Which of the following is true about the relationship between reliability and validity quizlet?

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Terms in this set [23]


the desired phenomena being measured


how consistent is the data
-research design

Research Design

a. Validity - how well can we generalize from the sample to the population
b. Reliability - is the data collected accurate [& complete] for the sample


a. Validity - are the things we want to measure being measures?
b. Reliability - how consistent [stable] are the measurements

Validity and Reliability may also be discussed in terms of..

Internal Validity or Internal Reliability
External Validity or external Reliability

Internal Validity or Internal Reliability

[within the specific study or research design]

External Validity or external Reliability

in relation to the larger population

The relationship between reliability and validity

"you can have a test that is reliable, but one that is not valid. However, you cannot have a valid test without it first being reliable.

Cronbach's alpha minimum acceptable level


Sensitivity and Specificity

This refers to the proportion of people who truly have the condition or do not have a certain condition. There are most commonly applied to the diagnostic tests.

Concurrent Validity

The degree of correlation with another standardized instrument. A new test may be derived secondary to decreased time and decreased cost than another validated instrument.

External Validity

The degree to which the results of a study can be generalized to a target population. External validity depends on the representativeness of a sample and the rigor of an experiment. Replication of a study producing consistent results increases the external validity. -Make sure sample is large enough to generalize

Discriminant Validity

shows the measures of constructs that theoretically should not be related to each other are, in fact, observed to not be related to each other. [i.e.: You should be able to discriminate between dissimilar constructs]. *You need to show that measures that should not be related are in reality not related.

Predictive Validity

The level of testing or measuring instrument that can predict future performance, functioning, or behavior. For example, the Scholastic Aptitude Test [SAT] is tested for predictive validity in its ability to predict academic success in college. Predictive validity could be measured over time.

Representational Validity

Involves gathering evidence that the measure really assesses what it is supposed to assess. Does it tap behavior or construct as intended by its developer? If behavior is being assessed, this form of validation is synonymous with accuracy. An accurate measure, by definition, is one for which the scores are determined by the phenomenon being assessed, not something else. When a hypothetical construct is the subject matter, representational validity provides evidence that the trait or construct determines the test scores.

Convergent Validity

The test results should correlate highly with another measure of the same variable or construct; infer degree if agreement measuring the same trait with two different tests of the same trait or construct.

Content Validity

Measures how well the items represent the entire universe of items. For example, do the questions on a survey assess what you want them to assess. Content validity is established by asking an expert about the items of the survey [do they assess what you want them to assess]. It is used to establish the trustworthiness of results from a test or an assessment tool

Criterion-Related Validity

The ability to determine performance on one test based on the performance on another test; the degree of agreement between two tests; determines the accuracy of prediction which is obtained by squaring the validity coefficient [r2], which tells us how much variance the prediction variable is able to explain.

Internal Validity

The quality of an experimental design such that the results obtained are attributed to the manipulation of the independent variable. In other words, if what you see is a function of what you did, then the experiment has internal validity.


1. The truthfulness or accuracy within the score of a test or interpretation of an experiment.
2. The extent to which a test measures what it is intended to measure

Test-Retest Reliability

A common way to determine whether a test is reliable. The same test is administered twice. The tests result in the same score.

Alternate-Form Reliability

Offers a solution to the problem of temporal stability. For evaluations of the type just described, it is preferable to use two different forms of the same measure. One can be administered before services are provided, and the other after they are completed. Alternate-Forms are produce by staring with a large pool of items related to the characteristics being assessed.

Intra-Rater Reliability

Obtaining the same results each time the same person gives the test.

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Myers' Psychology for the AP Course

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Which of the following is true about the relationship between validity and reliability?

Correct answer is: A valid test must be reliable. A valid test must be reliable.

What is the relationship between reliability and validity quizlet?

What is the difference between reliability & validity? Reliability: The test measures one and only one thing [precisely]. Validity: The test measures what it is supposed to measure.

What is the relationship between validity and reliability of test?

A test can be reliable without being valid. However, a test cannot be valid unless it is reliable. Another way to think of it is that a test can give a consistent, poor result. However, it cannot give a good result unless it is consistent.

What is the relationship between reliability and construct validity?

Construct validity is a complex concept that investigates how an item actually performs in relationship to other variables. I suggest you read the Wikipedia article on this topic. In contrast, reliability looks at the extent to which a set of items all measure the same underlying construct.

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