hire or current employee interacts with coworkers, and manages work-related stress.

Occupational Interest Inventories: Businesses use these psychological tests to put employees into the right roles. An example of an Occupational Interest Inventory [or OII] is the Holland Code Career test, which measures how interested a job applicant, new hire, or a candidate for promotion is in different roles and tasks.

Disc Behavior Inventory: Also known by its acronym, DISC, this psychology test classifies candidates into four “styles” based on questions about their behaviors at work. "It helps organizations find out more about a candidate’s tendencies toward: dominance, influence, support, and control," says Owens.

Situation Judgement Tests: Also known by the acronym, STJs, these tests try to see how an employee interacts with customers or handles pressure in common difficult situations. Going beyond the other tests, STJs put prospective hires or employees in "realistic, simulated situations to find out which pre-loaded responses the employee feels are most or least effective," says Owens.

The Bottom Line

Regardless of the type of psychological test a small business uses in the workplace, the key is using an instrument that helps a firm find the candidate who best fits the organizational structure and culture. The types of psychological tests for the workplace may vary, but the key is understanding what type of workplace assessment is best for your business.

Whether you use a biographical data, cognitive ability, or personality test, or an instrument that combines these elements, using the right psychology test can help you hire or promote the right candidates, and avoid the disaster of bringing aboard the wrong kind of employee who can easily underperform and even damage morale at your firm.

What is the method of psychological testing using image known as?

The Rorschach test is used almost exclusively by psychologists. Forensic psychologists use the Rorschach 36% of the time. In custody cases, 23% of psychologists use the Rorschach to examine a child.

What is the method of psychological testing?

A psychological assessment can include numerous components such as norm-referenced psychological tests, informal tests and surveys, interview information, school or medical records, medical evaluation, and observational data. A psychologist determines what information to use based on the specific questions being asked.

What is the method of psychological testing using this kind?

Psychological tests can include formal, or “norm-referenced,” tests to measure your ability to comprehend different concepts. They can come in the form of checklists and questionnaires. Each test measure ensures the reliability, validity, and objectivity necessary to avoid bias in scoring or interpreting your results.

What are 3 types of psychological tests?

Psychological tests are classified into several types, including intelligence tests, aptitude tests, vocational tests, aptitude tests, and personality tests.

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