Which IAM feature allows users to interact with AWS services through AWS CLI?

The IAM best practices have been updated. As a best practice, require human users to use federation with an identity provider to access AWS using temporary credentials. An additional best practice recommendation is to require workloads to use temporary credentials with IAM roles to access AWS. IAM users are to be used only in very limited scenarios where an IAM role cannot be assumed. To learn about using AWS IAM Identity Center [successor to AWS Single Sign-On] to create users with temporary credentials, see Getting started in the AWS IAM Identity Center [successor to AWS Single Sign-On] User Guide.

An AWS Identity and Access Management [IAM] user is an entity that you create in AWS. The IAM user represents the human user or workload who uses the IAM user to interact with AWS;. A user in AWS consists of a name and credentials.

An IAM user with administrator permissions is not the same thing as the AWS account root user. For more information about the root user, see AWS account root user.

If you found this page because you are looking for information about the Product Advertising API to sell Amazon products on your website, see the Product Advertising API 5.0 Documentation.

How AWS identifies an IAM user

When you create a user, IAM creates these ways to identify that user:

  • A "friendly name" for the user, which is the name that you specified when you created the user, such as Richard or Anaya. These are the names you see in the AWS Management Console.

  • An Amazon Resource Name [ARN] for the user. You use the ARN when you need to uniquely identify the user across all of AWS. For example, you could use an ARN to specify the user as a Principal in an IAM policy for an Amazon S3 bucket. An ARN for an IAM user might look like the following:


  • A unique identifier for the user. This ID is returned only when you use the API, Tools for Windows PowerShell, or AWS CLI to create the user; you do not see this ID in the console.

For more information about these identifiers, see IAM identifiers.

Users and credentials

You can access AWS in different ways depending on the user credentials:

  • Console password: A password that the user can type to sign in to interactive sessions such as the AWS Management Console. Disabling the password [console access] for a user prevents them from signing in to the AWS Management Console using their user name and password. It does not change their permissions or prevent them from accessing the console using an assumed role.

  • Access keys: Used to make programmatic calls to AWS. However, there are more secure alternatives to consider before you create access keys for users. For more information, see in the AWS General Reference. If the user has active access keys, they continue to function and allow access through the AWS CLI, Tools for Windows PowerShell, AWS API, or the AWS Console Mobile Application.

  • SSH keys for use with CodeCommit: An SSH public key in the OpenSSH format that can be used to authenticate with CodeCommit.

  • Server certificates: SSL/TLS certificates that you can use to authenticate with some AWS services. We recommend that you use AWS Certificate Manager [ACM] to provision, manage, and deploy your server certificates. Use IAM only when you must support HTTPS connections in a region that is not supported by ACM. To learn which regions support ACM, see AWS Certificate Manager endpoints and quotas in the AWS General Reference.

You can choose the credentials that are right for your IAM user. When you use the AWS Management Console to create a user, you must choose to at least include a console password or access keys. By default, a brand new IAM user created using the AWS CLI or AWS API has no credentials of any kind. You must create the type of credentials for an IAM user based on the needs of your user.

Take advantage of the following options to administer passwords, access keys, and MFA devices:

  • Manage passwords for your IAM users. Create and change the passwords that permit access to the AWS Management Console. Set a password policy to enforce a minimum password complexity. Allow users to change their own passwords.

  • Manage access keys for your IAM users. Create and update access keys for programmatic access to the resources in your account.

  • You can enhance the security of the user's credentials by enabling multi-factor authentication [MFA] for the user. With MFA, users have to provide two forms of identification: First, they provide the credentials that are part of their user identity [a password or access key]. In addition, they provide a temporary numeric code that's generated on a hardware device or by an application on a smartphone or tablet.

  • Find unused passwords and access keys. Anyone who has a password or access keys for your account or an IAM user in your account has access to your AWS resources. The security best practice is to remove passwords and access keys when users no longer need them.

  • Download a credential report for your account. You can generate and download a credential report that lists all IAM users in your account and the status of their various credentials, including passwords, access keys, and MFA devices. For passwords and access keys, the credential report shows how recently the password or access key has been used.

Users and permissions

By default, a brand new IAM user has no permissions to do anything. The user is not authorized to perform any AWS operations or to access any AWS resources. An advantage of having individual IAM users is that you can assign permissions individually to each user. You might assign administrative permissions to a few users, who then can administer your AWS resources and can even create and manage other IAM users. In most cases, however, you want to limit a user's permissions to just the tasks [AWS actions or operations] and resources that are needed for the job.

Imagine a user named Diego. When you create the IAM user Diego, you can create a password for that user. You also attach permissions to the IAM user that let him launch a specific Amazon EC2 instance and read [GET] information from a table in an Amazon RDS database. For procedures on how to create users and grant them initial credentials and permissions, see Creating an IAM user in your AWS account. For procedures on how to change the permissions for existing users, see Changing permissions for an IAM user. For procedures on how to change the user's password or access keys, see Managing user passwords in AWS and Managing access keys for IAM users.

You can also add a permissions boundary to your users. A permissions boundary is an advanced feature that allows you to use AWS managed policies to limit the maximum permissions that an identity-based policy can grant to a user or role. For more information about policy types and uses, see Policies and permissions in IAM.

Users and accounts

Each IAM user is associated with one and only one AWS account. Because users are defined within your AWS account, they don't need to have a payment method on file with AWS. Any AWS activity performed by users in your account is billed to your account.

The number and size of IAM resources in an AWS account are limited. For more information, see IAM and AWS STS quotas, name requirements, and character limits.

Users as service accounts

An IAM user is a resource in IAM that has associated credentials and permissions. An IAM user can represent a person or an application that uses its credentials to make AWS requests. This is typically referred to as a service account. If you choose to use the long-term credentials of an IAM user in your application, do not embed access keys directly into your application code. The AWS SDKs and the AWS Command Line Interface allow you to put access keys in known locations so that you do not have to keep them in code. For more information, see in the AWS General Reference. Alternatively, and as a best practice, you can .

What will IAM users use to authenticate themselves when using AWS CLI?

Although an IAM user requires a password to access an AWS service's console, that same IAM user requires an access key pair to perform the same operations using the AWS CLI. All other short-term credentials are used in the same way they are used with the console.

Which command is used when working with the AWS CLI?

To confirm the installation, use the aws –version command at a command prompt.

Which IAM entity can be used for assigning permissions to AWS services?

You should use IAM roles to grant access to your AWS accounts by relying on short-term credentials, a security best practice. Authorized identities, which can be AWS services or users from your identity provider, can assume roles to make AWS requests. To grant permissions to a role, attach an IAM policy to it.

Which AWS CLI command is used to authenticate to AWS?

If you use profiles to authenticate commands using the AWS CLI, specify the --profile option followed by the profile name to verify that the calls authenticate using MFA. For example, this command uses the default profile credentials and isn't authenticated with MFA.

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